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Everything posted by sharpenedstick

  1. 'cause it expanded their revenue.
  2. This is the Sith War era. That's what defines this time period. It's like someone whining about Rebels vs Imps in a game set during the Galactic Empire. The Eternal Empire was such a lazy and tired concept, they couldn't even come up with a name for the polity that was already in use. Shook up the galaxy? It's just another empire of huge fleets and force users. The only new thing about it in Star Wars was its Arc Deco inspired designs, and, in case you've forgotten, it was also linked to Imp v Pubs because it's a continuation of the Sith Emperor (huh, why is he called that? Maybe cause sith) storyline. Shook up the galaxy. What impact did Zakuul stuff have on the Republic and the Empire? None, because all the chapters were taking place in Zakuul. If they wanted to explore a dominated universe, that could have been interesting. Instead, all they did was use the same tired crap inflated to a larger scale. And you swallowed it. It's sad how little repackaging it takes to trick some people.
  3. I'm sure a lot of hard work was put into combat styles, but what I don't understand is who thought this should consume dev resources for two years? How is playing another class's mechanics going to keep people in the game? I can already play any class I want. Sure, there's some convenience factor and getting the cross-factional abilities are neat, but is it worth all the effort that could instead have been more content? No. Ability pruning is whatever. I understand SWTOR is on a maintenance mode trajectory, so it makes sense that they are looking to simplify. But no new abilities at 80? All they did was take the existing abilities and string them out a bit. The content is very brief and frankly not too interesting since Malgus is as tired and played out as Revan or the Sith Emperor. This is a failure at every level, not just leadership.
  4. Yeah. KOTFE was so badly written. I can't believe people like that bloated generic trash. The fights were endless waves of three skytroopers who cc you until they die. The cut scenes read like someone trying to translate Nietzsche's wikipedia page into Star Wars (though Valkorian's voice actor was good). And it also imploded the scale of the game. Valkorian was an immortal galaxy eating force ghost. Now that we've beaten him, any other threat is trivial in comparison. What have we had since that? Droids with a world destroying weapon (Iokath). Well, galaxy eating > world destroying. Return to Imp v Pub. While they never should have left this dynamic, now that we have conquered Zakuul, which conquered both of them, the war is trivial. Farming on Ossus. lol Hunting big game on Onderon. lol Fighting Mandalorians lol Fighting Malgus yet again lol I'm just waiting for their new OPS, "Tired and Played Out." First boss Malgus, Second Revan, Third Valkorian (or whatever the emperor calls itself next). Too many writers just go for the lazy "bigger is better" approach. It's sad monetary concerns caused the shut down of individual class stories, because that really was when the game was telling something worth hearing.
  5. Surprised this hasn't gotten a response. EAware is deaf to 99% of the world, but they're pretty sharp to cartel market issues.
  6. It took you two hours? Like because of bugs though, right?
  7. The upside is we didn't kill Malgus, so we get to face him again. And again. He, Revan and the Sith Emperor are going to be bosses in the new Operation "Tired and Played Out."
  8. The white box that indicates your choices is also way too subtle. I don't understand why they didn't use more clear iconography.
  9. My guild used to have them in the summers. They were reasonably well received, but it tended to be the same small group of entrants every time.
  10. Devs, in pretty much every game, have an arrogance that is completely invulnerable to reality. They all have pet theories on how games should be played, and when they finally find themselves in charge of something, they institute their precious ideas regardless of any available evidence. There is no appreciation among game designers that changes need to be justified in terms of benefits, and that those benefits need to be substantial in order to merit execution. But where, as here, the changes are almost universally negative, all they can do is frustrate. But the worst part is the devs can always fish out some White Knight post, even if it represents 1% of the actual community, as support for their poor execution. Everyone knows this game is verging on maintenance mode. But after today, I don't mind as much.
  11. I always avoid using any of the power ups, especially the damage buff. It's just not fun. I also make a game of telling people I know to not queue GSF when I see a premade, to try and increase their queue times.
  12. The real answer is that 7.0 will only include about one day's worth of new story.
  13. Every new set of devs comes in all hot and bothered, ready to institute massive changes that will be "the fix." And almost with exception, they all fail. There's a very special kind of arrogance in MMO devs that renders them impervious to reality. 7.0 is coming. It will probably be bad. It may improve some over the next year. In two years, a new dev will get put in charge and revamp everything again and it'll be another trainwreck. Fortunately, there's the Ubisoft SW MMO coming, eventually.
  14. The worst is absolutely Valkorion. He has pretty much ruined SWTOR. By the end of the KOTFE/KOTET storyline, we've defeated an immortal galaxy eating force ghost. What is supposed to to be a legit threat to us now? Everything they've trotted out since has been the same tired "world destroying weapon" or renegade force user. But we beat a dude who sucks all life from planets for a quick pick-me-up. I'm supposed to be worried about having to defeat Malgus for the ninth time now? We saw this with the new Star Wars movie trilogy too. One Death Star is cool. An entire fleet of Star Destroyers all with a world destroying cannon? Silly. The writers for this game need to learn that the larger the scope, the smaller the scale of the story to make it relevant. But instead all they think is "bigger is better."
  15. You don't even need to invoke the multiverse. One consequence of Cosmic Inflation is other "yous," with the nearest being no further than 10^10^29m away.
  16. True, but in vanilla the emperor is just part of Revan's story. Then KOTET takes the stupid to a new level.
  17. Why are we worried about Malgus? We beat an immortal Force ghost who eats galaxies. This is one (of many) problems with the hackneyed KOTET storyline. It inflated the scale to such an extent that any subsequent threat is trivial. But Malgus? How many times does he have to lose? He's getting as played out as Revan.
  18. The reality is this game is just fundamentally not very well managed, and the distorted economy is just another symptom of general incompetence. SWTOR isn't in "maintenance mode," but it isn't truly a AAA title anymore either. EAware has gotten what it wants from it, and will continue to support micro-transactions with the minimum amount of resources it thinks it can get away with.
  19. Price controls do not work. All the credit cap does is keep items off the automated market and lead to more spamming trade channel posts. What is needed are desirable credit sinks with scaling costs based on how frequently they are used server wide. These kinds of effects will ramp up in cost at an exponential rate (which yes, will price out the poor) while the benefits should increase linearly, with the end goal of the mega rich paying high amounts for desirable benefits, until enough credits are removed from the game. What these benefits are isn't clear to me, but could include things like Planetary Conquest titles, NiM OPS decorations (BoP so that they can't be resold), pvp titles and other gated content. Now, along with the benefit system, the empire and the republic should start implementing a tax on things like bank storage and withdrawing items from your cargo hold, with the cost based on a percentage of your income, and free withdrawal for legacies below a certain amount (~1 mil maybe). Credit exchanges via the mail should be taxed heavily, same with the trade window, to make the GTN the preferred market option. Guild donations should be tax free, to incentivize donating to guilds, but guilds should be paying taxes based on their size, conquest points, flagship, etc. In short, if you want to solve inflation, you need to add positive and negative incentives. Messing with credit caps aren't going to matter.
  20. The devs don't care about inflation. I keep seeing threads with grandiose suggestions based on fundamental reworks of existing systems. Whether or not these ideas are good or would be an improvement is irrelevant. We're not getting them. EAware is only willing to devote a modest amount of resources to the game. They are trying to simplify SWTOR, probably so that it can be run more cheaply. This is why class stories got the axe. It's why we've never gotten a new class, and never will (maybe, someday, new advanced classes as these require no new voice acting or locations), and it's why 7.0 is pruning abilities. The devs don't have the first idea of how to fix inflation, and they aren't going to try. Accept that everything is going to be priced in millions and billions.
  21. SH and decoration collecting has become the primary focus of my SWTOR experience (I have no clue why, irl idgaf about decor), but while there is a lot to celebrate in the game's housing, there's a good deal of frustration as well. I wanted to start a thread about QoL improvements to SHs and decorating, with a special emphasis on achievable goals rather than huge projects we know we'll never get. I lay no claim to being the originator of these ideas, and of course not everyone will have an issue with the same things, but hopefully the ideas below and those added by others will find wide enough traction that we might get some movement. 1. Extend the x/y axis options. 20 points is just not enough, especially for many of the decorations that belong against walls but can't get there. 2. Menu improvements are desperately needed: 1) Individual decorations already list their source, so allow us to filter/search by source. 2) For used decorations in our collections, provide a way for us to see which SH the decoration is in. Allow us to Favorite decorations similar to vehicles. 3) Speaking of vehicles, allow us to access mount/pet/companion decorations on a legacy basis rather than a character basis. 4) Allow us to search by usable decorations (those that interact somehow, like jukeboxes, fireworks, etc) 5) Allow us to hide some decorations from the menu. We may have collected them just to have them, but we may not want to use them. 6) Allow us to filter to easily see which decos we have our guild doesn't. 7) Remove from the menu decorations that don't currently exist in game, or at least provide some notation indicating they don't exist. 8) Allow us to filter by a hook type exclusively (like only Large, which wouldn't show decorations that can fit on large but also smaller hooks). 3. Allow us to "preview" a decoration. We can place a decoration we don't own (or don't have remaining copies available) and it will show as a ghostly version, allowing us to see what it would look like. 4. Add subhooks to starship hooks. 5. Allow us to donate decorations to guilds while we are decorating, rather than having to exit the decorating process, go to our personal collections, and donate, then resume decorating. 6. Add an indicator to guild decoration collections showing decorations that guild members own that the guild doesn't. 7. Allow us to preview the sounds a decoration makes, if any.
  22. 1. Destroyer This would be a Stronghold similar in theme to the guild flagships, but instead of a huge Dreadnought, we'd get smaller Destroyers. Conquest flagship expansions would be used to expand the ship, providing an alternate incentive to complete conquest. 2. Finishing Manaan The Manaan SH reveal had rooms the release version does not. Take those assets and finish Manaan. 3. A large open field A Stronghold that is less about the buildings and more of an environment that will allow us to use more of these very large decorations that they keep making.
  23. The thing about 7.0 is that EAware has correctly identified its class stories as its single best asset in this game. Decoupling class story from class mechanics (at least somewhat, as has been said in the thread, not every combination is possible) will extend the degree of enjoyment for some players. Unfortunately, EAware stopped supporting class stories years ago due to cost issues and to streamline development, so after you complete the base story, your designated story class has very little impact on remaining content. For most current max level players, the best benefit of combat styles is to allow people to try new things without starting from scratch. Which, amusingly, means they'll skip the story content.
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