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Everything posted by LordRaevin

  1. I'm Valor Rank 57 and I'm still missing the offhand. I finaly got the weapon at Valor Rank 54 and a guildie who's Valor Rank 29 has every single piece.
  2. Even though it's a relatively old topic it's prolly the best place to ask my question. I currently have two HDD's in raid 0 but I'm getting "Error Occurred (0)" when i'm starting up my computer and loading times aren't exactly that great especially in places like tatooine so i'm going to replace one of my HDD's for an SSD. Will my SSD be slown down if i put it in Raid 0 together with my HDD or will the speed be even faster ? Is it recommended ?
  3. So much hate in this thread, isn't it obvious he's just pointing out the problem ? I like the idea though, i can't be *********** bothered with these 15+ minute queue's just to have a game end early and get a pathetic 400-500 valor reward and 40 warzone commendations. Perhaps the Republic has a guild willing to exchange... hmm...
  4. I couldn't help but check your guild's website. So nightmare mode SoA always drops 2 mounts ?
  5. Aren't the servers supposed to go down right about now ?
  6. What if you just *********** came from "fresh air" as in labor and now you wish to play ?
  7. We paid more for the purchase of the game. We pay more for the monthly subscription. We're forced to pay more for the physical security key. We have to pay more for the standard to deluxe upgrade. Fellow Europeans, start lubing up.
  8. You're right sorcerers have a seriously hard time reducing their own health and healing themselves up or getting a killing blow by attacking somebody with low health. Medals are the most important thing in a battleground and pure DPS classes have a harder time getting them than any other.
  9. The classes that can't heal or guard are properly screwed in the bum, thank you BioWare.
  10. Bounty hunters, the elite version of a Sniper.
  11. Welcome to 1942. Why is there a profanity filter and ignore function if it's not allowed to insult players ? Snitches get stitches.
  12. Must be good being on a full server, can us light servers get some thought too ? Before the patch queue's where 20 seconds and PvP was fine. Now (11 AM CET) it's 20~ minutes just for it to end early.
  13. I agree, my server has the same problem. The queue times during the day are about 10 minutes and about 30 minutes during the evening. The games tend to end early due to the lack of players which is extremely annoying. The ilum missions are impossible due the severe lack of Republics. It took me 20 minutes to get 3 kills (same guy!) and i suppose he left after because it stopped there.
  14. Really ? You're worried about 40k credits ? I have a couple million credits and i have no idea what to blow it on! I don't have the Digital Deluxe so i cant buy the "decent looking" 1.5 Million credit mount. I'm not wasting one million credits on a VIP bracelet that only counts for ONE stinking character. The one from Voss looks like a hobo vehicle made out of a carton box or several of them. Nobody wants to do BT normal for social point farming and hard modes don't reward it. What else is there ? Drops that are free. Add a 3 million credit two seated mount people actually have access to, thank you.
  15. Guild Wars 2 > Star Wars the Old Republic, obviously... as long as it doesn't have the same amount of bugs.
  16. Hard Modes don't award social points for some strange reason even though i did False Emperor today and i got 2.. yes 2 whole social points for clearing it. The other 9000 i made since launch day have gone up in dust.
  17. Nobody mentioned Social Points being too hard to get ? Having to farm BT normal mode with others because Hard Modes don't award them is ridiculous.
  18. It's a bug, but there's no fix for it next patch by the look of it. Pretty sad to be honest.
  19. The fact that i have to group up with somebody and run normal BT to get social points is starting to piss me off. I've done god knows how many hard modes and all those points have been in vein. And there's nothing in the patch notes about a fix, or did i miss it ? Uhg.
  20. So give players a chance to pick a side, wether they wish to play on EU or US servers and create a wall in between them just like other mmo's do. Like last week, if a maintenance gets extended most Europeans (read: 50's that wish to raid / do operations) get screwed out of their raid time, it's pathetic.
  21. I wish, sadly the bad guys made a choice to be active at night rather than in daylight. I'm not happy with the maintenance times as they obviously favor the US. ***** and moan all you want about World of Warcraft, but at least they knew how to do maintenance's.
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