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Posts posted by Jacksyn

  1. <Top Gun> is a PvP training academy. We’re a growing Republic guild with a focus on competitive PvP.


    We feature valor ranks ranging from Elite Warlord to sub-50s. We run daily pre and post 50 war zone groups, plus scheduled weekly ranked matches. We have a 25-person vent channel for coordinated play and friendly chat. We have a guild bank and master crafters of almost every kind to help you get geared. We believe in being inclusive and helping our own.


    We are recruiting mature, skilled players with a focus on PvP. Applicants must be 18+ and have access to Vent and a headset. Real life comes first, so we don’t set expectations on how much you play. Just play hard when you do.


    Talk to Jaksyn, Singild, Scorchh, Semyaza, Natalyaa or any member proudly carrying the <Top Gun> guild tag for more information.



    Open recruitment will be closing on Friday, January 11. If you are thinking about joining a PvP guild, now is the time to check us out. We’re currently forming 2 balanced teams for ranked matches and an A-Team for competitive ranked matches. All classes are welcome right now, but another top-notch healer or two would be most welcome.

  2. If you are Republic, check us out <Top Gun>. Open recruitment will be closing down in about a week. We currently do nightly premades, a couples of nights of scheduled ranked and we have a handful of players who want to run ops one night a week. Someone is usually in vent dayside through late nights if you want to chat about joining.


    If you are damn dirty imps, we'll see you in the war zones. ;)

  3. Now at over 100 characters, we're running nightly ranked matches and have nearly enough people online most nights for a second team.


    Friday nights, and one other night to be determined later, are our "A-team" nights, while the rest of the week is open to any gear or skill level. Sub-50 leveling and PVP teams are going on at all times of the day. There are also whispers of an official ops night for those who want to do a little end game PVE. Most importantly, we're having a blast with everyone in vent all at once.


    Join or merge now while we're still actively recruiting!

  4. <Top Gun> is a PvP training academy. We’re a growing Republic guild with 80+ characters and valor ranks ranging from Elite Warlord down to sub-50s. We run daily pre and post 50 war zone groups, plus scheduled ranked matches. There are 4-12 Top Gun players online at almost any time of day. We have a 25-person vent channel for coordinated play and friendly chat. We have a guild bank and master crafters of almost every kind to help you get geared. We believe in being inclusive and helping our own.


    We are looking for:


    Mature Republic players of any level or skill level who want to improve their PvP game. Please be 18+ and have Vent and a headset. If you’re a new transfer, or your current guild is dead or dying, check us out. Guild mergers are welcomed and we offer an officer representative for mergers of 5 or more players.


    We are not:


    We are not elitist or exclusive. We’ll give almost anyone a chance to prove themselves. We have precious little tolerance for drama and hope you don’t either. Time is the currency you spend playing this game and we want to make the most of it. We are also not a progression ops raiding guild. You are more than welcome to raid, but we don’t do much organized PvE.


    Talk to Jaksyn, Singild, Natalyaa, Scorchh, Semyaza or any member proudly carrying the <Top Gun> guild tag for more information.

  5. This was an issue on my server, The Harbinger, about 2 months ago. A guild was creating 2 teams and queuing ranked, then would drop out if they faced a team other than their own.


    I can defend creating 2 ranked teams to farm comms. I have no problem with that. I can defend a ranked team being ticked off for having to sit through a full war zone because the other team bravely ran away.


    But I can’t defend fleeing a war zone so that you don’t face tough opposition. I can’t fathom how anyone else can either. I don’t leave any war zone, much less a ranked one even when we have a disconnect.


    On the other hand, I don’t know the OP or how they behave in their war zones, but I will say that when top PvP teams behave poorly, it absolutely is going to affect how other teams treat you. Are you 3-capping and then spawn-camping? Are you spam laughing? Do you score slowly to run up damage and healing numbers in Huttball? Do you act like jerks on your server forum? These are things people react to. In these cases, the way you behave brings about how they behave. I don’t condone what they might be doing, but in those cases I would understand.


    If people don’t want to play you, it might not be because you are awesome players. It might be because you are terrible people.


    As always, the answer to this problem can be solved by Bioware. Cross-server queues for both ranked and unranked PvP will make this argument moot. People are trying to form PUGs every night on my server to get ranked matches.

  6. Right now I'm leveling up my Gunslinger and thinking ahead into what spec I want to stick with. I've been leveling as a Sab for now, but I'm looking for opinions between these two specs:


    Sab (7/31/3): http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700rzMZrI0bRRbRrsZh.2

    Sab/DF Hybrid (2/16/23): http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bZrI0bRoZhrbkrbhd.2


    Obviously there is more survivability in the full Sab tree and I believe there is more damage output in the hybrid. Within the Hybrid I've heard Fighting Spirit or Hold Your Ground is a better choice than Feeling Woozy, would like to hear opinions on the best choice in tier4 talents.


    For better or worse, the optimal role of the gunslinger in pvp is single-target burst damage. Killing healers fast is our job. We are one-dimensional, but we excel in that one dimension. That means for pvp, sharpshooter is most common.


    If you find yourself partnering, for some odd reason, with another gunslinger who is sharpshooter specced, I could see the advantage of having a sab spec in pvp. They are rare, but they are out there.


    At the end of the day, play whatever you find fun. But I doubt you will have much fun trying to dirty fight in pvp.

  7. As one of the few, perhaps only, PvP guilds that accepts sub-50 recruits, <Top Gun> welcomes you to the server.


    We have close to 70 members, guild website, bank, vent, and we run pre and post 50 groups every day, plus scheduled ranked groups on Wednesdays and Fridays.


    We have an afternoon-to-early evening team and a late night team running every day. We also have several members leveling up second, third, or in some cases fourth alts so that we have flexibility at endgame PvP. I myself have an 88 valor gunslinger and a 53 valor scoundrel with a sub-50 sage, commando, and vanguard I level when I have time.


    Check us out.



  8. Huttball is for force users. The rest are there for comic relief.


    I used to think that way too. I play a gunslinger primarily. I usually find a comfy spot up on the ramps around the pit and ruin people's day, but often I catch the ball on a breakaway and find my way into the endzone, or find someone else there waiting for my pass.


    Also, our ability to knock entire teams off the ramps or into a fire pit is more fun than should be legal.


    Sure, force users have certain advantages in Huttball, but you have ways to counter them.


    It used to be my least favorite map. Now it's my favorite.

  9. (LVL 50 regular WZ Harbringer server / NOT ranked)

    Im just a casual, average player, valor rank 79 sent. Played over a dozen PUG pvp matches and although we got a few wins us Reps got mostly owned. One match the Imps team had a TOTAL of ONE death. Perhaps some fishy stuff going on there. They were getting 40+ and 30+ kills with NO deaths. But overall what I notice is that the Imps play a lot more healers then Reps and with the healers getting buffed with 1.4 that leaves the Reps at a disatvantage.

    Some days you get a good win streak, others a losing streak but seldom this bad before 1.4.


    Thats my vent. thanks for reading.



    I'm not sure of your origin server, but my Harbinger experience is difference from yours. I'm a decent to good, not great player. I started out on Zaalbar, where we spent a lot of time in a group of four waiting for a war zone to pop while 3-4 groups of imps played against each other and enjoyed a gear advantage because of it. We were badly outnumbered and out-geared, but we had to be tenacious and stick with it to succeed. I became the first and only War Hero gunslinger on the that server. That's a sad fact.


    Upon merging with The Harbinger, it was like a new game for my group of friends. We grouped together and felt like we were riding roughshod over imp pugs. We'd never experienced anything like it. We were facerolling people who had feasted on us before the merger. On the Harbinger, a few guilds on both sides formed or already had powerful PvP guilds that ruled the ranked zones.


    Since the second merger, some of that has toned down and there is a bit of a power struggle on the server. Ascendency is still the top dog if they have a full group. Deadweight can still bring it if they have the numbers. CovenantSpeed is an emerging power. Cookies may be the most powerful addition to the server since the merger.


    What you probably experienced is a trend that has been going on for a while. In my experience, few imp guilds choose to join ranked war zones. Outside of Ascendency and Cookies, you simply don't run into a ton of imp ranked groups. The vast majority of ranked matches I've been in have been against another pub group. That's simply my experience. That leaves a bunch of premade imp groups who, for whatever reason, refuse to go ranked.


    I won't name any names and I'm not looking to call them out, but they know who they are.


    Some of the other complaints on the thread are not unique issues to this server. When you join an unranked match, you will see people with 0 expertise, you will see people in green gear, you will see people missing relics or implants, you will see people that make you wonder how on earth they got to valor 70.


    This is the nature of playing with randoms and that will not change until you work with a group of 4 consistently, or join a PvP guild.

  10. http://topgunswtor.enjin.com/home


    Give <Top Gun> a look. We're new, with a new website. We are running two nights of scheduled ranked war zones and informal pre and post 50 regular war zone 4-man groups each week.


    I believe we meet 4 of your checkmarks and even exceed the fifth. :cool:


    On a personal note, I have a 43 scoundrel with 3 pieces of WH armor awaiting her at 50. I'm leveling her mostly on weekends or whenever we don't have a guild PvP group or two going.


    Look us up in game as well.

  11. <Top Gun> recruitment is expanding at an amazing pace. We now have more than 30 members focused on PvP.


    Visit our new (under construction) website at http://topgunswtor.enjin.com/


    You'll find our members in war zones every night. We're now scheduling ranked matches on Friday nights, and informal ranked matches on Wednesday nights to get our new members geared up.


    Talk to any player proudly carrying the <Top Gun> guild tag if you are interested in joining the team.


    Get some!

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