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Posts posted by Wiggletphyre

  1. Keep in mind the Republic was 25,000 years old thats 5 times older then our oldest civilizations too! so a lot of the stuffs in the movies could have been based on ancient things and with the invention of the hyperspace drive pretty much what technology could be found could have been discovered thousands of years ago i think :-) as they say the game is fantasy more then sci fi :-)


    In ancient Alexandria they already had knowledge of Hydraulics something that we didn't really rediscover untill like the 19th century. And some ancient greek 3000 years ago already invented something that made use of steam power, but he did not see how he could harness this creation and only used it for show.


    Point is that Technology gets lost and forgotten or people discover it and do not see there full potential.

  2. There are also scientific errors in Star Wars as well, that a more "hard" sci-fi story probably wouldn't have made. For instance, in the movies, you hear them talking about jumping to light speed. First of all, it is not possible for any object with mass to travel at "c". (c is the variable used in physics denoting the speed of light. Only massless particles such as photons can travel at c).


    I was watching "Empire Strikes Back" a while back and heard an imperial commander say "they jumped to light speed, they are probably at the other side of the galaxy by now." Hardly. Even if you could travel at "c", it would still take you 4 years to get from earth to our nearest star. A mere blip in the size of the galaxy. If you wanted to travel across our galaxy, it would take you roughly 100,000 years at "c".


    But there's another problem. Einstein's relativity tells us that time is not universal, but only relative to your reference frame. The faster you move, the slower time ticks for YOU relative to someone outside looking in. So, if you accelerated to 90% the speed of "c" and went to our nearest star and back, it would take you 10 years YOUR time. But when you got back to earth everyone you know will be long dead and thousands of years would have passed. Yes, you would have essentially traveled forward in time. This is not disputable, it has been proven mathematically and by countless experiments since 1905. Physicists didn't want to believe it for years, but the data is plenty. You will find this info in any introductory physics class or in any physics text book, btw.


    My point is, physics would limit what happens in Star Wars dramatically. So if you are told by a Jedi council member that you better hurry and get to Tython, by the time you get there, it will be thousands of years later to THEM, but maybe only a couple of years to YOU.


    Obviously, physics puts a dent in making it feasible for a civilization to control a whole galaxy. The only way around the "light speed" barrier would be to find a short-cut, like a wormhole. But that's another story that could go for many pages in this thread.


    A galaxy far far away, it might aswell be a different dimension where the rules of physics don't apply...


    Seeing how there is a theory that for every event there is a universe created to accommodate each possible outcome.


    Now that I think about it if you throw the dice an infinite times there is a possibility that the dice have rolled in such an order that the Star wars universe might be Reality in a galaxy far far away...


    Besides, I could claim the world we live in is a MMO called World of Worldcraft, and no scientist would be able to deny it. Hell they would probably even have to declare it plausible when they think about it >.>


    Btw. when did you hear Einstein talk about "The Force"?

  3. Who felt that it was a good idea to put level 50s into the warzones with people at levels 10+? Also, shouldn't it be divided up every 10 levels. Do you really feel that the current warzone system is fair for lower level players?


    Yeah because that is going to make it very fun to PvP with your friends when you are forced to powerlevel/stop leveling to stay in the same bracket as them...


    So yeah it was a good Idea to implement it in its current state at launch they can always create a 50's only bracket when ppl start getting PvP gear and most people have levelled up

  4. I understand everyone wants to go from place to place the fastest way possible and they wanna show off how cool they are, but half the population of on the fleet riding on their speeders honestly just looks really dumb.


    In a month practically everyone will have a speeder in some form, so this problems is going to be more and more aesthetically catastrophic is time goes by. It just is laughable.


    Maybe i just need to go join to RP server.


    On commercial cargo freighters it common for people to ride bicycles around the ship and seeing how space ships are probably far bigger it wouldn't be to strange to use speeders to get around.

  5. Yes, trading keeps for the buffs is a great idea. Also, the class balance was wonderful.



    I had a small army follow me as I was capping points while solo. They didn't try to stop me once. Why? Because they couldn't proceed on their daily if they stopped me.


    Mutually Assured Progress is not a valid PvP design. It hinders pvp and rewards not pvping.


    If I provide a soccer ball and a soccer field does this automaticly leed to people starting to play soccer? No it doesn't. People will start playing soccer when they feel like it.


    Now I can offer a reward for people that come to play soccer, but that means they will only show up when they get a reward.


    The point I'm making is that Game developers can't force people to PvP, it has to come from the players self. And you say that you had a small army following your around? Well attack them? Or isn't it fun when your the one being outnumbered?

  6. Let me explain the zone first.


    There are 5 objectives. Each faction can cap and control each objective at any time, they aren't linked in anyway. When you cap an objective, you get a stacking buff (up to 5 stacks) that increases the valor gain in warzones (up to 200 with max stacks.) This buff lasts 30 mins. Also, there is daily for taking control of 5 objectives. That is the only way to complete it.


    So, in short, to get the buff and complete the daily, you have to let the enemy succeed in capping the points. There is no reason to pvp at all in the zone. You get no valor or no commendations for pvping. You actually hurt yourself by stopping them from capping points.


    Who designed this? Who thought this was a good idea? Did you not pay attention Warhammer at all?


    Mutually assured progress is a terrible, terrible design and gameplay concept. It's like you guys designed this zone to only look good in promo video. If this is the future of the world pvp in the game, you will be losing subs left and right.


    I shouldn't have the opposing faction getting on level 1 alts and asking me to flip the nodes so they can complete their daily.


    I hope that what you mean is that they should have teken idea's from warhammer. Because if your saying that the PvP in that game was bad your destroying your own credibility since the PvP was the only reason people kept playing that despite the lag, bugs and other stuff...


    Btw you do realise that it is the players that make the PvP good, the game should only provide them with some tools

  7. Best graphics in an MMO yet? Guild Wars 2


    Good (hopefully excellent on release) gameplay and extremely innovative combat (can block, dodge, combine with other classes for additional affect or even enviroment elements)? Guild Wars 2


    Decent UI on release? Guild Wars 2


    Comlete innovation in PvE enviroment (voice acted, no text AND no collect 5 quests, 1500+ quests of full player interaction with enviroment and other players)? Guild Wars 2


    Epic WvWvW PvP and a real competitive arena PvP too? Guild Wars 2




    What's the problem, OP?


    Can you please tell me how you build that time machine?

  8. First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


    Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


    My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


    The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


    For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


    While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


    Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication and such a desire to just like the game I should post.


    There is your problem. Good thing I wasn't even interested in the game until December, loling at how the majority of there budget whent to voice acting etc.


    But hey i´m enjoying the game now

  9. he got pushed out the window by anakin, whiney *****, skywalker.


    No, we was NOT ******.


    Can we please pretend episode I II III and the ewok part of VI don't exist. This game will me much more enjoyable when jedi masters dont get beaten by emo kids and when Emperial troopers don't get taken out by teddibears >.>

  10. - It stats with dual spec. so you can heal and still be awesome DPS.

    - Then people complain that the dungeons are to hard and they get nerfed

    - then class X is OP in PvP and ppl QQ untill it gets nerfed

    - Then people complain that the dungeons are to easy and there need to be harder ones.

    - After that class X is Under Powered and ppl QQ so it gets buffed.

    - And ofc then people are QQing that that DPS stole his Healing gear and that bioware needs to make it so that they cant need on it.

    - Whilst where at it the Underpopulated side loses badly in PvP and the Over populated side demands that Bioware forces them to get slaughterd for the entire match without being a ble to leave

    - etc.


    Keep Whining guys, your only going to make this game more Awesome like WoW!

  11. Start locking up some servers so there are not 2 hour+ wait times, sure this was to be expected but why let more and more people make toons on servers when only so many can play at a time, maybe have a "recommended" server so if people not in guilds get redirected to another server as most people just keep clicking next.



    Expecting lock in...


    Yeah because people playing with friends is way less important then you getting in 2 secs faster amirite?

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