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Everything posted by Proppa

  1. A week, on my server is probably a long shot, unless they allow cross server queues. Imperials have dominated from the getgo, which makes it hard to win warzones on fresh 50's etc. My friends have recently hit 50 and 1 has given up on his sages because he couldn't win a warzone, due to being destroyed continuously. Sure, you can lose and still get commendations, but it really isn't "fun" to do.
  2. But a drastict difference in gear is acceptable? The rewards don't have to be as large as the difference in gear is. It's enough to make you feel like their is progression, but not enough to make it feel like your either dominating easily, or getting wiped completely.
  3. I played DAOC for 10 years almost solidly, because no other game I've ever played had the "addictive" PvP style. Now, I know it's not everyones cup of tea but it's the style of MMO I enjoyed. Have you ever played an MMO where Character Progression wasn't gear based? For example, in SWTOR you could have: Additional Legacy PvP Rewards. Small Valor/XP/Credit gain for your "legacy". Small stat attributes unlocked, say 20/40/60/80/100 per stat increase based on PvP legacy level. Additional "cooldown" reductions, or skill boosts, or just additional skills/abilities. New Titles and "decorative" gear. Web Based site, that lists the Top 25 Per Class, Top 25 Competitors so you can track your stuff over the internet and compare to many other players? IF SWTOR had that kind of Character Progression, I would probably play it for the next 10 years, but as it stand's I highly doubt it will have that much longevity for me.
  4. It's just to see wether people feel the same I guess?
  5. My ideal system, would be to have Legacy Rewards come from PvP. So it benefits all of my characters. Even things like the Datacrons which offer small bonuses opposed to the huge difference gear seems to make. Obviously until chat logs are implemented and people can actually test for real.... it doesn't help. But all the time people feel like they have an excuse for why they lost "he had better gear" it will never feel as fun, atleast to me.
  6. I try to avoid the forums to be honest when it comes to things I play. There are always going to be complaints, but if it sucks oh well I have other toons to play. But I won't be a "!lone wolf" I will be playing with friends etc. I think it's a great class to accompany the others. But I see lots of Operatives just try to solo everything etc.
  7. Character Progression can come from SOOOO many better things than gear!!!! DAOC had a system which I realy enjoyed, ML,CL, RR etc. Small improvements on the characters but new titles etc aswell. PvP was ALWAYS far more comptative than in this game.
  8. I would rather rewards come through the Legacy System than from the gear grind. Competative PvP, a web-base Ranking System to show who is good for bragging rights etc. I've said it in all the threads, I really don't understand how people enjoy gear grinding. Have you played other games where that isn't a requirement? Or is WoW your first MMO and you've stuck to that system?
  9. I'm leveling my Operative atm, upto level 30! Quite enjoying it and think I will after the "nerf". Not trolling, but I don't see how they are weak or anything at the mo.
  10. The gear grind puts me off to be honest. I play to have Competative PVP. I could easily have BM gear by grinding, but it bores me. Gear disparity creates an uneven playing field so the challenge of competative PvP is null as the one with the best gear will always win (90% of the time). I don't enjoy doing the same thing over and over (like PvE content), I LOVE to PvP which is why I played DAOC for 10 years, perhaps the reason they never took off like WoW was because it catered for players like myself who enjoyed skill based PvP, whereas most players couldn't deal without having their crutch. The chances are, I'll pre-order GW2 as soon as its out and take part in the Beta's until its out. Sure you may say don't let the door hit me on the way out, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying PvP. I have fun killing players and being killed (when things are equal). But going up against full BM players in lesser gear is just tedious.
  11. This guy hit the nail on the head. If people feel they are better, because they put more time in.... good for them. I play games for the challenge of PvP. Knowing that I beat them because I got lucky, or am more skilled. That's what excites me and keeps me playing. Yesterday was a prime example, I was on my Vanguard on Ilum and came across a Marauder who had pretty similar stats to me (both around 1800 hits). He won the first fight with about 3% hps left. Second fight I beat him with about 15% hps left. Third fight he beat me by about 5% left. The fights were EXTREMELY close and great fun. Knowing that we had fairly equal gear it was EXCITING. That's what I play for, I could care less if I had full BM gear and smashed him or vice versa as it's not a challenge. I would much rather, after watching the new Legacy video, have Legacy Rewards gained through PvP, aswell as "decorative" improvements. Sure, I don't have any BM armour so I'm bound to say that. But I've taken the time to re-roll from Imp to Republic after the Empire was like 3 or 4 to 1 Rep, which meant Ilum was no challenge at all. So after spending the first month on my sorc, getting him full Champ gear I dropped him. Re-rolled my Vanguard (hit 50 whilst my friends were still 30's), rolled my Sentinel to PvP with them and hit 50 about the same time, whilst my Vanguard is also nearly full champ gear. My Sentinel is in full PvP and 3/4 pieces of champ and I'm now rolling a Smuggler because we didn't have any. I've also been helping level my guildees as I want to play with them etc. So I could have easily had full BM gear and smashed people that isn't what I find fun. I PvP for the challenge. It's why I loved COD/BF3 as my reaction time etc made such a big difference. Whereas in SWTOR, if you don't have the best gear, you always blame that for your loss, because you don't really know wether you would have won or not. I'm fine if I die/lose, provided we both had the same skill level. But if I lost simply because someone spent 5days more played than me and was a terrible player, I'll get bored. Prime example is the tracer spam noobs who win, simply because they spam tracer missile in full bm gear......
  12. I just really can't be assed to grind gear for that long. I honestly do not understand how people find grinding to be fun. If this is the route that Bioware are taking I won't be a part of it. Not being some QQ nerd, but I genuinely don't enjoy the gear grind, so rather play something I will enjoy.
  13. It really is amazing, how Bioware keep going down and down. How can you ADD Ranked Warzones but still allow such a big difference in gear? Anyone else fail to understand why they don't want to make PvP Competative?
  14. I would love to have a server, where you were given the top bracket PvP Gear. Then have web-based "ranking" so that when I took part in ranked warzones I could see my position for my class/faction. Then gain Legacy Rewards and Valor titles etc from them.
  15. Can I genuinely ask, those players who enjoy the gear grind. Do you come from WoW? Do you honestly believe, that having a gear advantage makes you a good PvP player because you spent lots of time playing the game? Wouldn't you rather know that you are a SKILLFUL player and be the top of the ranks with equal gear to others? Than some keyboard mashing guy, who everyone calls a scrub because he think's he is good just because he has better gear?
  16. Yeah, there has been no concrete info on the gear that I've see. Which to me is very worrying. I would honestly rather be able to buy/craft competative gear then have skill based PvP with other rewards which don't give you an excessive boost in PvP.
  17. Exactly, or before that capping the Mech's Rep destroy them, imp destroy them, 5 minutes later daily/weekly done and 4 easy bags.
  18. Wasn't it just spending lots of time grinding gear? How do people get working hard, from grinding?
  19. Yup, I want to play Ranked because it's competative PVP. If I have to spend lots of time "gear grinding" to get the stuff.... well, that isn't competative PvP and thus rather dull.
  20. HAHA, what server are you on, I'll come steam roll you as proof I'm not some "terribad" Yes there wasn't a 50 bracket for a while, on my Sorc I hit 50 very quickly and was one of the highest in most Warzones (due to time played), so I started getting gear quickly and I could face-roll almost everything. There was no challenge there at all. If you was sub 50 bracket and people had BM gear I call BS. My Sentinel has 400 Cybertech, I had enough Commendations to buy the 46 PvP weapons to rip the expertise mods off etc. The proof is in the pudding, put your OJ gear back on then post a vid of you destroying a 50 in BM gear?
  21. Time Played != Skill. Why do you not want an even playing field? If your better, you win more? Hopefully with Ranked System, it will have a website which shows HOW GOOD you really are. Also, hope they can incorporate Legacy Rewards with it, so you get more progression there. The current system is a joke, if your a SERIOUS PvP'er you'll agree.
  22. LOL this is stupid, how can they have RANKED warzones, yet not have people in equal gear?
  23. I've also dont every flashpoint and operation in Hard Mode I believe and I was in Champ Gear then. It was more about interupting and knowing what the bosses do .
  24. I come from a 10 year "career" in DAOC, where all I did was PvP. I'm assuming those who like the gear grind come from WoW? The game has been out for 3 months, I have no qualms that the time spent on my toons was a "waste" I still had fun PvPing. I want competative PvP, if that means I have to buy a full set of PvP gear that's fine by me. It isn't about "PvE scrubs" wanting to be able to PvP. It's PvP players wanting a good, fair fight. There is no challenge what so ever in a BM face rolling a fresh 50 or even a full champ facerolling a 50. Are you scared that these "PvE Scrubs" are going to destroy you in PvP now that you don't have a gear advantage? As I said, gear grind == time played != skill. Character Progression should come from skill and hopefully the Legacy System. It shouldn't be about who has the best gear as that ISN'T competative PvP. Your just lulling yourself into a false sense of security. I have probably clocked about 25days played since release, which is a ridiculous ammount to be honest. I could have easily had my sorc Valor 100 by now in full BM gear, but I chose to make a few toons, so that my groups have a bit of versatility.
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