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Everything posted by Korigon

  1. OMG 600k for the bank.. oh wait it also requires 12 members in the guild, thats 50k per member... Hmmm thats not bad, unless your trying to form a banking guild then the 600k will hurt.
  2. I have an idea, the next time they want to give anyone free time, lets form a picket line and march around. Yes it would be great if everyone got 30 free days, hell I have friends that could of really used it, but there will always be someone screaming about how it is unfair because they did not get the free time. Would it be more fair if they gave it to only inactive accounts, or those with the most alts? There is no point in complaining about this and crying on your keyboards. The only thing your really trying to get across is that they should not do anything nice for anyone because they will get grief from the rest. Relax, go outside and see the world, the real world. The game will be back online in a few hours.
  3. People complaining about this down time should of been around for the original EQ, back before WoW. EQ would patch and you couldn't play for a week, and anything you did get done was almost always rolled back. Not saying any down time is fun, but it is required, and it gives us time to wash the dishes, mow the lawn, etc.. I do enjoy Star Wars and plan to continue playing. The story and voices are wonderful, and entertaining.
  4. Why are so many people so upset? The game launches on the 20th, if and when you get the email saying you have been invited, be happy. No I am not in game yet, and really don't expect to be for another day or two. Option #2. Nerd rage and cancel your accounts so I can get in sooner, Thanks in advance for helping me get to play earlier.
  5. Yes I would like to get in as soon as I can, but no one promised 5 days.. They did however state that early access would grant UP TO 5 days. I just hope I get in more than 1 day early.
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