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Everything posted by Yeochins

  1. Ask yourself how much fun would it be to play the same team composition and same matches over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again? That's what arena's were when you had a solid team and were facing other solid teams. It's intense, but boring. The only thing that keeps you going is having a massive e-peen. If you really could care less about having a big e-peen then it eventually becomes boring.
  2. No the classes aren't balanced. Some classes synergize much better than others leading to predefined compositions. Unless all classes synergize equally, Arena's are doomed in the same way Rated Warzones are. Blizzard realized this mistake.
  3. And here is the reason why the Po5 versus Bastion argument never ends. You're own bastion'ers never can admit they were wrong.
  4. It's been said already. It's just a handful of Bastion'ers refuse to accept it and need to win the argument.
  5. This hostility began awhile back when people were advertising their streams. Bastion got a really, really, really bad reputation when self-proclaimed PvP experts were back-pedalling (with no objective purpose - ie. backpedaling to lure DERPers away from objectives), mouse click-activating skills, zoomed-in, and missing important teamwork skills on their skill bar. The shots were fired in "jabs" when Bastion'ers posted their opinions on class balance after the streams were seen. "You must not be facing very good competition on Bastion" - esque posts. Which brings us to the announce of server transfers. Ever since Bioware royally screwed up end-game warzones with Bolster, screwed up with new PvP content, and screwed up with metagame Balance, the PvP servers have been dying (all servers, Po5, Bastion, etc, and this is corroborated by the recorded server loads). Each server is trying to pull more people towards themselves to keep the game going (to prevent the dead-server syndrome we had back in March 2012). So now all the pent-up hostility is boiling over. It's just Po5 is handling it slightly better.
  6. If the healer is kitting they arent healing (the only exception is the Operative healer which is why teams carry one). There are 3 stages to SWTOR PvP: The "baddies" stage when they think it's all about face-pwning. The "good" stage when they realize its a team game and you need to work together. The "great" stage when they realize that most of the teamwork-based counters rely on 1v1's. Unless the tank and healer are horrible you arent going to focus burn a healer from 30K HP to 0. Many people still haven't realized the way to bust the healer/tank combo is to keep the healer preoccupied in a 1v1. Its everyone's duty to peel while helping focus in the fight. So what you CC the carnage marauder a few times? Eventually he's gonna have a white bar and free-reigns. Eating a 7K force scream, 7K Vicious throw, and a uninterruptable ravage are gonna hurt. Inbetween Rage and Carnage, Carnage is clearly superior when it comes to keeping a healer in a 1v1 lockdown. They may not kill the healer, but if the healer is doing anything but healing their team mates, they've done their job perfectly. Rage did get buffs, but Carnage is no one trick pony. If you think Force Scream is where the damage comes from then you're not as good as you think. Carnage has: 6% damage reduction from Frenzied Sabers 30% AOE Damage reduction from Defensive Roll 30% alacrity from popping Beserk 3% passive increase to accuracy for landing hits on tanks 3 second root on Deadly throw Immobilization on ravage (3 seconds) 12 second CD on battering assault Anyone who is skilled with Carnage and plays against skilled players will find that the Slaughter buff proc's enough that being stunned after using Gore really isn't an issue anymore.
  7. Yeochins

    New to PVP

    The few mass PvP events are things that a PvE server rarely have because the duelist e-peen has grown to EPIC proportions.
  8. All the people crying here to reduce the amount of CC being thrown around are from players who arrived after patch 1.2. Its quite easy to tell who the newcommers and veterans are. The issue isn't the amount of CC being thrown around. The issue is the resolve system was broken by Bioware to help the baddies who would white-bar people 20 meters away from the goal line, or who would white-bar an ANNIHILATION Marauder who would then proceed to wreck face. To fix all these CC issues simply revert the resolve changes made back to 1.1.3 and all of these problems go away.
  9. It really wont. Unless Bioware restricts skills upon entering the Arena it is doomed to fail and decline in popularity. To make arena's viable you need: Proper MMR match-making Lots of participants Class Balance Class balance having far reaching implications barring entry into Arena's. The power of the healing/tank combination restricts compositions. With the operative's ability to keep you floating at 30% health, execute-only DPS classes are going to be considered. Without a proper MMR system people will staff for the worst case scenario which means compositions will be fixed barring entry. Until any class and any 4 man spec is viable, Arena's will just become like rated warzones. They'll be intensely competitive fights, but nothing novel will really happen that's unexpected making it boring after 3-5 months.
  10. There are soo many things wrong with this post. If you have 1 million damage and have the same number of kills to show for it as a Carnage Marauder, then the Rage-specced Marauder did nothing for the team. It means his damage was healed over. You are simply facing bad marauders if you can out heal them. A carnage marauder is deadly because deadly-throw is a root in addition to a trauma debuff. Yes, you are doing 20% less healing when fighting a Carnage marauder. Rage and Annihilation Marauders are less likely to use the trauma debuff on deadly throw because they need to spend it elsewhere. Slows: Dual Saber Throw Crippling Slash Roots: Force Charge Deadly throw Ravage You claim that 7K force screams are unimpressive. Well if you're not concerned about Carnage Marauders 6K vicious throw's and major Alacrity boost then you aren't really that good.
  11. Lightning: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201G0zzZcsrbdRrcRrsZ0M.3 Sapped strength gives you one on one potential when you're forced into 1v1 situations. Very useful for peeling, and making smash hurt a whole lot less. Madness: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201bZfcZcMfRsMkrfRR.3 This madness build suffers from lack of force if you exploit the chain shock to its fullest potential. You will find yourself using shock a bit when you need to kite. A chain shock following a critted death field is where the burst is. Lightning is better because you can better time the (higher) burst with team mates. Madness will hard counter healing operatives/scoundrels.
  12. Yes. They receive both an expertise and stat bolster. They bolster you to about 2008 expertise (still 60% dmg bonus), and give you around 1500 bonus damage (essentially full underworld 72 stats). So the comparison between Conqueror and 54 crafteds is: (2018 expertise, 65-rating stats) (2008 bolstered expertise, 72-rating bolstered stats)
  13. The only time Snipers have ever won against my Juggernaut, Marauder, Shadow, Scoundrel, and Sorcerer is when they are getting pocket heals or I'm being focused 2+ on 1. As a sniper you're vulnerable to sorcerer DOTs. When properly played you will have to expose yourself in the open to get hit by 15K worth of lightning burst, or to be constantly DOT'ed and LOSed by a madness sorcerer. As a sniper you're not immune to obliterate in the rage tree, and against a carnage marauder with obfuscate, cloak of pain, Unleash, and Force Cloak you are never going to win a 1 on 1 without having the expertise buff advantage. If a Rage player is engaging your sniper in a wide open field then you know they're baddies. Carnage is the only spec that Warriors have that will let them fight snipers anytime, anywhere. The classes sniper's don't have trouble with are the Powertech and Mercenary.
  14. There are two kinds of dead: Dead as in no participants Dead as in no fun/excitement Ranked Warzones lack excitement if you've played enough of them competitively. The only map where anything unexpected seems to happen is Huttball. ACW: Winner is which side node gets capped first. Middle is stalled indefinitely until match end. Hypergates: Prevent opposing team from capping any pylon. You can stall for quite awhile until some team manages to acrue a couple points because they exploited a small mistake by their opponents in their fatigue. Then the match can end because you hit the time limit. Voidstar: First door deadlock. Winner decided by which team manages to have a lesser number of deaths Novare Coast: Typical opening dance (1 east, 1 west, 6 south), rotate, cap east/west prevent south from being capped for awhile Sure the actual fights are pretty intense, but they lack the excitement of being unexpected. At any point during a fight you can predict 1-5 things that are going to happen. When it happens you aren't surprised it happened. While this is a sign that you're playing at a high level, it just isn't exciting to hit a wall of growth.
  15. Whoever held the ball last wins. If the other team scored, you need to hold the ball for at least 30 seconds (in the event the score ties the game) otherwise the team that just scored wins. Huttball is thankfully the only game that can't be indefinitely stalled in rated warzones. The game always ends after 12.5 minutes. The only way the game lasts longer is if both teams agree never to touch the ball.
  16. Its actually twice that amount. Ping usually measures the round trip (there and back). SWTOR measures a one-way trip to deceive you into believing your ping is actually good. A 30 ms latency reading in SWTOR is actually a 60 ms ping reading. So a 100 ms latency in SWTOR is actually 200 ms (0.2 seconds). So having a high server latency reading actually hurts you more than you think.
  17. Wrong. This post alone tells me you're not very good at melee classes. The #1 trick to fighting melee clases as melee classes is to Joust. You keep moving forward until you move through their character then turn 180 and repeat if your opponent turns too. This is because Melee class need to be facing you initially to use their attacks (and this makes resisting mauls easier and dependent on who is the better mouse turner). The better players at melee classes do this dance to completely destroy keyboard turners, people who do not keybind, and people with high ping. If you don't keybind as a Juggernaught, anyone who knows how to use Jouse movement will completely wreck you.
  18. Follow your ping. If you're truely good at PvP then ping matters. Ping makes or breaks where people appear to be on your screen. Ping makes or breaks rooting people in fire pits, pushing people the correct way, being able to leap to someone from the pit. A player with a lower ping will have an easier time pulling off clutch moves. With a higher ping you can still pull them off, but the game will seem alot more finicky.
  19. If DICE sticks to what they've presented in the trailer, I think Battlefront will actually feel like a proper shooter instead of some half-baked shooter that feels like I'm shooting using harmless pea's. The blaster fire should feel like real bullets and it is presented as such in the trailer.
  20. Typical PvE response. If you're using the Madness spec to its fullest potential in PvP you will be dry on force all the time. The difference between having energy and having no energy is the difference between being able to put out burst using madness versus a baddie who gets his damage healed over all the time.
  21. There is soo much misinformation in this line. An annihilation marauder has no opening burst. You are not hitting 30,000 HP worth of damage in 7 skills or less. You think you're going to charge in place dots and hit Annihilate and call that an opener? That borders on the side of regular combat, not an opener. Clearly you don't PvP much. The best opening burst you will ever get from a marauder comes from: Rage Beserk Force Charge Smash Force Scream Carnage: Force Charge Gore Ravage Carnage: Force Charge Battering Assault Gore Massacre Scream (On execute proc) Carnage: Force Charge Battering Assault Gore Massacre Vicious Throw (On slaughter proc) Gore Scream (On execute proc) None of these are going to take 30K HP off your opponent. If you really think so, then you are clearly lying on the forums because anyone whose PvP'ed knows that the best you will get in less than 10 seconds worth of 1 on 1 combat is 20K HP. And those numbers don't come from marauders, they come from Sorcerers which can reach 20K HP in 2 GCDs following the cast of Thundering Blast. I can guarantee you in PvP you will be stunned, knocked back, blinded, rooted, resisted well before you take 10K worth of HP off of another class.
  22. You are cutting with the sword that gives cancer, or have the safety on:
  23. I thought they were terrible until I had the realization that if they're truely from Brazil they're rocking horrible 300 ms pings which may be enough to explain their lack of reaction/response/ability.
  24. I noticed it happens a lot more on my guardian/Juggernaught than it does on my Marauder. But I did see it for the first time today on my marauder.
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