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Everything posted by RankorSSGS

  1. That's the kind of generalizations I'm talking about. You call us all cowards, we'll laugh, and then call you all QQ baddies. Then the cycle repeats. The difference is that I'm winning pvp, and you're not.
  2. That I can agree with. That is not what the sweeping generalizations previously stated. I'm not a coward because I premade, I'm just left with no other option.
  3. I tried to be reasonable. QQer's don't like reasonable, so now I'm just having fun.
  4. Flame me all you want, it's not gonna make you guys any more likely to win. If you pvped instead of crying, maybe you'd get good enough to face these uber groups. Feed me moar!
  5. If your going to try and call me out, at least know where I stand first. Yes I premade, go read my earlier post about why. Second, you know the max number of people in a premade? 4. Yes, 4. That is one half, not a whole team. If you are being 3 capped spawn and camped by 4 a group half your size, then yes you really do suck. The only exception are those guilds who run 2 4 man premades and queue dodge until they get to play together, and I wholly agree with you that those people should not be doing that, and should do ranked. That does not however, apply to every premade in the game, as you try to convey with your absurd generalizations.
  6. So you want a crutch to help you stand against people better than you? Shall we just hand you a win as soon as you queue up and skip the actual pvp altogether? Would that make you happy?
  7. Did I say I have an issue with the proposed group vs group queue? No, I said I'd gladly join it. But some people just need to man the F*** up until BW puts it in.
  8. Anyone know what the 2 M's in MMO stand for? Seriously, if people playing together is such a serious problem to you, go back to your single player games. People play MMO's to play with other people, deal with it. Inb4 "oh ur a baddie scared to lose the advantage u get roflstomping poor deprived loners like me" No, I'm not. If BW puts in a good system for group vs group queues, I'd gladly join it. But right now there isn't, and I'm not going to ignore my friends while I wait for a feature that may never come. Ranked games are not always possible, sometimes my guilds just do not have the people. And even if we do get a group together, ranked queues are so dead most of the time that there's nobody to queue against. I'm not paying my monthly sub to stand in the fleet, so I'm going to join the regular queue. I like competition, I don't enjoy roflstomping full pug groups, but I have really no other options until a group vs group queue is put in. And at least on my server, over 50% of the pvp population is in the same boat as me, so 90% of our games are premade vs premade anyway. So you QQer's can either make friends, quit the game, or grow up, it makes no difference to me. Flame away, because now I'll start feeding on it.
  9. Overload and the shadow equivalent are indeed bugged, they go on cooldown, but no animation, and no effect. Force Shroud is still wonky also.
  10. Yup pretty awesome. But we only get to do it reliably every 1.5 mins or so. so don't go crying OP just yet. Believe it or not, Deception used to be the worst spec in the game. It still is only semi-viable. Nasty in 1v1s, but in the larger scale conflicts of 8v8 warzones, it suffers pretty hard. And besides, our 5-6k hits are single target, not AoE *cough* lolsmash.
  11. Another not so cleverly hidden "nerf assassins/ shadows" thread. Good try.
  12. RankorSSGS

    Current TTK

    The happy people are playing the game haha. Either that or no free time at their job to spend on forums cough UGLYMRJ cough
  13. As a Bastioner, I merely visit here because our top rated guild has rolled alts on pot5 with the intent to see what the pot5 ranked scene is like, and I'm waiting to see what happens. I really couldn't care less about the rest of this crap.
  14. This will be interesting for sure. I'm still waiting to hear how <hey im mvp> is doing with their pot5 adventures.
  15. Only the other dozen threads on this exact subject. Read em.
  16. I think that low slash was developed more for pve purposes, as npcs can turn as fast as you can run, so you would never get the maul off without some form of cc. In pvp though, it is plenty easy to get behind people without it, which means that I can save low slash for when I do actually need an extra stun, to let my teammate get the bomb planted or w/e. Low slash is not part of any of my regular rotations, it's a situational ability. And yes, node guarding sucks. I've been guilty of being "that guy" who left the node empty, simply because after a while, the desire to actually play the game I'm paying to play overrides the desire to win a match. Also the reason why I do not usually participate in ranked warzones on that class. I'm not paying $15 a month to sit afk node guarding, I'm paying $15 a month to play the game.
  17. RankorSSGS

    Current TTK

    I also quite like TTK where it is. And there is a lot more than stun bubbles slowing down rated TTK, it was slow long before the stun bubble madness was put in the game. I find that most posts are wanting TTK to be raised, so that things die slower, rather than asking things to die faster.
  18. Pretty much this. The only sage going down in 3 hits is one in leveling greens with 12k hp.
  19. Agree totally, free field respec is such an amazing thing with this class. I can play balance, infil, or w/e hybrid I'm feeling, and do it all in the same game if I really wanted to haha.
  20. Glad someone else noticed his idiocy haha
  21. This, this, this, this and a little more of this.
  22. You can stop posting this BS in every shadow vid ever posted. Its not an OP class, not an OP spec, so just go away.
  23. Only balance shadow on Bastion eh? Well here I am, pleased to meet you. Not balance exclusively of course, but balance, infil, and the various hybrids of the 2 are what I'm playing 95% of my time. Tank spec is boring, and while not great, full balance and infil are sufficient for regular games, and the hybrids are plain awesome. Btw, there are other screenshots of 1mil shadow/assassin games. More so assassin, but same thing.
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