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Everything posted by OldBenSmokin

  1. I mean it's a freaking case study in shoddy development and the people who in denial about it, and attempt to downplay/badmouth those who are calling a spade a spade.
  2. Don't delude yourself. The world will be better for it. This whole thing is a mess, from the top exec all the way down to the fanbois. Edit: Waiting a very long time? LUL. This game is already on life support from a gameplay perspective.
  3. Yet, here you all are replying in the thread, desperately trying to downplay the problems and make the poster feel silly for posting a valid complaint.... I can't wait till this community is nothing but ashes. Shouldn't be long.. No sense in denying it. Can't... f#*king... wait...
  4. That was me yelling spacebar at you. But even if you never hit it, level 19 after 63 hours is pretty.. err... something, regardless of how slow you try to take it. And the rest of you people can make excuses and try to blame people's dissatisfaction with endgame on the player till the cows come home for all I care, but it speaks more about you than the players complaining, who have very valid complaints.
  5. We're still here. We've just said what we needed to say at this point. Made our peace, so to speak. It's up to Bioware now.
  6. /Yawn Yea, like I said, I already read your defection. They also decreased the cap a week and a half ago, not increased it. Nevermind the fact there are less and less people at station save 3-4 servers. I'm glad you liked my thread. I've enjoyed reading your posts as well, always good for a laugh.
  7. I have read what you posted. It was a mediocre deflection, for which I know you for.
  8. LOL. That's the most funny logic I've heard posted in quite a while. "60% of the time, it works everytime."
  9. What are you guys talking about? The general forum is the most fun thing about swtor.
  10. Awwww... Jett.. Why you got to get all sensible now?? I thought we had something special.
  11. You're welcome! I promise to spend my remaining time on these forums letting the devs and community know how I feel in hopes you get to enjoy this MMO even more. WIN WIN! (for me, that is...)
  12. You're just projecting. My life rocks. I have as much of a right to post here than you do.
  13. Yea, I was suckered back in when I was incorrectly told they fixed the ability lag. Lesson learned. But hey, it wasn't a complete waste of 15 bones, I get a month's access to the most entertaining forum ever!!
  14. I love the Villiage too... maybe we can be friends afterall...
  15. I swore to myself I wouldn't even reply to your (typically) juvenile one-sided cheerleading but every now and then I have to... BAUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA.... Population growning.. LOLOLLOLL Regardless, I don't care if the game sell a billion copies, it's still the crappiest MMO I've ever played.
  16. "From the mind of M Night Shyamalan and the Dev team that brought you Swtor".....
  17. "From the team that brought you SWTOR" Yea... that outta help sell copies......
  18. You talk to everyone on this forum like a bully 15 year old who gets beat by his drunk dad when he's not at school. It's called projecting.
  19. You clearly don't know anything about what you've been futility defending for the last few days I've seen you here.
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