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Everything posted by DarthVoi

  1. For the first one: "DirectX setup has determined that a newer or equivalent version of DirectX has been installed already." Second one: Installed successfully. Still couldn't launch. Should I uninstall the game and reinstall?
  2. Then it's been forever since it responds. I tried to run as administrator, but the result remains unchanged. Running Windows 11.
  3. It says, "Please type the location where you want to place the extracted file." I picked download, restart the game, but still couldn't get in.
  4. Gotcha. Which folder should I download the DirectX to btw.
  5. I did check out Support, even before I posted here. The problem with Support is that after they know I'm a subscribed player they tell me to contact people IN-GAME, and because I cannot enter the game itself I couldn't go through with their recommendation. I will look into it further.
  6. I'm currently in Asia and recently got a new computer so I can play Swtor oversea (my account is North America). Everything was fine, from download to security key, but once I got through all that and click "play" the button simply grey out and pause. It was like any other regular log in, except nothing happened for the next 20 minutes. When I click the button again, the greyed-out button got its color back and we're back to square one. Repeat trying shows the same result, the button greyed out without getting me into the game, and refreshes once I click on it again. Anyone has any clue on what's going, or at least what I can do might remedy the situation?
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