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Posts posted by DarthVoi

  1. Survival has always been the key point of being a tank. Higher the proc %, the more consistent the Dark Charge would go off, so I think it's not a bad deal. However, depending on gear level survival may not be an issue as much as aggro (since your teammates are gearing up their dps), then Thrashing Blade, as little as the benefit, may be the alternative.
  2. As a new Operative, I am not sure the role of this tree. There are several range abilities but earning TA requires melee range, so how does it work?


    In addition, the tree seems to be able to maintain a health quantity of energy, is it wise to play hybrid style, support healing from time to time?

  3. I play both sides of the war because I want to learn about the stories. I've seen both immature kids and responsible adult players in both factions.


    My guess about people choosing Empire is this:


    1) Being good is difficult and often time unrewarding, the Empire offers an escape for that. There's no punishment for being evil in Empire, and often times you are rewarded for being evil. Besides, even Empire players have a chance to go Light, so why join the Republic where you'd be persecuted for being evil?


    2) People thought being Jedi means emotionally-dead. The Code doesn't ask people to be robots or emotionally dead, it merely suggests that Jedi shouldn't let emotions dominate them. Reciting the code is a way to realign one's thoughts and feelings, not to deny human qualities. You see Jedi with emotions all the time in game and the rest of the extended universe, unlike the common stereotype.


    3) Empire rarely appears as a full bloom civilization in extended universe, it's a myth that offers new explorations for new and old SW fans alike.


    4) Being Sith people of Empire often respect you as a superior, unlike Jedi who's humble and often ranted on by ignorant Republicans. People fantasize the idea of being a bad*****, mistakenly believe that violence, trash talking, and belittling people automatically make them bad*****. There's plenty more opportunity in Empire than in Republic to satisfy that fantasy because players are authorized to be a bully in the Empire.


    5) Self-sacrifice is a virtue commonly advertised in Republic, while in Empire, self-serving is justified. You gotta love yourself before you can love someone else, eh?


    6) Good people are often looked upon as stubborn moral compass. Their rules, restriction and bondage. Ever wonder why GTA is popular? There's thrill in killing good and innocent people, or showing them mercy as if you are their God and owner, you have power over their morality and lives. Few realize that Republic storyline also have plenty of plot similar to Empire's.

  4. I love Medic so far, given how I could spam (as people pointed out) MP after AMP while reducing over all damage taken (super charged Kolto) and reactive heal via Trauma Probe. We also have powerful AoE attack that could damage/neutralize a large group of enemy while we do the healing. Adding heavy armor and Reactive Shield, Medic can definitely holds its ground against the other two.
  5. My Inquisitor and Commando are both 20ish. Commando has a lot of AoE control/damage that I enjoy (stun, knock back, knock down) and I enjoy preventive abilities such as super charged Kolto Bomb (up to three targets get shield) and Trauma Probe. Wearing heavy armor and defensive abilities like Reactive is also a plus, makes me harder to kill if I caught aggro or aoe.


    Most of all, I like healing with my green laser, free and decent :)

  6. As a veteran tank in WoW, I find ToR tanking to be a little more difficult in the beginning, mostly duet lack of threat skills and teammates holding WoW mentality as others point out. Here are my tips:


    1) Pull first, tell your teammates to wait.


    2) Focus threat on the elite enemies. Remember the small fries could be killed very quickly before they do major harm so all you need it early aggro on them and your teammates can kill them off first, give you time to aggro the tough mobs. Even if the smaller enemies turn and start attacking your teammates, they can't do much damage compare to the elites.


    3) If cc is required, you can pull the dangerous mob away with line of sight, they tend to come right after you around the corner, give your teammates time to crowd control some of them as they move.


    4) Instruction for your teammates, let them know your spec and style, to reduce confusion. Explain all trickier battle beforehand. Teamwork is most of the tanking, really.

  7. I have Artifice as my crew skill and is staggered to find that shield off-hand I can create thus far are either tech based or strength based. Given that I can only wear light armor, most stuff have endurance and will on them, not strength. The only shield off-hand that have End and Will are drops. So should Assassin tank use strength of the off-hand is only an exception?
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