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Everything posted by Hushups

  1. I also suppose you're too stubborn to try a server that has a light population?
  2. The people who are complaining about server ques and too many people need to get together with those who are complaining about this game being a single player MMO that is void of other characters.
  3. I've cancelled. It's not because I dislike the game or anything but I am already bored with it. Once I came to understand that this is every other MMO I've played in the last 6 years, the newness of the voice acting and choices (that have only a minor impact to the story at best) wore off. At this point I'd much rather sit through every cut scene and decision option and not even play the actual game. Love the voice acting, really like the story, enjoy the twists that decisions bring, bored with absolutely everything else. I might come back in 6 months but not likely. This is not the revolutionary MMO I am looking for. Moving on.
  4. Take it into battle and heave it heal you. You'll hear it 9 times a fight.
  5. As of now, from what I know, this cannot be disabled. If you find otherwise please let me know because I hate it too.
  6. OP, you seem to think that we all have to stick it out and just wait for the game to get better. Why aren't you advising people to cancel and return in 6-9 months when things are more fleshed out? There is no reason for people to pay to play if they are unhappy and there is nothing wrong with saving $100 or so while the game gets to a level of desired enjoyment. The bragging rights of "dealing with the launch" aren't much to brag about.
  7. 23 days actually. I canceled today and that's my time remaining.
  8. There is no way this is true. My 4 year old machine that cost $1k four years ago doesn't see loading times of 5 minutes. Tops has been 60-70 seconds to load in. And my $40 comcast connection gives me a ping ranging from 20-40ms. You have done something very very wrong to your computer.
  9. http://www.torhead.com is making a good start. It's the same people who run wowhead if you're familiar with that at all. It's only in the beginning stages but they've got tree calculators and what not.
  10. I still don't know how players are having this issue. I can't go anywhere without seeing other players.
  11. Damage meters are only used for optimizing output or stroking the epeen. The epeen thing everyone knows about. The optimizing part sounds good on the surface, but it slowly erodes the game down to mush. Optimizing is what leads to cries for class X to be nerfed when compared to class Y. Optimizing is what leads to skill tree choices being removed and made into trainable skills so that all DPS classes are viable. Optimizing is what forces people to spec a certain way in order to get into the raid they want to be a part of, which in turn makes all other specs essentially useless. Optimizing is what makes every DPS class fit into the same slot, regardless of what the class is. But you can't blame players for optimizing in a game where everything is based on percent chance. Optimizing is the only logical thing to do. You want a higher chance of your attacks being successful. You want a higher percentage of damage being done. You want a lower percent chance of bad things happening to you. Until MMO's use an actual skill based attack and defend system this issue will never go away.
  12. I've been grouped for about half of my play time so far in this game. I don't really understand how (seemingly) so many people are feeling like this game is just you running around alone. Playing on a light server to get away from ques or something? No idea. ANd how is that different from all of the other MMO's where people just run around doing everything solo? And it's sad too, because one of the things I like most about this game is being in a group during a stroyline section and seeing what other people choose in comparison with what I chose, and seeing how the outcomes are different. Multiplayer cutscenes = good times.
  13. I've only had minor issues finding groups late at night. Outside of that time frame I've spent maybe 5 minutes tops looking for a group or waiting for the one I'm in to fill out before starting a flashpoint.
  14. The GTN has been the only thing in this game to disappoint me so far. It seems like making a search table would be the easiest part of making an MMO, but w/e. It'll get improved upon and then I'll forget I even had these issues in the first place.
  15. I remember waiting in ques for WoW back in the day and how everyone said that it was going to cause the game to fail.
  16. I agree 100%. This is by far the most fun I've had in an MMO in a long time. It's nice to play an actual game on the way to a level cap rather than just mindlessly grinding as fast as I can so that I can "start playing the game." At this rate if I never hit level 50 I will be totally fine with it.
  17. "WHY DID YOU LET ME DIE I HAD TOP DPS!!!" "I let you die because you were so busy staring at your DPS meter that you were oblivious to the fire you were standing in." DPS meters are available in WoW. Please go play WoW.
  18. I know I''ll be playing it for years, so that''s all that matters to me. If I can enjoy an MMO this much at launch I can only imagine where the game is gonna be after a year of further polish.
  19. I've really enjoyed the game so far. I wasn't in the beta and basically did no research on this game prior to playing it, so there has been a lot for me to learn on my way to level 14. But these first 14 levels have been better than any other MMO I've ever played. At no point did I feel like I needed to grind to a certain level in order to start enjoying myself. The storylines have been engaging and the gameplay fun. At this point I don't even care if I reach the level cap, I really don't even need to. The game is fun at level 8.
  20. Dec 5th here. We'll be playing by the weekend, fret not.
  21. Drama queens and spoiled brats are canceling (or saying they are even know everyone damn well knows that they're not). The rest of us are waiting patiently and will be happy to get in before Dec 20th.
  22. I imagine that a lot of the employees are feeling pretty ashamed about the kind of fan base that is following this game and the entitlement behavior that they seem to display in regards to it. I can see the water cooler conversation already... "We should've never made this game. It was a mistake. We thought that the WoW nerds were bad, but they've only been like that for maybe ten years tops! These people have been Star Wars nerds for their entire lives! We've opened Pandora's Box!" ::drops cup of water and flees the building::
  23. I've watched a couple videos while eatin' dinner and I've seen the same sort of thing. Just some dork (yes, dork) Jedi running around all by himself, maybe a couple people standing near a quest giver or something. Not a lot of activity.
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