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Everything posted by Midnight_Malice

  1. Actually refreshing to see an Agent that agrees it needs to be nerfed. Most people I have seen are NO ITS FINE I WONT BE ABLE TO KILL ANYTHING WITHOUT MY CRAZY ROFLCOPTER BURSTS. When you can consistanly kill people without them even being able to fight back yeah.... They will be balancing things for the next year or more, classes will be buffed and nerfed consistantly. Imbalance = MMO death.
  2. While leveling in PvE quest rewards are fine. I still had level 40 mods and stuff in my orange gear when I hit 50, I didn't worry about it too much until I started doing HM flashpoints. Unless you are having serious trouble getting through the content, then gear isnt a big deal. Save your credits. The only epic mods I had were enhancements, which I could RE from artifice, others were just rewards and commedations, so mostly rare "blue" ones. Once you hit 50, start doing Ilum dailys you can get a lot of "23" eipcs from the rewards there.
  3. Well if you are using the deception tree you are not a tank. You "may" be able to fill in occasionally on weaker targets if you pop dark charge in PvE but overall worry about damage not endurance. Willpower > Crits > Surge is the way I have been gearing, and my dps is getting pretty scary Don't forget at 50 though there are caps to these stats as well. I don't believe willpower has a cap, but crits and surge do. I believe the general consensous is 45% and 80% or 85% if I remember correctly. After that I believe accuracy or power would be the next best stat from my experience when you can't just stack on more willpower. I "could" be wrong about willpower not having a cap, but I haven't seen anything yet.
  4. Depends on what stat you are stacking I guess. I think im at 35-37% crit and about 80% crit damage so pretty good. If your crits at 50 aren't closer to 3.5-4k with maul, discharge and shock then maybe look at your gear. I don't remember low 40s damage too well, but I know I occasionally pulled 3k crits for my big damage abilities. Maul, Discharge, Shock. I would say don't worry about it too terribly until you cap level.
  5. They really do. People saying it doesn't are oblivious to balance, and are most likely using the class. If you can kill someone full health in seconds without them having any chance to fight back, it is broken.
  6. If they made lacerate a bit higher damage and was like his jump spin when he fought Obi-Wan... that would help. I find voltaic slash's animation really stupid. This is why I try and include Tumult in my PvE when I can, it is an acrobatic move that looks cool. It wont happen, but if they would have just changed some animations we would have the acrobatic appearances. Maul could have a backwards stab look. "Ala Qai'Gon's killshot" A bit more spinning and jumping animations would definately be welcome as long as they didn't increase hit delay.
  7. 2k? Thats average, you should be criting for closer to 3k around this level if you stack 2-3 static charges in dps gear. At 50 in decent gear it breaks 3.5k consistantly, if yoou are lucky enough to crit when you pop overcharge saber it is just nasty, and if you manage your CD correctly can get 2 discharges off in 1 Overcharge saber activation. In other words, if you plan to DPS in PvE as deception, this is what you will use. If you use anything else you are gimping your own damage.
  8. You "may" be able to tank without the gear, but you would put unessessary strain on healers trying to keep you alive. If you plan to tank, use tank gear. If you don't like it, that is a risk you take by purchasing the gear.
  9. Not too bad IMO... good examples of how Maul should hit but doesnt all through that thing though.... send it to Bioware Lots of cuts though.... I imagine thats when you get facerolled? hehe
  10. I DID! Ilum flashpoint standard deception spec, using dark charge.... in dps gear. More props to the healer than me, but I did it lol. I know it isn't lolcrazyHM or anything but these werent trash mobs trying to kill me. Oh and I saw someone mention something about lightning.... its good for a LOL moment when you see the guy run away and stop to heal, you head toward him, he roots you thinking Sins dont have much range, and you pop Recklessness and own him.... thats always fun at least. To add to the overall convo though, I am still struggiling a bit as deception in PvP but I want to make it work so bad. I love the playstyle, but I am made out of paper it seems. The only tiny buff I would like to see is something to address getting knocked out of stealth right as you cloak, for a hit and run class, and in perpetual PvP warzone, it really ends up being hit and get killed unless you skirmish the 1 guy by himself, in that instance I usually win, but if there is 2 people, even using knockback, stun, shroud, cloak, speed I almost always get hit out of stealth, stunned then dead, maybe a talent for 2 second immunity when going into cloak, even if it comes with a longer CD. I know that is pretty much what shroud is for, but it doesnt seem to work how it should for me. Maybe my mistakes, but IDK.
  11. I use the standard PvE deception build 8-31-2... i think it is..... I dont have the game up right now. Visually (based on threat generation) it stacks up with most other DPS builds when played right... I have to back off dps with similar geared/skilled players or I will hold threat quite often until the tanks taunt CDs are up... remember, without combat log, everything is still, in reality, speculation. My advice is to use what you think you will enjoy playing first, then tweak it later.
  12. I have it on my right quickslot bound to Y, I PvE more than PvP and I will usually Electrocute, Tumult while in motion to get behind then Maul, it does 7-8k in just seconds, and looks slick Usually takes down 50 strongs in 1 clean motion. Nessassary? Nope... but I pay to play my way hehe
  13. Ya you could do that, but by the time you hit 50 when you actually need to manage your stuff, you wont know what to do and will get dropped from Ops and HMs. Practice now. Anticipate the ability that causes the procs, glance down while using your next ability in your rotation, then next ability is the "weakness" one, you wont miss a beat. Think of your rotation as more of a prioroty. Skill A Skill B Proc'ed Skill C (you checked your bar for B's proc while hitting this one, cause you anticipate B procing something) Skill F (proc'ed skill) Skill D ect... Like I said, becomes second nature after enough time. As long as you don't get into the habit of stopping your attack while checking bars, (which is what I did at first) you will be ok.
  14. Alright I guess Im farming corellia coms for a while thats not too bad. Its farming the HM flashpoints for the higher tiers that I need a good shield for in the first place. While I did tank that Ilum flashpoint in my spec, it was not HM just level 50 but was still an accomplishment for me lol.... well maybe moreso for the healer, but meh... I like to take some credit.
  15. All I can say is, you'll get used to it. 50 Deception here.... you will start to be able to tell which weakness triggers out of the corner of your eye. I have to watch for 3 things, in my rotation, discharge stacks, maul and shock, along with watching for enemy abilities to stun, if the enemy is stunned for my Tumult, (which I try for cause I crit for 3.5k+) recklessness CD for shock stacks, relic CD, and the normal enemy awareness things. It's a lot at first, but it becomes second nature, and you will start to get the feel for it without really looking at the bars for more than a split second every once in a while.
  16. Along these lines, I'm a 50 Deception Sin, seriously thinking about respec for tanking, (since our group tank is MIA,) I tanked an Ilum flashpoint earlier today, friggin forget the actual name though as full deception spec in dps gear just using dark charge, Darth spoiler.... had to knockback (if you have done it you know) I really want to get my hands on a good shield with willpower, I'm either completely blind, or, Artifice cannot craft one with WP past level 45, what's up with that? I was actually looking forward to gathering tank gear, since it was right after that flashpoint. Anyone know where I may get close to endgame quality shield, besides commedations? I need the shield to help farm those...
  17. ^this. If you are popping all of your abilities and then attacking, thats at least 2-3 seconds gone from the ability from your first attack and thier reaction time to attack back. Spike, Maul, Deflect, next or however your opener works... Deflect isn't on the GCD so there should be NO issue.
  18. To be honest, if you want range, re-roll. You will not be a viable assassin dps at range in PvE no matter what spec you go. Sure, there my be a few more ranged abilities in other specs, but trying to stay at range and cap dps as a Sin is not going to happen, you will be hurting the group by trying to do this. As a sin if im not actively in range to dps im checking cooldowns and triggers as I get close, and I'll pop my relic or overcharge saber, recklessness things like that as I get back in range. Force Speed is your friend when getting back into the fight when you get knockback. If you are about to die, run away.... force cloak and back off, you are more helpful if you stay away until you get healed then dead on the floor, I tend to pop Mass Mind Control before I do this as well, since Im going to drop threat anyway by Cloaking.
  19. Unless you are Darkness spec he is your best companion... so sad that you get him wayyy too late in the game. I would have liked to use whichever companion I wanted, but the truth is that 95% of the time, I chose practicality. Deception Assassin needs someone to generate high threat for Mauls...unless you just want to use them when low slash or electrocute are up, in PvE Maul is beastly. Khem was my choice throughout the majority of the game for that reason.
  20. Oh yeah, there is no reason they cannot double thier workload on top of the already insane amount of hours they have been working to fix the bugs in the first place. You are right, they are making your life completely inconvienient, because you can't play for 4-8 hours once a week.
  21. From my understanding, a classes main stat affects all of thier abilities in some way. As an Assassin with stacked willpower, my melee damage is a bit higher than my force damage (from the stat screen). I have almost no strength on my character, but I hit just as hard with my melee attacks as my maurader friend, if not harder because of my crit and surge stacking. But to see which abilities are which, check your actual abilities (P) it will say Melee, Force, Passive next to them on that tab. You should not have to stack another type of stat for that ability to do its intended damage, as with my Mauls hitting 3.5k or my Assassinate about the same damage. If these were governed by strength (being melee) they would do almost nothing. I have around 100 strength and over 1k willpower. (and yes I know this is the warrior thread and im talking about assassin, but the title caught my attention )
  22. Douche worst name ever.... Mask Of Nihilis Dont really have a best on that server but I have to nod myself... Female Smuggler named Swindle and our Rep guild is Victory or Nothing
  23. Yes, you get access to them once you hit 50.
  24. I have lots of epic crafts from Artifice, (with Archeology and Treasure Hunting) have been leveling the skill and doing crew missions pretty much the whole time leveling, I JUST hit 50, have all my abilities very good gear lvl 48-49 epics in Implant/Earpiece Mastercraft endgame epic focus, and 90% of my Orange gear mods are at least rare 48-50. I have 250k credits, and I haven't even done half of Corellia yet. Credits are not a problem if you have half a brain. If you want to craft, focus on the things you WANT and not just random stuff, lots of people just try to RE everything they can. Stick to base mods and RE them to level up the skill, if you send people out on missions, ignore moderate yields if you can, stick to bountiful and higher. If you need basic mats, check the GTM first before sending people out on missions, chances are you will find a stack of 10 there for like 200 credits, when getting the same amount through missions would cost 1k. When skills start becoming expensive, prioritize them. A lot of classes have abilities from your trainer that are really only useful to certian specs, (for example, Assassin's 3 different saber charges, really not much of a reason to buy all 3 since you are spec'd for one, pick up the other stuff when you have the credits to burn) Other things to note for new players, YOUR LEGACY NAME IS YOUR LAST NAME SHARED ACROSS ALL CHARACTERS YOU CREATE ON BOTH FACTIONS ON THAT SERVER. I have seen way too many people with the same first and last name. YOU CANNOT RE-ROLL YOUR ADVANCED CLASS don't think you can pick one and try it out, then switch later. You will need to start that class from level 1. The last thing I have for this isn't really a mistake people make, more of a tip. Most simple questions you have can be answered by simply opening up your map or codex and doing a bit of searching. Google is your friend... SOOO many people just ask in general about the most simple stuff, I see questions in there 50 times a day that should not even need to be asked. This happens so much that most people will just give you fake answers and flame you anyway. Take 2 minutes to try and find the answer through the game itself or google it real quick. That will save you a ton of time trying to figure out the real answer from the 10 fake responses you will get.
  25. I got it over Avoidance. I guess it depends on which one you believe is more useful. If you are deception, Ill assume you only use surging charge (as you should) except maybe some very rare instances when you may need to guard a target. If you PvP both the 30% armor or 30 second reduction of unbreakable will are useful, but then again Lightning Recovery could be pretty useful too... I did pick it up as my very last points to 50 though. I think those last 2 points (if you are getting Voltaic Slash) are pretty much where ever you feel is most useful. Avoidance, Insulation or Lightning Recovery from Darkness tree.
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