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Posts posted by DervimNorth

  1. You forgot the part where sorc sustained damage in PvE is nerfed because people didn't like getting backstabbed :)


    They still don't and backstabbing should be toned down even more, but that would completely ruin pve.


    Now going back on track, sorc healers are so much better than mercs and op. With that being said, at least merc healers still have their uses, after all they are designed for single target healing.


    Operative healers, on the other hand are mediocre at best, at whatever they do. So why bother taking op healer if you can grab sorc+merc, or even better-sorc+sorc?!


    See, that's the thing-OP's mediocrity is not something that anybody would want to take up a precious space, not when there are better options available.

  2. I lol'd.


    Commandos/Bounty Hunters have FAR better survivability.


    Sage/Sorcs better healing? If both are left alone, yeah, Sage > Commando. But Sages cannot deal with pressure as well as COmmandos can.


    Do we? Because I have a lvl50 merc and I'm simply not using him anymore. As a healer I can't burst-heal, which is the most important part of healing in pvp. If someone keeps a pressure on me, I can't outheal because of heat mechanic and if I do, I end up being overheated and can't do anything but default attacks.


    On my sorc alt, however, I can burst heal and still lay out some hurt no problem. Worst case scenario-I can always run away, good luck trying to do that with the merc.


    And if you're going to be healer just to be useful to the team, than sorc/sage is most definitely a way to go. He spams shield bubbles every 4.5sec, he heals non-stop, he has good aoe healing, he force-pulls friendlies, he has in combat resurrect, unlike merc and a ton more of CC.


    So yeah, you wanna be a teamplayer, you go sorc/sage. If it's just soloing you want, than yeah-merc hybrid is very good. Than again, sorc/sage is still better.

  3. I play a lot of war zones and the class that I've noticed which is the most troublesome are the smugglers. They seems to have a never ending supply of CC'S and they do tons of damage.


    As a BH healer I have two CC's. THe lightning dart which I can use during combat and concussion missile which will stop working if I damage them. How many do they have? DO they need the CD increased?


    Also, my in combat CC will shock them for four seconds. It seems that when I get CC'd by a smuggler and am out for twice as long.



    Merc noob, meet your nemesis-OP.

  4. Is it just me, or are you basically condemned to the worst healers in the game when you PvP without a premade? I'll be running the Huttball as a Jugg, and the healer standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME is trying to kill some non-factor Assassin or something in the pit!


    So... anyone got some things for me to look out for as a healer Merc in PvP?



    Dude, why would you want to be merc healer, if you can be sage/sorc with tons of better healing, survivability and a whole lot more utility?!

  5. Tracer missile spam just looks alot cooler than grav round spam, so they all stare at their screen drooling while watching the missiles. Much better than healing.


    Proves you never played one yourself. Tracer Missle is single the most annoying AND obvious animation that basically screams,"I'M RIGHT OVER HERE! STUN ME, INTERRUPT ME! BURST ME!"


    Also, operative, merc's nemesis complains about damage output? That's purely L2P issue. Either that, or just get a better gear.

  6. Mercs get most of their aoe abilities in early game and they don't need to spec for aoe dps, unlike snipers who get their heaviest aoe around late game, closer to lvl50. On the other hand, specializing in aoe tree grants snipers better survivability and sustained aoe damage, but with a single target damage trade off.


    So in short:


    Merc: viable aoe since lvl10(hello DFA) with powerful single target damage(tracer missile priority system)


    Sniper: poor aoe damage until lvl30(that's when sniper gains ability to refresh their recharge and shield skills every 20sec) at the expense of single target damage. Starts to shine after getting Orbital Strike ability.

  7. Whoah Snipers are boring. Just compare to an average marauder gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIph0kBZbu4&hd=1


    Not exactly a true. It's just that the OP had a competent team against a bunch of incompetent players who outright ignored the sniper most of the fight. And in contradiction to a popular belief of snipers and maras being the bottom of the pvp barrel, snipers are actually just as damaging(if not more) as good arsenal mercs.


    On a side note, the OP barely used his root-big mistake. Sniper's root is ultimate survival/finisher u-die-here-and-nao move.

  8. Usually, when a large enough crowd has a problem with something, there is a reason behind it.


    I personally wouldn't complain about TM/GR if any of my cooldown attacks as a vengeance juggernaut did more damage or hell, even equal damage to this "builder" attack that mercs have.


    My builder attack (Assault, Sundering Assault) only crits for like 1.2k (SA) 800 (A) A 1.7k non crit seems pretty awesome in my book for a spammable attack, at least comparitively. I have full Centurion gear. I only crit for around 2.5k with impale on a light armored fresh 50 on a monday when it's raining outside and the planets align. Too bad it's on a 9 second cooldown. TM/GR doesn't have a cooldown. :(


    As a dps juggernaut (vengeance) I feel like I am putting a lot of effort into every fight, managing cooldowns, working on rotation, keeping an eye on my rage. I am leveling a merc. I have him at 38 right now. I can honestly say it is way easier.


    If you aren't going to nerf TM/GR please buff Vengeance Juggernauts.


    Rage spec is just stupid don't even bring it up. Hur Hur 5k crits on smash.


    Pardon me, but how many of your attacks have a 1.5sec channeling time and how many can be rendered useless with los?

  9. Its ok its the concept of the post that I enjoy addressing .


    The OP made a decent point that some bad things are not adequately evaluated as Mature.


    But the ratings commitee are all on the ball when it comes to Visual examples of say nudity vs conceptual examples of much much worse.


    It falls under conceptualizing a story vs showing straight old naughtyness. heh..


    Whatever. It was her point I thought it was valid.





    Nah, it's obvious that everyone in the committee rolled a sorc :D


    But being serious-yeah. No nudity means no rating M.

  10. Pretty much this, i rolled a Commando recently to taste the other side and it's really is a case of night and day. On my merc people hear the tracer noise and automatically go straight for me but on the commando i can usually just spam away and get ignored, partly because it's less in your face "Here i am hurting you, come get me" and partly because people tend to ignore troopers as they don't realise the difference between Commandos and Vanguards.


    Not so easy Vs decent premades who know what is what though :p


    Yeah, gunslinger is the same story. I can spam charged burst=snipe=powershot all day long and everyone just ignore me until I pop the big ones+finisher...Btw, I love gunslinger over sniper coz he doesn;t have this "I'M OVER HERE SHOOTING AT YOU" trail after snipe/ambush

  11. Really would not work... the idea is alright but It just won't work. Won't you find it strange seeing the only Imperial Bounty Hunter in your Republic planet sanctuary? They will see you coming and be on edge/guard. So overall the idea would be great but for this game player bounty wouldn't work at all.


    Yeah, which was why I've said it was more appropriate for stealth-based classes :(

  12. first death star was only small fighter craft yes luke had the force but to be fair thats only because Star Wars targeting systems suck and can't hit a target that is only what 2 meters?



    Second Death Star the imperial fleet was just there to keep the Rebels from Escaping.


    I just remembered in ROTJ they moved the fleet closer to the Imp fleet because the Death Star couldn't target the Rebel ships with out hitting their own ships. Man SW targeting sucks.


    Well duh! Death Star was created to hit planets, not some tiny ships.

  13. I dont know about you but I definitely cast it to reset debuff, but i was a tard, debuff has a 15 second timer, so lets just make the rest of the buffs on 15 sec timer and add 3 charges to the rail shot vuln and poof, 1/3 of tm shot across the board.


    add the barrage proc to power shot and there you go, fixed the spam issue


    hey i figure with enough people whining about it, i would like a little more complexity in my rotation as well, so let figure out other options :)... rather than letting the morons that have no idea how complex the problem is scream lets figure out the fix.



    Hehe, best solution ever, man! That way I can be hybrid bg/arsenal with CSC and spamming free powershots/unloads every few seconds! ^_^


    And the best part?! No blazing trail leading straight to me, with no human aggro involved.

  14. i like my solution better, makes them happy and ups my dps :)




    *rubs hands together*




    You're evil, dude. :D



    Sadly, you're forgetting power barrier and Railshot buff. The later must be allowed to gained through power shot spamming, just like throug TM. And as for power barrier, it needs to last 20 secs as well.


    That way we won't need to use TM atoll the time, for sure...

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