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Posts posted by PJEBarlow

  1. When I only see the UI report a maximum of 170 people on Dromund Kaas or the Imperial Fleet on my server, at 8pm when it's got queues, I have to say it's quite disappointing. Even if this is reporting how many people are in the specific instance I am in, not in the whole zone, there's never more than two instances.


    I only see about 5 people while I am running about doing stuff, more in busy areas with vendors and lots of quests, but I think they should just get rid of instancing and/or increase server capacity. It's not funny to queue for 15 minutes just to play in a zone with a maximum of 170 people (most of whom I won't even see, and often the count is much lower). This is a unique pattern as far as the many MMOs I've played go.

  2. No offense intended, but that is incredibly ignorant of very, very basic economic principles. It doesn't take a lot of thought to realize that unless there are money sinks that take money out of circulation, massive inflation would happen.


    It was actually the opposite in SWG, though. The crafting-based economy worked fine until they killed most of the crafting and threw loot at you in the NGE, then suddenly everyone had billions of credits.

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