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Everything posted by Hushups

  1. I don't know which is more annoying, threads where people are talking about why they are quitting or threads like this one. If no one cares that someone is quitting (which seems to be the case given how many threads that are made about it) then no one cares either if you're happy that they are.
  2. In WoW the starter area isn't really that big it's just that you slowly transition out of it. Blizzard does a good job of easing you out into the world. SWTOR is much more sectional. You will play in an area that is your level and then leave. There is no feeling of transition or slowly exploring outward. You go from planet to planet.
  3. Tough nuggets, little troll. Everyone gets their first 30 days to say what they like about the game. If it upsets you so much you might want to consider staying away from the forums.
  4. The only thing that might change is volume of posts, not quality. If anything the complainers who will be left will be paying customers, so they'll be making their voices heard. But all in all, forums exist for people to complain. There is no real function behind setting up a place feel people to log in and just heap praise upon you as a developer, unless you've got some sort of complex.
  5. I don't hate competitive gaming, I just have zero interest in it. You wanna scream and yell and play 6 hours a day to beat some guy on the other side of the internet, please be my guest. I'll be over here in my care bear corner enjoying myself via my own preferred play style.
  6. But this is bad, right? Devs have been told repeatedly by the true fans of this game to not listen to the whiners, as they will only work to bring the game down. So by doing this, by Bioware listening to players and making them happy, aren't they now ruining the game for their players?
  7. So we can't use user reviews, because those are unreliable. And we can't even use user sentiment to decide an enjoyment factor, because of your 80% Transformers comment. So all that is left to determine whether or not someone is going to enjoy something is based on "real" reviews? So that must mean everyone here enjoys WoW more than SWTOR, right? Since that's how the "real" reviews break it down? The point that I'm trying to make and you're trying to miss is that reviews, of any sort, are essentially irrelevant. I don't care how many Halo games win game of the year, I don't like Halo. No amount of reviewing is going to change that. I imagine there are plenty of people here who feel the same way about WoW, despite the "positive reviews" it gets. The only review that matters is YOUR review.
  8. Right. Your opinion is correct, anything contrary is wrong. Pretty much what I figured.
  9. No, by my logic that means 80% of the people liked it. This is not complicated.
  10. Fair enough, then all of the 10 reviews on there are not accurate either, right? Oh no, no no no... 10's are probably perfectly acceptable for you because that makes this game "good" even though it completely discounts any point you're trying to make here.
  11. There are as many fanboy reviews as there are hater reviews, go take a look for yourself. I know you won't because it somehow matters to you, but you should at least consider the idea that not everyone thinks that this is an amazing game and no amount of professional reviewing is going to change that.
  12. Deleting canceled accounts would be MMO suicide. Your account is not deleted when you cancel.
  13. The metacritic review based on publications is 87/100. The metacritic review based on users is 6.1 The people who are playing the game decide how good it is. You could post 10 links to websites that state this game is 100/100, hands down the best game ever made in gaming history, without debate. Guess what? It doesn't matter if the people who are playing the game don't like it. Why is it so hard for people to understand that some of us like this game and some of us don't? Reviews have zero impact on YOUR GAMEPLAY.
  14. I don't think I've got MMO burnout. I'm back on EQ2 and having just as much fun as I've ever had in that game, maybe even a bit more so (it being familiar and all). No, SWTOR falls into the category of 'disappointing' for me, unfortunately. I'll check back in 6 months, see how things are looking then.
  15. I was charged $60 to post for 30 days in this forum.
  16. I don't think I've ever expected to dance my way out of damage in any newly released MMO.
  17. PCGamer giving this game a 93/100 changes everything. I now like this game and will sign up for a 1 year subscription.
  18. According to all of the computer programmers that roam these forums, it takes a REALLY REALLY long time to get stuff like this straightened out. And since they're all experts in the programming field, I would not disagree with them on this. So, dance your *** off. Make love not war.
  19. We're not leaving because the forums are the last bit of entertainment we can get out of our somewhat wasted $60. And even though you think all complaints will cease once the free 30 days are over... they won't. MMO forums never go without complaints. If anything, it's going to be worse. Because it's going to be paying customers who are now complaining. Paying customers who have not yet given up on this game and want reasons to not give up on this game. And of course, it's a two way street. We can just leave and go away, you can also stay away from the forums entirely, yada yada...
  20. Alpha and beta? I'm not sure what different types of radiation have to do with programming. Oh my, computers ARE complicated!
  21. As a programmer, do you know of any sort of way to find bugs like this? Is there some sort of testing phase or something that you can go through or do you just have to cross your fingers and hope everything works out?
  22. May as well congratulate your plumber for getting done 3 hours early when he didn't even fix the problem you called him out for. But hey, he cleaned the mirror! Thanks bro!
  23. In general MMOs always keep your characters intact so that you have at least something to return to should the mood strike you. So, yeah, they'll be here... er, there ::waves hands towards the nothingness::
  24. Welcome to the end game: SWTOR General Forums.
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