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10 Good
  1. I believe I am not saying anything that someone else hasn't said already, just want to chip in my 2 cents. The main problem i have with SWTOR is that we are - for all obvious reasons other than it not being oficially labeled so - playing a paid for beta. At least that what it feels like quite often. The lack of (endgame-)content people complain about? The incredible number of bugs you encounter? The "still a work in progress"-feeling you get when ist comes to (50s-)PvP? The already mentioned lack of certain "basic" features? All trademarks of beta versions. It feels like playing on a construction site. Another 6 months in developement instead of desperately trying to make the Christmas sales might verly likely have done true miracles for the game. And despite all this, i still play the game (yet...). Why? Because i'm a storyline fanatic and credit where credit is due, the class stories are great. But wth 1.2 they actually managed to take that away for me too. I'm one of those unlucky guys that have their client crash after almost every conversation of the main story arc. Granted, it happens not on every planet. Corellia appears to work fine, so does Dromund Kaas. But Tatooine? Voss? Forget it. So right now im thinking: next time, stick to the single player games from Bioware. I get the great story without a monthly fee and most of the time a much less bugged out game.
  2. I preferred the original laughing sound to the current one by far as well. Just like Boogety i heavily rely (relied) on the clearly audibile dinstinguished sound of upper hand/tactical advantage becoming availlable. Plus, it was fun. Especially the female versions. At least in my book. I can understand that some other players might have been annoyed by this. Especially if not playing an agent/smuggler. So i support the idea of making it client side, like the companion comments. Giving us an option to toggle it on/off would of course be nice, but would immediately prompt reactions of other players: "why does their class have something like that and i can't switch off my -insert various sounds of other classes-".
  3. Might not be much of a contribution, but i really wanted to thank you and congratulate you for this wonderful guide.
  4. Actually they did more than that, they reduced the armor penetration benefit of the 31-point talent from 50% to 30%. Which affects of course any sustained damage you can deal. (Which as far as i'm told isn't really the strength of an operative in the first place.)
  5. Being target number one if the other side has half a brain i'm used to. A few more defensive options on the Scoundrel would be nice but not necessarily required. Fixing the medal gain however is. I always stare dumbfonded at the medal count of my little vanguard (defense) in comparison to the scoundrel. *sigh*
  6. It might also help if the kills of people you heal would count for you as well. I mean, you're in the middle of a wholesale scrap. Come out 300k+ healed and get what? 3 blasted medals for 75k heal, 300k heal and the oneshot 2,5k heal. And why? Looking into the kills number you get a bloody 3! Three! Why? Because you have to tag enemies around you as well with damage in order to get the "enemies slain"-medals. This of course means wasting resources like gcds and energy/focus/whatnot on dmg. So far you have the coice to either contribute usefully to the warzone, or try to collect medals. If anybody tells me this is working as intended whoever designed this needs to go back to the drawing board. And fast!
  7. Aloha zusammen, kann mir jemand sagen, ob es möglich ist, die Fähigkeiten der Begleiter-Leiste umzusortieren, also deren Reihenfolge zu ändern? Und falls ja, wie? Selbst wenn ich sie als Ersatz für eine meiner Leisten aufrufe, kann ich nur einzelne aktivieren oder deaktivieren, aber sie nicht auf andere Tasten legen. Was aber gelinde gesagt sehr hilfreich wäre, da ich die Dauerzustände wie passiv oder erhöhte Bedrohung nicht auf den hotkeys der minimierten Leiste brauche. Ich danke schonmal für jede Hilfe im Voraus. Grüße, poet
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