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Everything posted by Motovator

  1. I agree they should have made something different from the normal personal strongholds. However, the guild ships can arguably be your "true guild base" or what have you. Maybe in the future they will change the guild base into something more unique.
  2. Good point. I raid personally so I had an idea in my head of taking down Revan (assuming that we will) and his mask being a rare drop. Your idea of it being a sort of quest line would be great too and probably more fair to those who do not raid. Realistically though... it will probably end up being a CM set I hope I'm wrong.
  3. I'm probably in the minority here... but I think this set (or the mask at the very least) should instead be a rare NiM drop in one of the upcoming 3.0 Ops. Things like this sort of lose their appeal when half the server is running around in the set. Just my opinion.
  4. You can just as easily argue Revan was simply referring to when he was a prisoner for 300 years. During this time people assumed he was dead... so on Rakata when he said something to the effect of "Death did not stop me" he could just be making a reference to when everyone thought he was dead. I don't think he died at the Foundry either. As others have said a thousand times there was never a body and his health never goes to 0%. I don't understand why it's such a big deal either way. Died or not.. he's back now.
  5. I hope this is how it ends. I love Revan's character and I love that he is back but as the old saying goes "all good things must come to an end". He needs to die and this I think will be an epic and suitable end for him.
  6. Didn't Revan have two light sabers in a cut scene somewhere at one point in KOTOR? I could have swore I remember him wielding a purple and a red at one point. I can't find any evidence online so I'm not sure where I may have seen it.
  7. I just want a underwater stronghold on Manaan To the OPs post though I agree it would be nice, but as others have said these are apartments rather than your own property or palace like the other two. Thus it makes sense there is no landing pad for a ship.
  8. If you want to run this game pretty smoothly with max settings be sure to get one with a CPU no lower than a i5 with at least 3.0 ghz. 8 GBs of RAM and a somewhat new GPU. I have a GTX 660 which I believe is a middle class card and it runs all my games just fine. Whatever PC you end up getting be make sure you pay for the warranty because trust me.... you will have a problem sooner or later and it WILL save you money in the long run. Thank me later
  9. That would be the ideal scenario yes, but I'm guessing that would be very difficult to pull off considering the way the planets questing zones are set up (not many areas suitable for player housing).... with the exception of maybe Tatooine. Plus I doubt the engine this game uses would be able to handle housing of that scale all on the same instance. However, an entire separate instance that is more open and dedicated to player housing... it may be possible.
  10. What if they added a separate instance on each planet dedicated to player housing? That way people can possibly set up communities similar to SWG. There would be no quests or anything in this instance (not related to player housing) and perhaps it would be a whole new portion of the planet altogether with terrain more suitable for housing. Just an idea
  11. Yeah I meant to edit my post. You are right they never said they weren't going to do anything necessarily. I was given inaccurate information.
  12. Normally I hate cry baby posts, but OP actually has a valid argument here. I understand that sometimes bugs happen and there isn't really anything anyone can do to predict them from happening. However, to say you aren't going to do anything about it after seeing it is a issue for so many players (paying ones mind you) is mind boggling to me.
  13. I would live to see a plot involving the Mandalorians. I'm all for anything involving the Mandalorians and their culture. I would also love to see one of the planets from KOTOR 1 & 2 be added as well like Dxun or maybe even Mannan.
  14. I don't mind the CM and I know the purpose it serves. However, I agree they need to tone it down a bit, and start implementing some of these items into... well loot drops and or pvp rewards. It's a shame nearly everything new this game gets ends up on the CM.
  15. I'm predicting (hoping) that the player housing will be unique to the player class. So say you are a Smuggler your home would compliment your Smugglers character. With of course options to decorate with lootable and probably CM decorations or something. I doubt there will be player homes on every planet though. I'm guessing the Republic will have all of theirs on Coruscant and the IMPs on Dromund Kaas. Which I'm actually fine with because that will more than likely take some of the weight off of the Fleet and give players another place to go possibly. That is I'm assuming we can maybe pick up our PVE/PVP dalies there and what not ( that would be cool). I guess we will see Either way I am looking forward to it and even if it is only half as good as SWGs player housing was I'll be happy.
  16. Depends on what you want to do DPS or heals. Honestly you can not go wrong with any of them. I went scrapper at first and liked it, but then decided to try out DF and never went back. In my opinion they are all good it just comes down to which fits your style more.
  17. I find it strange that nearly all the blaster pistols and rifles are so quiet compared to the other noises in this game. While in combat blaster sounds should be much louder than your feet running across the ground or NPCs yelling to each other.
  18. Took me several tries, but I finally got in. After the launch pad where you type your login info it was just freezing and would say SWTOR was not responding... Edit: After getting in game it is now saying unable to retrieve server list then crashing to desktop.
  19. It has been stated multiple times that the EU books are not canon. EP7 will not have anything to do with the books.
  20. Man I miss hunting Jedi so much. I collected my first bounty off a Jedi who was in Mos Eisley Cantina role playing with some dancers... Lol I was cracking up for hours. I remember it sucked when you spent hours sometimes tracking one down only to find they are in the middle of nowhere on some planet afk in their house.... good times.
  21. Taris I believe gives you your first Mando lookin armor set (my profile avatar is pretty much what it looks like). This helm is my personal favorite. You get this set in the 50s on Corellia I believe. http://tor-fashion.com/th-17a-elite-war-medic-imp/#/
  22. Erec - Bounty Hunter Starsider (2004-2009) 1. I miss my Mandalorian armor... 2. I miss hunting Jedi 3. I miss the liveliness of Mos Eisley Cantina 3. I miss kiting Krayt dragons into Mos Eisley Cantina 4. I miss open world space 5. I miss the open world pvp Lots of great memories playing that game.
  23. I'm pretty sure everyone including myself was surprised (and let down) that the world boss for Tatooine was not a Krayt dragon. Since it is not, and assuming it is too late to change em out... this is a acceptable alternative.
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