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Everything posted by KittyPrawn

  1. Poor server population on your server does not necessarily mean the whole game is doomed. Things may improve for you when patch 1.2 is released and LFD is available. Other than that, you're options are to make due with a bad situation or reroll on a more active server.
  2. Some legacy rewards are based on story progression. Some things are based on character level. I'm not quite sure what is actually based on legacy level...
  3. There are more servers than that which are alive and well. Let's not be silly.
  4. I would have linked the pre-order FAQ to you where the process was explained. But, as pre-order is no longer viable, they have removed it. Instead, I will link to where you can redeem the pre-order code. Maybe you can still redeem it! http://www.swtor.com/preorder/code People aren't reading your entire posts because they are difficult to read. Paragraphs are your friend.
  5. You can hide your helmet, yes. However, keep in mind that some chest pieces have a hood that will display if your helmet is off.
  6. I have played ENTIRE matches standing as a sorc on the enemy ramps and pulling the ball carrier. And by that statement, I mean totally unmolested. In the same vein, I have lost matches because my team has allowed this to occur. It isn't broken just because the opposite team allows it to happen. Blame the players, not the class.
  7. You got that far? I stopped reading at "irregardless."
  8. Can you describe an MMO that offers a different system? I'd be willing to check it out. It's a characteristic of the genre. Some just do better at hiding it, but all of them are a grind in one way or another. Mostly, it will depend on if the setting appeals to you.
  9. You don't have to raid either. But, PVP is a form of end game. You just choose to not partake in it.
  10. Most of those healers also have no deaths. That means they got to stand there and turret heal, likely mostly unmolested. Or, not molested enough for it to really matter.
  11. More often than not, I like the Rep gear better. I wish I could rock it on Imp. It's almost enough to entice me to re-roll.
  12. Here's a hint... if you quote the OP's post, you can then copy his lightsaber design and make your own! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
  13. Which bosses do you guys not count? There are 5 in both for a total of 10.
  14. Not true. I can bind all my abilities, I bought the tools I need to do that in any MMO. I don't care if someone clicks, but it is inefficient. It doesn't make someone a bad player necessarily, but they would be even better if they moved to keybinds.
  15. I'm trying to quit drinking soda. I never realized how addicted I was...
  16. *insert witty retort that will become someone's signature*
  17. They said that they are making the raid content harder. Nightmare mode on the operation being released in 1.2 is delayed so that they can judge just how hard it needs to be.
  18. As long as you have positional requirements for abilities of melee fighters, you are going to have people running in circles. I'm sure others do it for different purposes, but as my operative, I will continue to run in circles so that I can have the opportunity to back-stab.
  19. Yes. I do like SWTOR currently. It is something that I find easier to approach in a casual state than a lot of other MMOs I have played. I enjoy the story telling and find myself making conversation choices based on the personality I think my character has. I greatly enjoy pvp, and I think the raids have very diverse encounters. I also really like that the developers are watching the community and reacting to what we are asking for. I like the potential of the developments for the future. There are key things missing, but based on the Guild Summit, most of these issues will be addressed in 1.2 and beyond.
  20. EA has performed server mergers on other games. I imagine it will be something considered for the future. I do remember a Bioware representative speaking of issues with Legacy transferring correctly to new servers, and I imagine there is a similar issue with a merger. I would just try to be patient. If it is possible to re-roll on a higher population server, even if just for occasional play time, you may want to consider that course.
  21. I don't think this is necessarily an accurate statement. People who are going to be rude or idiotic or ninja items are likely going to do it whether it is single server or cross server. The difference is - on single server, you begin to know who those people are either through personal experience or word of mouth. Because of this, you learn who to avoid or to remove from your groups. With a cross server, the selection pool is larger, so you're exposed to more people willing to ninja, be idiots, and be rude. The other downside is that it is harder to keep track of all those people you don't want to be grouped with.
  22. I think it will be something assessed in the future. But, even low population realms may find that because a person doesn't have to sit in fleet to form a group, more people may actually form groups than before. It is definitely more enticing to form a group when I can be off doing my dailies or completing quests while leveling. I'm glad that they started with single server. Because PVP is cross-server, the backbone will be there to extend it to LFG if they feel that it will benefit servers more than harm communities.
  23. Team Dragon. Burn all those horsies up like WHAT.
  24. It's a weird way to consider the story... but you kind of have to consider it as a single player basis. Otherwise, you have to agree with the fact that there are no less than 1000 people on the Dark Council, many of them killing the exact same person to get there. Yes, there will be an unknown number greater than 0 pureblood jedi running around, but as for lore story goes..... there isn't. Not unless everyone had their own individual, unique story.
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