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Posts posted by DervimNorth

  1. Class population saturation occurs in one of these instances:


    1. The class is OP.


    2. The class is perceived to be OP.


    3. The class is fun/cool.



    If the class is actually OP, it will be nerfed. Since Sorcerer/Sage QQ has been going on since launch and the only changes so far to the class have been a small buff, the rational person will see that #1 is false..


    If there are a lot of people who simply refuse to L2P, and believe the best way to get better at PvP is to get every other class nerfed, the forums will be filled with QQ about how OP a class is. This will cause the FOTM crowd to immediately start rolling the "OP" class because they want to be facerollers. Once the faceroller hits max level and learns the reality, they will either reroll or they will keep playing the class they have become familiar with. Based on the huge volume of nerf requests, paired with the mostly hyperbolic "my warzone was all sorcerers!" threads, it is pretty easy to see that the forum gives the impression that sorcerers are OP, however, as referenced above Bioware has not nerfed the class because they have actual metrics by which they determine OP, UP, and Balanced specs.


    If the class has a cool story, is fun to play, or just looks like a BAM-FWIC it will attract a lot of players. The Sorcerer has all three.


    In summary, your argument that population proves power level is logically flawed and will be ignored by rational readers.



    Wait! Are you actually implying that pvp devs know what they're doing?! Roflmao! Talk about rationality.


    Because no rational person would trust Good'ol Gabe with tieing up his shoelaces, let alone balancing things out. Coz hey, everybody knows that 20vs100 ilum is a balanced play, and that all healers can do all the content, and that operative healers have a burst heal...

  2. Can't do it, bucko! Not with one button. Requires 2 - Cover, then Snipe. And Sniper would VERY quickly run out of energy, and not be able to do any DPS at all.


    Well than, following your somewhat right logic, movement keys are binder abilities, so it's not one button, but five... That's snipe, ambush, takedown, default attack and cover. Oh and I don't actually need to move around as a sniper. AND, since I'm being carried by the team, I'll have sorcs on my team pull me around, there's always 4,5 of the on the team anyway.


    You wanna neat pick more?! Brig it on, sucka!

  3. Oh! Oh! How about making a sniper video, where he's only using snipe?! Sniper's snipe does quite a damage and is spamable too...it'll rack up some high numbers, assuming there are people bored enough to carry such sniper.


    Now one button crap aside, this thread is all about troll trolling trolls who troll other trolls in never ending cycle of delusions and obvious lies.


    Simply put, no class is all about one button, no matter the amount of ******* claiming otherwise.


    So let's end this pointless trollfest, because there are plenty of threads explaining in detal just why sorcs are OP as hell... And even more threads with sorc players explaining in detail just why their fotm class is underpowered.

  4. So how do you feel about operatives and scoundrels ? are you happy that you nerfed this class to extinction. I mean ..i made the mistake of rolling it as a main ..since no one plays it .."i thought hey ..i'd play it ..mmo's usually leave the least played class unchanged " ..i was one of 3 operatives in my 140 man guild..now we all rerolled sorc. Yup 70% of ur population playes sorc ..how do you feel about this?


    Translation: Damn you BW for nerfing my fotm and forcing me and my friends to re-roll another fotm class.

  5. I'd be ok with giving them the melee range interrupt PT/Vanguards get... not a ranged one or more CC those are both bad ideas. The knockback is already a little ridiculous(not as bad as sniper one but still pretty nasty).


    Following that logic, sorcs/sages should have melee interrupt, just as well.


    Let's also not forget that on many maps even if the melee can get to you before dying he is very likely to get pushed off. On voidstar this isn't such a big deal, but on huttball it really sucks cause now they have to run back around the ramps to get to you.


    Let's not forget about that root that comes with charge and a second charge.

  6. There is no L2P issue here:


    Lack of mobility and CC means there's not much to playing the DPS Commando/Merc. You can only pray that your DPS can outdo your opponent before they kill you. That's it. So because you depend so heavily upon a channeled spell (grav round), an enemy using a series of stuns, interrupts, insta-invis, etc, will completely toasts you.


    There is no amount of skill you can wield to mount a comeback.





    The mezz is a bit better at 50, when you get a power to make next spell insta. So you can mezz-on-the-move.



    Not entirely true. You do get an insta-cast once in every two minutes, but the powers themselves are still counted as channeling instead of instant. So, while casting the power instantly, you're still forced to remain stationary.





    Now back on track, while it's true that additional CC for merc wouldn't hurt balance at all. Because hey-range is insignificant if you constantly get charged/pulled and because the only classes that merc/commando can defeat in 1v1 are tank jugs, snipers/gunslingers and mercs/commandos themselves, while as general rule of thumb, whichever merc/commando opens first-wins and to beat snipers merc needs all of the cooldowns and than it still is a close call.


    However being realistic, I'm only asking for interrupt, because mercs/commandos are the only class without of it.

  7. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend to Skavak: "I've missed you so much, honeybunch!"

    Smuggler to Skavak: "I've missed you, too... honeybunch."


    Smuggler to Risha after a near disaster: "No, no, everything was just fine!" What makes this line one of my faves is how rushed the Smuggler says it, completely unlike his usual suave demeanor. It's one of those few times where he's unable to lie and it shows ;).


    Hehe, same mission, when Smuggler realized he walked into the trap,"*facepalming himself*Risha will never let me hear the end of it."


    After destroying all the droids and shield batteries getting depleted,"Awww, big words were too confusing..."


    Before heading back to Nar Shaddaa for the first time(delivering carbo-man)


    Risha: So, what are you going to do with your share?


    Smuggler: I'm gonna buy myself an army of wookies!*Boddawar walking in the background* +22 Boddawar.


    Risha: Well... What you lack in practicality, you make up in style.

  8. The thing is, though, that there aren't many better alternatives for those points. I have already the extra 9% Cunning, 6% Crit Chance and 4% Alacrity from the other trees, and decreasing the CD for Entrench (which I rarely use) and Orbital Strike to 45s instead of 60s or adding 10 extra energy is not particularly useful. At least I have a VERY effective ability rotation.


    Well, I find Hunker Down/Entrench to be quite useful for pvp, so 15secs off it's cd do help a lot, especially with all of it's flaws(and 15secs off OS-hey, bonus). Or 30 sec melee stun+increased running speed, very useful for pvp just the same.

  9. Wait...are you complaining about faction imbalance?


    Ilum sucks, but it's NOT because it's 20v100 - Bioware can't (shouldn't) force people to a faction. Ilum needs to be gutted and completely redesigned by someone new, but the problem isn't the factions.


    Well, faction imbalance aside(even though it is a serous matter, but it's not just about it), this thread is about pvp devs thinking that Ilum is working as intended...And how crappy that design truly is.


    But above all else, it's mostly here just to show how incompetent pvp devs are, or just one of them, anyway.




    On a side note, you're right-people shouldn't be forced into certain sides. However most definitely, there should be some major incentive system to make people wish to join the lesser populated side. Like, I don't know, better loot/cash drops, increased xp gain? Something that would make it much easier and faster to lvl up and equip new chars. Maybe even increasing the amount of BM/Cent/Champ tokens and the chance to get gear?



    edit: nvm the reason part, started posting before, but finished later :o

  10. If you want to spam tracer, than just stick to arsenal, because pyro and arsenal just don't mix. To put it bluntly:


    Arsenal=stationary turret.




    Those two play styles just don't mix, not to mention heat-effectiveness.

  11. Great...They really should fire that...guy. I mean really, following his own logic, it's totally fine to have Alderan Civil War match with 12 vs 4! No, problem right?! You're still capping one node, right? There's no way in hell that the opposing team will leave only one guy on every node, only to call for help and will roflstomp+capture the remaining node with the rest of their team right?! It's just so silly!


    Why even bother zerg-killing reps for valor, when you can guard the node en mass...





    Bioware, please, pretty please...Either fire or slap that pvp designer upside the head really hard...Or just pull it out of his rear end.

  12. I agree that kolto missle is broken but for a different reason. The spell would be way more valuable if it functioned like other missle/dart effects for the Merc. The reason Mercs find it hard to use kolto missle is because the amount of time and steps it costs you to use the ability...


    Keybinding, use it! Really, how hard can it be?! Point a mouse to the area where you want to throw your kolto missile and hit the key! It's almost fraggin instant.


    If anything should be changed, it's that darn stupid 3 person limit removed and, maybe, some healing buffed.

  13. 1. First of all...are you a troll? Healing? Gunslingers don't have a healer role, that's the Scoundrel Class.


    2. Crying about a certain class just due to your lack of skill not going to help, if you want to be able to be good at as a certain class,


    There are videos and guides out there how to improve yourself, seems your mostly after a "I WIN CLASS".


    Game would be boring if this was the case, every class has there "weakness" or there Arch-type Class that will have the advantage over you.


    3. Paragraphs/Spaces are there for a reason, not meany people like to read a wall of text.


    Ok, I better stop feeding a trolls, they seem to multiply like rabbits.....



    Dude, you gotta buy yourself a pair of glasses! Not only did you failed a sarcasm check, but you've also missed the "sarcasm off" remark.



    Now back on track. Yeah, dodge could use some improvement one minute cooldown for a 3 seconds immunity on white attacks?! How many of those are there, anyway?! Errr... Sharpshooter builds aside. If you ask me, no harm would be done if it's cd would be reduced from one minute to twenty seconds.


    Alternatively, Diversion could use some love. Don't you love the fact that you have to buy an ability that only works on your own class?! Make it 45% accuracy hit on ALL attack, including tech and force- now we're talking.


    Ultimately, some of GS special attacks could be reworked to be counted as tech damage, instead of ranged.


    Oh! By the way!!! I know that GS is supposed to look as badarss cowboy, but let's be serious here-sniper rifle vs dual wield gimped accuracy off-hand? Sniper rifle wins hands down.


    As a merc I couldn't care less about accuracy, as most of my damage is tech, but as a GS I really real myself gimped because of it.

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