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Posts posted by Wiggletphyre

  1. I think the ball carrier in Huttbal shouldn't be allowed to use abilities like force leap or force speed. Basically any ability that gives speed or allows greater movement shouldn't be usable when you carry the ball. It gives a too great advantage in huttball.


    Yeah! Lets make it about who has the tankyest tank, the spammiest healers and the most "Lol ur down now you got to run for 5 mins more to get back up here! Knockbacks!


    Man that **** is going to be awesome!!1one!!!!

  2. im a sentinel, i can just do 1thing, thats dmg. so should i get less medals than a hybrid?


    Who would heal or tank with randoms if you did get the same amount?


    And this brings us to the dilemma: would you be able to get that much medals without someone healing our guarding you?


    Think about it...

  3. People are joining heroics wearing greens although lvl 49-50 epic items are cheap and plentiful on AH.


    They get away with it because there are no DPS meters. It's hard to find good people for PUGs.


    Please add damage meters to the game to improve the quality of players.


    Remember good ppl names and add them to your friends list. Problem solved


    Besides good gear and high dps doesn't mean there smart enough to move out of the fire so it doesnt solve the problem anyways...

  4. Right now... everything is pretty retarded on all servers. Just about every server is Empire heavy. I've talked to my guild.. they wouldn't mind going to Republic if we didn't have to reroll all our toons. Bioware you need to offer guilds free faction xfers if they wish to faction change. Right now on Darth Malak server all we ever get for pvp is huttball because there simply isn't enough Republic on the server. We need free faction changes....


    Because the story will totally make sense to you then right?


    They have to implement cross faction story continuity before they can implement faction changes...

  5. As of right now, this game is nowhere near finished. Not having very basic things like a combat log, target of target window, scaling UI, a grouping system, a way to add friends when they are offline (***??), and clunky combat system just kill the entire experience. How can ANY modern MMO not have simple stuff like this?


    I REALLY, REALLY wanted to like this game, but it's just not finished. The questing system, the way the map tells you a TON of information, the graphics, all of those things go to waste when some of the very basic things are either outright missing, have outdated mechanics or just don't work. I personally would have preferred that they wait another year and add in the rest of the stuff that should already be there.


    They may get around to it, but I hope it won't be too late. Until then : http://i42.tinypic.com/iykenr.png :( :(


    So what your saying is that the car is driving, but the Led that tells you your radio is on is not working so your going to return the car and never drive it again?



  6. As the Title Says

    If you had to reroll what class would you be, knowing what you know now?

    And what class do you feel sorry for in pvp?


    I play a vanguard but I'd reroll a Sorc


    And I feel for sentinels/Mara. They just get targeted in WZs haha they have a flag on them saying kite me and they got no knock back. That's one class that needs some love


    I don't reroll, rerolling is for the skill less and the uninformed...

  7. LITERALLY a tank could put guard on a healer on a objective in Alderon and afk for breakfast and get 6 medals. without moving or using another ability.


    Guard on who? and how would he out heal guard damage? and why wouldnt they kill the AFKer?


    Healers can get lots of medals standing in the acid in huttball healing themselves? so what's your point?

  8. so what your saying is the tank gets medals for doing his job. and a healer who heals the entire game keeping that tank up should only get less than half of what he got.


    Tell me what the healer loses by keeping that tank up? Is he taking 50% of the damage of the tank? Nope


    Btw a healer that's only healing is like a tank only guarding and reducing damage, and guess what tanks only get 4 medals for that to. So should I come here QQing on the forums because I refuse to do damage?






    1: 75k dmg

    2: 2.5k single hit

    3: 10kills

    4: 25kills

    5: 1 killing blow

    6: 1 solo kill

    7: 2.5k single heal

    8: 5k single heal(Go Go Expertise buff + Medpack)

    9: 5k defense

    10: 50k defense

    11: 2k defense in 1 life

    12: 10k defense in 1 life

    13: 1k defender points

    14: 3k defender points


    This tank/hybrid is always getting 12-14 medals in games. In what world can a healer do such a thing? The gear disparity is going to get crazy...


    As a healer I can get between 6-8medals, and that's if I TRY HARD and avoid doing some of the objectives.


    /discuss medals some more.


    p.s. Yes Im mad.


    At least hes on my team, my wing man!


    Do you realise how hard a tank has to work to get those medals? And how much more easier he is making it for the team to win and the healers to heal?


    Besides there are some between there that require luck or optimal conditions


    Why are there FOUR medals for defense, but two for everything else? And a tank can get them all. Yup... flawed.


    Because a tank is sacrificing his own HP in order to save someone else? Instead of a healer who creates HP out of nothing.


    In other words, why would a tank guard someone when he can stay alive much longer when he doesn't?


    Healers have to really try to get more 3-4 medals.


    I play a Healer Smuggler and Healer BH and pure healing supporting your team mates really works against you as is.


    you either play with scrubs or you are lazy, since More DPS = faster killing = less dmg taken = less healing = more dps etc...


    And more dps = more medals





    But yeah, seems I should just stop guarding that healer after 50k dmg taken, I mean I'm only there to farm medals amirite?


    But I probably don't get 50k dmg taken from a random healer, because it must be his awesome healing that's keeping him up and not the fact that I'm taking half of it and dying because of it...

  10. As is stands now abilities that allow the ball carrier to bypass choke points and blatantly broken.


    While the imbalance leans heavily to force users other classes are left to wonder why.


    A force user can jump across fire with the ball or out of the pit.


    A force user can force run across fire or away from people they are in combat with while holding the ball.


    A sorc can pull a ball carrier across fire or up a cliff.


    A sorc shield protects you from knock back, making a force running shielded sorc equal a free cap.


    Mean while Agents and BH have to wait for the hazards.


    so.... what is the point of agents and BH to play huttball?


    Mark my words.. when you can que for individual pvp zones huttball will only be force users.


    They really need to make using using these broken abilities force you to drop the ball.


    So there is finnaly something that favours melee classes...


    OMG NERF!!!

  11. Please for the love of all things star wars, take this stupid debuff (30% less healing) away from PVP encounters. You already don't give crap for medals for healing, why make even more frustrating in nerfing our healing when trying to help our team?


    That is all, thank you


    Yeah because healers that can tank 2 dps are tottaly fine right?


    Maybe you should learn your tank how to play, before you come QQing here, kkthxbye >.>

  12. ^^ Bye bye healing spec, herro hybrid madness spec and no more healing for bad randoms. Hope more healers do the same.


    Good thing I always make premades with good healers, you know the ones that do manage to get 8 medals easily...


    That's a stupid argument. Whether a healer does or doesn't like healing is irrelevant. They should be rewarded accordingly and on par with the other roles.


    Because its not like healing and DPS uses the same stat so they can still trow out some decent damage right?


    Oh wait...


    Stop protecting lazy healers that do not want to play there class to there full potential and then come QQ on the forums for more rewards because they picked a healing class and want to be treated like a special snowflake >.>

  13. I think it's ridiculous that we have some players running around who are invincible and running around 2-3 shot killing other players the same level as them, all due to this "expertise" stat.


    Either nerf the absolute crap out of expertise, or put players with expertise gear in their own tier'ed matches only so the rest of us don't have to deal with the idiocy of it.


    got like mostly full pvp set, only 8% dmg reduction/bonus dmg whilst losing endurance and strength from other pieces...


    OP you say... Lol

  14. I'm going to agree on the group vote.


    If the 'group former' can kick anyone at any time, what's to stop him from just kicking everyone right before the last boss can be looted?


    Oh... I don't know, being know by the server community as some ninjalooter , being shunned from FPs and Operations, no guild would want him no party for PvP etc...


    This is an MMO, not a "I only play with other ppl because I have to and do not want to get to know them so make all content ridiculously easy so even the biggest scrubs cant fail and I do not need to remember the names of the good players and interact with them since I basicly want to play a singleplayer game with some other ppl in the background"

  15. Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


    Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


    Make it happen.


    Not sure if trolling or just stupid...


    Probably both

  16. Purchased my first purple bag at lvl 41, recall reading somewhere that a guy in his mid 30s already had a full set of the champion stuff or w/e from the bags.. due to how much he pvp'd...


    I purchased the bag, but cannot open it? do i have to be valor rank 50 to open the satchel before im level 50? or was that guy lying?


    you cant open it untill your level 50, there also unique so you can only have 1 in your inventory or ship storage at the time.


    Now just save up 1k Mercenary and 1k warzones for when you get 50

  17. There should be NO special stat for 50 pvp, it makes no sense. In every old pvp mmo that's ever came out they didn't need special stats, it was about your build, and skill. That's enough, only bad's require special stats that put them at an extreme advantage. Nobody else does.


    Trion made a GIANT MISTAKE with Valor, and they admit it! They tried to remove it, then they tried to add it to PVE gear, then they decided 'screw it' and tossed the same valor on ALL pvp gear! Essentially they realize any special stat people can 'grind out' in PVP places a tremendous imbalance into the game that isn't easily fixed.


    I foresee a huge problem with the 50's bracket when new 50's enter it and become 'food' for people that have high expertise they got from GRINDING LOW LEVELS, while the new 50's won't have this luxury. They will be slaughtered. Therefore, choose your solution;


    1) Expertise needs to be removed.

    2) Expertise needs to be added to lower level pvp gear.

    3) Entry-Level 50's PVP gear needs to be added that has expertise, and is purchasable with Warzone Coms prior to reaching 50.


    Take your pick, one of the three has to happen or the noob farming won't stop with the 50's bracket. If someone needs their own special stat to compete in pvp then they can just give up pvping. There is little logic in these 'special' stats, and they only serve to cause more imbalances.




    Anyways, they havent learned from Trion, they learned from Warhammer where everybody was farming PvE to be competitive in PvP



  18. Lets talk about $$$



    Here is what you all know. Bioware released an unfinished game, and gave you a free month.



    So now its come time to actually pay for that new subscription.



    Based on bioware's handling of pvp so far, do you think its worth the $15?.




    So your saying for the price of an average lunch I can play this game for up to 724 hours each month?

  19. Hutball was so unbelievably offputting that I will simply not be able to stand it ever, ever again :rolleyes:


    Is there a way to PvP and avoid it completely? (And if there isn't, please can there be?)


    * Boycot empire instead >.>


    * L2P


    Choose one of the above...

  20. Seeing how biochem gives you a unlimited heal in PvP that has a 90 sec cooldown and cybertech gives you a grenade to use, I think it would only be fair that all the other crew skills also give an advantage in PvP.


    For instance for the armor crafting proffesions something like extra dmg reduction ability that lasts a few seconds and for the weapon crafting proffesions extra dmg for a few seconds. So all crewskills feel somewhat usefull for ppl that want to PvP

  21. actually id say 10.


    5k, 75k damage requires the healer to either not need to heal or the healer is playing solo too much.


    and assassin. Can be gotten, but very slowly as well as partly luck based because, again, the healer should always be with team mates, helping win the battle.


    If a healer has to heal to much, its basicly the team failing to press the enemy or the tanks failing to reduce the damage.


    But still lol @:


    As a pure healer, ideally, you wouldn't need to DPS,


    Idealy your would need to DPS, because that means you don't have to heal so you can take the offensive, killing enemy's faster which is less damage which is less healing which is more dps...


    Whats next, as a tank you dont need to DPS just guardbot, taunt and CC?

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