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Posts posted by Jacksyn

  1. Why do the anti-social types try so hard to ruin an MMO? Surely you come across other players PUGing that you wouldn't mind grouping with. The game has a fantastic "Friends" feature to fill with said people. Is it so hard to break out of your introverted shell and GROUP UP with other people?


    Do I PUG? Sure. Probably 40% of the time. That's probably also my win ratio when I do it. When I group up, it's probably 80% or more winning. I can do math. What I do with that math is not whine to a gaming company that has proven for years that it isn't listening. I make friends and I group up.


    Trust me, you'll accomplish way more in life by confronting problems rather than whining about them. Your parents did you a disservice.

  2. I've been called lots of things lately and that's just one of them. I never said i was good. I say I'm mediocre at best. I've been in some of the best pvp guilds not because of skills but because i think some of them are friends. I feel privileged to play with the group's that invite me. I've never gotten top ranks for heals. But on the other hand I've gotten extremely beat up.


    To those that say I'm so terrible, i wonder have you played healer? With people that don't guard, with people that don't cc, and those that don't peal? See i usually do suck when I'm with more pugs than friends. Because my friends typically watch my back. Where you just whine about my heals.


    Maybe my friends just invite me to play so that they can hear my voice... I wouldn't be surprised.


    To those of you talking trash, let's see you do better. Cause it's not the best healers doing it.


    First, I had to double check the dates on this thread assuming it was some sort of ancient necro post. Lots of old names still at it after all these years. Good to see!


    If you have 2018 expertise and know how to click wandering mend, you are not the worst healer ever, or on the server, or of the day. It's really that simple.


    I generally find the people talking the most trash are the least secure in their abilities in PVP, and it always shows in the numbers at the end of the match. Most talking = least useful. Always.

  3. The original poster has a good point. It would not take much developer effort to clean up crafting missions and it would make it much more fun for the serious or casual crafter if we could filter the mission types. Most of my crafting toons can now do 6 companions at a time (after a similar long forum thread about how it would ruin crafting), but I rarely send more than two, as the purple mats are typically the only end game interest, and are only worth doing as bountiful or rich. Logging a character in and out multiple times, every time, to finally get the rich missions is simply a time wasting grind.


    The second poster's classic whine of No No No, translates to me as: I have found a money making niche hidden away in a mindless chore and you are not allowed to touch it for fear I will make less money. Grow Up! The vast majority of crafters in the game do it primarily for their own toons, and could care less about the latest market quotes. Making the materials take more time and trouble to get does not add fun or value to the gaming experience, it just makes it annoying. It also means the "do it yourself" folks are typically undergeared for endgame content. They will be better able to join the mainstream if their crafting experience is entertaining one. Putting in random companion kidnappings, arrests (especially for dark missions), illnesses, or strikes could add a similar effect, but with a little fun factor. As silly as that statement sounds, keeping a task broken or annoying to justify a market price is even sillier.


    The phone app, with a timer or status meter to show you when they are ready again would be quite clever, but likely beyond the budget allotted for the Very small fraction of the gaming community that could make effective use of it. Add a feature that limits them to 8 hours of missions per day with overtime bonuses or labor laws and we can have it be even more engaugeing.


    Pssst. A quick jump between your strongholds has the same effect. No need to log in and out. This is why I craft from my SH.

  4. Is the Republic side dead on this server later at night seems like a ghost town and that is when I can play. Guess I will make an Imp toon.


    The Harbinger is full and has no need for Imperial or Republic refugees from other servers. You'll be better served elsewhere.

  5. I haven't seen the crash on The Ebon Hawk that others have talked about. Last night both Midlthe Crystals and Doonium were selling for about the same as they were last weekend.


    For those that have seen the crash, are materials selling on the GTN for less per unit than it would cost to get them via the missions?


    If so, I guess I'd see that as a bonus for me. Because I can just buy them outright instead of hoping to get after the crew mission is done.


    Since I haven't been one to make most of my money from selling materials, I don't see this affecting me much.


    And even if I did want to, I would guess all you'd really have to do is run missions to get QL 5 or 6 or 9 mats. I imagine people who are farming the slot machine for Jawa Junk aren't spending a lot of time looking at what materials sell for the best cost per unit, they're just buying QL 11 stuff because the highest level must be the most costly, right?


    800 credits for Molytex, in full stacks.

  6. I’ve been a SWTOR subscriber since launch. I found crafting to be one of the reasons I still play the game today. I like playing in the Star Wars universe. I play mostly pvp, but casually, and I might do an occasional operation if one of my characters is in demand.


    From early on, I leveled up additional characters, mostly to help my crafting. I added alts for gathering missions and leveled them up and maxed companion affection at considerable expense just to supplement the gathering of needed materials for crafting.


    I’ve made and spent millions of credits, probably more than 200 million credits all told. I won’t apologize for that, because I put in the time and effort to do it, and frankly anyone with a subscription could have done the same thing. I’m sure some of the hard-core crafters have moved credits in the billions. They shouldn’t have to apologize for it either. They put even more work in.


    I did the “crafter shuffle”, logging on to each character and assigning missions each time I logged on and off of this game, then used those materials to craft items I found a small niche for on the GTN. I’ve never chased high-end items. I have always crafted typical items everyone needs and priced them intelligently.


    I enjoyed it a lot but the whole process appears to be at an end due to either an oversight or a planned obsolescence of player crafting by BioWare. As I mentioned, I’ve been a subscriber since the beginning and I have never spent an extra dime for a cartel coin, and I never will. If the game boils down to pay to play for crafting, I’m out and I will look forward to the next Star Wars game created by some other gaming company.


    Anyone who crafts and believes moving material gathering from zones and companion missions to slot machines is good for the game is an idiot or a troll.

  7. Life is too short to PUG, join Top Gun!


    We’re a group of about 60 active players with 300+ accounts in-guild on the Republic side, and we have a small contingent on the imp side as well. We mainly focus on PvP, but we do ops every Wednesday night and someone is usually leveling up an alt at all times.


    We believe in a fairly laid-back approach, it is a game after all, not a job.


    We’re mostly U.S. players in the Pacific through Central time zones, but we do have a fair number of players from Canada to Australia.


    We do require players to be at least 18 and be able to use Vent.


    Check us out at topgunswtor.enjin.com

  8. This has been true for the most part at all levels for quite a while, however, ever since we had an influx of Aussies, it seems like the 55 imps are doing really well after about 8pm server time (pacific US). So, if you want easy wins at 55, go pub prior to 8 pm, swap to imps after 8. If you want to walk into a buzz-saw, do it the other way around. I went with the buzz-saw approach last night - I won one match, lost 4 or 5.


    Sub-55, imps tend to be some of the worst pvpers you will ever see. Dumbfoundingly bad (emphasis on dumb :p). The atmosphere on the imp side sub-55 seems to be one that is accustomed to losing and doesn't really care for the most part. There are a few that care, but they just get frustrated and rage in chat while the ones that don't care just go afk.


    My mains are on the Pub side and this is very, very true. On the Imp side, it seems that most of them are in the war zone to pick up comms to trade for planetary comms. They are bad at pvp and have an even worse attitude about it. I don't see much of a future for that side.

  9. Hello everyone. Im looking to start a small guild for northern wisconsinites. if interested just let me know. If anyone knows a better way to find players from certain areas Id love to hear suggestions. Thanks. Later Badgers.


    The packers still suck. :)

  10. Herro to you.


    <Top Gun> is a PvP guild with a dirty PvE secret. We run ops every Wednesday night at 6 p.m. server time. Otherwise, we have people running 55, lowbie, or starfighter PvP at most times of the day. We also just started an imp-side guild for when things are just too darn easy on the Republic side.


    We're a pretty laid back bunch, and we have several female players who feel welcome on our team. We're also a lot more interested in the type of person you are, rather than how amazing you are as a player.


    Check us out here: http://topgunswtor.enjin.com/

  11. I'm a good player, and I know the game. I currently have three 50+ characters, and I have many alts as well. I'm looking for a drama free guild that does ops, hms, and pvp. Preferably a guild that has people who want to play, and just enjoy being social about it. Send me a message, and tell me about your guild. :)


    ~Nauntilus :rak_03:


    <Top Gun>


    Ops at least once per week and pvp all the time. Vent, guild banks, all the bells and whistles. We're all adults with jobs or in college, and simply don't do drama. Lots of Alt-oholics as well. Check out our site or talk to someone in game. A lot of us will be busy with new starfighters tonight!

  12. Who are the major players on the Pub side for PVP? I always see Goof Troop (who are rumored to be going to The Bastion), Top Gun, Ghost Infantry, and My Ninjas. I am looking for a PVP guild as my PVE guild pretty much wants nothing to do with PVP so it is time to make a switch... This post is not meant for trollers to say that their guild is better than other guilds just merely looking for the active PVP guilds on the Pub side....


    Talk to any member in-game, or check us out here.


    We're running PVP all the time and scheduled progression ops 2 nights per week.

  13. What’s this? SWTOR putting some Star in Star Wars? Are you excited about the space expansion? Where would you rather be than <Top Gun> to earn your wings?


    <Top Gun> is now a year-old Republic guild on this server. Our primary focus is on PvP, but we also run weekly progression ops. We’re very much looking forward to Galactic Starfighter, and we’re recruiting now to fill out ranked teams and 12-person space combat teams.


    We have about 80 accounts and more than 300 characters in guild. We average 10-12 players through prime time each night. We’ve got Vent, guild bank, all the basic amenities you expect. We’re mostly west coast-based, but we have people from all around the world online.


    We’re a mature group of men and women, and we require that you be as well. We require you to be 18+ to join, and have at least 1 character at level 30. We have folks leveling up alts, and new players joining us all the time.


    Interested? Check us out at topgunswtor.enjin.com, or ask for an officer in-game. Guild mergers are also welcome, and we grant officer positions for merging guilds.


    Join now and you can be my wingman any time.

  14. Pugging PvP on any server, on either the Republic or Imperial side is actually the joke here. You are completely at the mercy of random server selection for the quality and makeup of your team.


    When you queue up solo, you should expect a world of pain. Don’t PUG, group up!

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