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Everything posted by Aroseby

  1. Sorry Op conjecture has never been my strongest point and i suppose I should work on my guesswork as well. My guess 1,000,000??? Damn see what I mean
  2. P.S. I forgot to mention though that if wow had v/o cutscene questing. I would probably never play Star Wars the Old Republic
  3. Hey read your post. long term wow player here as is my wife (pally tank b/elf [me] priest healer b/elf [wife] and hopefully long term SWTOR players as well....sith warrtior Juggernaut tank [wife] Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer healer [me] both level 33 atm. We absoluteley love playing as a team and are in the unique position that as we play in the same room games like wow and now SWTOR are perfect for us. We can communicate effectively and in wow i trust no-one else but my wife as healer never healed in wow but am trying healing for first time here and loving it. So obviously as we both work and are mature adults (both in our 40,s) {hope they let us play in the nursing home when we get there lol} we are able to afford to play both games. Just dividing time between the two is being worked out. (raid schedules to consider) always when I see posts like this I try to play devil's advocate meaning as wow players (since just after launch and SWTOR from launch). I have no blinkers on when it comes to my passion that is wow and also my new passion mark 2 that is Star wars. Is this game bugged hellz yeah but as with any game like this they can never be free of them. In wow we play for fun yes, but also are very competitive in pvp and serious about our endgame as well. We discovered this game started playing in the last 2 beta tests, got ega (5 days each too) and have been playing since launch. To us we really don't know what the fuss is all about we play this because it gives us what wow doesn't a sort of mmo console game with co-op/mulitplayer (we are in a guild so have plenty of guildies to do content with) and a lot of dlc to come. we like the stories, the questing a lot of things actually. So we have this for fun and wow is for our hardcore fix so to speak. Sorry this is a bit long (im old so forgive me waffling on) my point is this when i see posts like this I try to bring some balance to the conversation (there are always 2 sides to a story) Yes this game has bugs and issues but so does our beloved wow http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3056495855 There i am a wow player and I admit my game isnt perfect and bug free but neither is this one. I am sure both companies are working hard to resolve their respective issues to keep their players happy. Blizzard is and from what I have seen so far, so are Bioware May we enjoy whatever it is we like to do
  4. I meant to say this as well. If it is like other game subs it also depends on the time of day eg if u entered code at 3.00pm time should end around that time 30 days later.(or 32 if grace period is taken into account)
  5. mine said runs out 19th now it is the 21st they will charge me> I think the 2 day grace period may have something to do with it
  6. psst...this is on the list you posted "Do not post about locked or deleted threads or other moderation actions"
  7. ok wow did not have a "pretty good launch" and I think that this is far from perfection http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3056495855 for a game that has been around as long as wow. nearly every expansion/patch they have released has always been bugged or has had issues. so even Blizzard are not perfect (no currently running mmo is ever perfect and problem free or will ever be) Committed wow player and now also committed SWTOR player as is my wife. (pally tank-me.... priest healer- wife {wow} both blood elves.....plus assorted alts in progress sith juggernaut tank (wife)-sith sorcerer healer-me (we have swapped roles for SWTOR) also with assorted alts in progress. I just wanted to point out that going by your last point then, when say for example, Blizz release a new expansion or content patch (or any other mmo for that matter) it should also be near perfect and bug free based on the money they spent and the experience they have had the last however many years streamlining their systems. I am afraid to say but expecting perfection from an mmo is not a feasible thing at all
  8. And there is also this http://www.swtor.com/info/founders
  9. Have you actually read this http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120118-0 I have and it says it can take up to seven days. Hope that solves your question
  10. Man it always makes me chuckle when the irony of saying "wow" to something awesome I have just said/done in SWTOR happens. Lots and lots of things to like about being in your very own Star Wars movie
  11. I agree about the pvp, at least here if you are on the losing side you still get decent credits, valor and exp (unlike the other game). I have a theory that there a lot of things about SWTOR designed to attract, not the current new breed of WoW player, but the old breed who mourn what has been done to that game may the input of old school wow players who have made this their home help shape this game to stay on track. May the Force be with us all!!!
  12. Sorry can't address point 1 or 2 have not reached max level yet but as for point 3, my wife and I play together constantly and sometimes we are 1-2 levels above each other and have had not a problem whatsoever doing any content together Not to say it doesn't happen just as yet (i am lvl 34 she is 32atm) we have had no issues like this. in fact as a healer we are finding it better if i am a level or 2 above my wifes toon (she is tank)
  13. Both my wife and I are excited for the next couple of days because that is when we see our first month paying subscription money deducted from our credit cards. :D:D We are also excited to be in the "vanilla" (for want of a better term) of this most awesome 'star in your own Star Wars movie" game. Things can only get better (and they have been) and we are looking forward to seeing some awesome content and other kool things added to the game over time. Sincerely from two soon-to-be Founders
  14. My Legacy name is "Horismoku" I chose it because it is a term used by the Tattooer Sailor Jerry. I thought it was a good name to use as it is a tribute to the legacy he left the tattoo world
  15. Is this what you mean by bug free?? http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3056495855
  16. I agree that's why my wife and I are going to pop a bottle of champagne when we both hit level 50 together as that's how we play the game(as 2player multi play with members of our guild) (currently we are level 32 each...sith sorc (me) sith warrior(wife)
  17. Honestly most of the people I know who are now playing, are playing based on the most important advertising tool ever...."word of mouth". Lol nearly everyone does not take the word of people on forums like this....especially if the posts are worded in anything other than a logical, well-constructed argument. All my friends are now playing this based on what they have seen of my wife and I playing. I am sure the best promoters of the game are not on these forums, they are people who are actually playing the game, loving it and spreading the word.....like ...well...us.
  18. As a current wow player (as is my wife) in the interests of a balanced discussion http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3056495855
  19. Thanks man ima post this on the wow forums too This is good advice for all mmo makers (ahem sticky thread wow forums 4.3 issues and bugs) thats where im going to post similar to this
  20. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=198589 Why two threads about this??
  21. My response to these threads is well...my signature
  22. would you mind listing them all for us to consider.
  23. It's going to be interesting to see if certain posters who say they have cancelled are still here after free time is up. If they are they will have to change their forum name cause I for one will call them out on their hypocrisy. and i am sure their "i quit/cancelled/unsubbed" posts will come back to haunt them
  24. Do you see how generalizations work, if not, you say "everyone leaving". I and my wife are not...therefore not everyone is leaving.
  25. My wife and I have been wow players for five years. This is simply not true imho. and anyway who really quests in wow we level now using lfd and bg's. much quicker to endgame
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