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Posts posted by DarthVoi

  1. Hello all, I recently reached 40 and have been playing Gunnery spec, enjoying it so far. I switched to Assault Specialist spec to try it out and is having trouble with ammo, mainly due to that the main regen move uses High Impact Bolt and Ionic Accelerator, and HIB requires target to be burning. Against multiple target like in PvP I couldn't keep my ammo up because when target dies I need to switch to another, spend 3 more ammo on Incendiary Round to make target burn. Perhaps there's an easier way to dish out damage? Is there a rotation to follow?
  2. I've tried Dirty Fighting in solo/PvE. I start with Vital Shot and Shrap Bomb, go in with Blaster Whip, then use Wounding Shots, that tend to kill one mob immediately but left me drained of energy, I can only imagine how barren I'd be once I reach 40 and get Hemo Blast. If I start with Blaster Whip, uses Pugnacity first, then I last longer but hardly worthwhile soloing mission mobs, and in flash points couldn't kill trash effectively.


    Any tips would be appreciated.

  3. People seems to forget that game development tends to be a little behind on graphic department because, well, it does take many years to create a game and by the time it's completed it's not gonna catch up with people's upgrades. Fortunately it will be improved over time, if you look at WoW they haven't updated most of their character graphics.
  4. I think Bioware made the mistake of opening too many servers in the beginning, without taking into account that part of the initial crowd might leave after a few months. Had they opened only half of the servers at launch there wouldn't be as much population loss as it is right now. One misstep and its hurts.


    Compare to other MMO, ToR has great personal story to back it up, so even the first 15 levels should be able to lure people into playing the game. I really hope the game doesn't have to come to the free-to-play model but it may be inevitable after their miscalculation on server populations.


    Anything to keep this game alive has my money. I love this game too much to see it go.

  5. A lot of people joined this game from other well-developed MMO games (albeit not as RPG oriented) and expect to have the same experience. I find it weird.


    All classes have complicated story lines that could be modified via choices, gender, and alignment, and that alone makes the game far more repayable than other MMORPG I know. WoW is leagues behind on the RPG department. The only thing ToR lacks is late-game PvE contents that could only be established in time, not sooner. I am a RPer and I like this game for its story-centric style.


    But I agree that server transfer and server merge will allow players to have a more enjoyable game. ToR nailed the RPG part of this game, now they just need to make MMO more viable. Server transfer will help on that matter and I encourage people to be patient. That, and having extra character slots will allow Legacy to bloom further.

  6. I always find it weird that males don't have sexy clothes, I presume it's due to old fashion women=sex object kind of idea. I'd love to put slave clothing on my male characters as well as some of the companions, like Pierce, whom I found very attractive and irritated that I could fully romance him.
  7. From what I've played and observed, Sith Warrior has the most vivid group. Not only can you romance two people in either gender, you have the option of turning one of them into light or dark side, and I love watching Pierce and Quinn argue in cutscenes.


    Jedi Knight group comes in second in my opinion. Jedi Knight has R2-D2 style droid and Bastila style Jedi, Han Solo style Doc, as well as a major story character Sith.


    #3 I pick Trooper and smuggler. The purpose of the team is nearly unquestionable, with Tanno Vik being the anti-hero, overall the most cohesive group. Smuggler's group is full of strange outcasts, from poverty to loyalty, mercenary to Jedi, and of course the first of all companions, a wookie.


    But there are great companions in every class. Tharan, Lokin, and Mako are the trio healers I adore, Khem and Andronikos are the lovable bad guys.

  8. My light sided Inquisitor is more Lawful than Good. He believes that unnecessary killing is a waste of resources, i.e., a slave/prisoner is more valuable than a corpse. He is very loyal to the Empire and act of mercy can only serve it well, consider fear can drive people to do anything, including betrayal. He consider fellow Imps ally and possible friends, and enemies a plague to be cleansed.
  9. Pierce looks like a man that could satisfy. Looking at Quinn I commonly doubt how able he is, physically he's frailer and mentally he seems to care too much about rules and status to really give all he got in this relationship. Pierce, on the other hand, looks like he'd initiate things instead of waiting for it.
  10. 1) What materials does Slicing get you, anyway? heard it's primarily a money-making profession but doesn't actually make or collect anything for other professions?


    2) Torhead suggests that Armstech make barrel, weapons, and augmentations, is it a good profession? Once I get orange weapon only the barrel is worthwhile, no? The augment requires you to have an augmented gear (crit) first, not sure how often that'd be.

  11. I posted in the Inquisitor forum without reply so I guess this sub-forum would be more fitting. My Death Field seems to heal me for no more than 1% of health, regardless of the number of enemies I hit. Is it a bug in function or in # display?
  12. I agree inquisitors had the strongest heals in the game, BUT WE WORE LIGHT ARMOR. Merc/trooper healers who wear HEAVY armor are a **** load harder to kill,


    Troopers/Hunter got major healing nerf also, lots of abilities become more expensive and less powerful.

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