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Posts posted by paul_preib

  1. My one critique of the art direction in SW:TOR is that they are dancing around anything aggressive for the Republic. It's very much okay to have a functional, wartime and aggressive outfit for Jedi, Smugglers and Troopers alike. They're really trying to make that faction look like militarized pacifists (an oxymoron, I know), and it just isn't working out. I'm not saying slap spikes on everything and call it a day, but the Republic as a whole could stand to look a little more intimidating.


    I'd argue they mostly succeed with this on the trooper (pve pre BH/campaign tier helms aside) but yeah not a fan of the rest of the Republic side outfits, have come to sets I'm "ok" with on my sentinel (thanks in part to the smuggler tier helm) and smuggler, but my sage really is hard up for light armor choices I like.


    THe flip to this is my sniper and to a lesser extent jugg feel spoiled for choices

  2. I have 1100 expertise as a sentinel and my dps/survivability is fine. usually have 1150, but dropped 50 with no difference in performance.


    Yeah while specific numbers may vary the general opinion tends to run between 1100 and 1200

  3. I'm sorry but there is nothing wrong with passing healers the ball if they are closest to you and you are dying. man up. I score tons of goals with my Sorcerer As full healer and hybrid.

    and as for the los thing again not really that big of deal. People use los to stop taking damage which is just as good as getting healed. None of these have ever been an issue with my helaing sorcerer.


    I have always been of the mindset that while certain classes/specs are ideal ballcarriers, at the end of the day everyone is potentially a ballcarrier. I have managed the occasional 2-3 goal game as a sniper not because I was well built for moving the ball, but because I positioned smartly and the situation dictated I receive the ball.


    Nothing irritates me more than those who say "don't pass the ball to me" and proceed to unload it the instant it touches them like a hot potato. Yes your commando is not going to move the ball like an immortal jugg, but when the situation call for it suck it up and move the ball as best you can.

  4. I suck at pvp. I admit it. ;):o


    I am a fresh level 50 Gunslinger DPS, and I am working to get my battlemaster gear. I have 3 parts now I think.


    Here are my two greatest problems:


    1. I get cc'ed often, and since I have only 1 skill to get rid of it, I often cannot break free, and suffer a lot of damage and die. Very quick, too quick! So, what is the strategy against it?


    2. This problem is mostly combined with the first, but is a problem of itself. There are characters that can do stealth, so they sneak towards my position. And then they attack out of nowhere. So I put on my defences, although I usually get kicked out of my shielded position, and loose the defensive bonusses, and try to do the most dps I can. But it is usually not enough. And when it is, they disappear! This gets me so angry each time! :mad:


    So, who wants to help me with this? :confused:




    Things to bear in mind as a gunslinger (speaking as someone with a near full War Hero alt of your mirror class the sniper)--


    1.Your don't hold up well under a lot of attention. The higher your gear the longer you can stave it off, but if you are getting love from multiple opponents you will be going down.


    2.Because of this the most important thing you can do is to keep yourself away from the fracass firing at max range whenever possible. For non stealth this gives you a clear field of view for who is coming, and often enemies will focus their attention on that player right in front of them over going to chase you down. The reduced range on most hard stuns helps considerably here (no more stun to un-entrench--> grapple/harpoon--> stomp)


    An extension of this is to take advantage of the fact that you cannot be leaped to by going for high ground. In alderaan this often means in the mid zerg head to either railing and in huttball definitely keep yourself trolling the platforms.


    3.Much of your personal survivability is about holding someone at bay. It can sometimes be far more beneficial to keep that warrior/knight out of the fight while keeping your attacks on the healer (or other priority targets) rather then switch to fighting him because he had the audacity to attack you.


    Seems counter-intuitive but remember you have a tremendous box of goodies for keeping melee away. If they attack knockback (with root)--> follow with leg shot--> follow with your mez---> follow with evasion when they are back on you--> follow with your hard stun, now move away and by the time the stun wears off hopefully leg shot is back off CD. By the time all this has gone on you should have your knockback again and they shouldn't yet be full resolve.


    That's a long time with them kept out of the fight while you are still able to put 50%+ of your GCD's into dpsing other priority targets.



    4.Don't try to run--> snipers are terrible at it for more then a "stun move a few steps to get out of melee" approach. Generally speaking if I see a no-win situation I'd rather try and lay as much hurt on them as I can before I go down (or obnoxious things like the shock charge dot + slow right as I am going down).


    5.Stealth have a leg up--> There's not much to say here, a dps spec stealth class will faceplant and ream you fairly effectively, especially while you are still in partial recruit. Only real major recourse is to be slamming whatever hotkey your stun is bound to so it fires off as soon as you get up/come unstunned, then you can take cover and knockback/pin them.

  5. Well, I do remember how bad the farming was, however I've been in RWZs where people just use Dash/Pull to combochain instant Huttball scores so the game lasts literally 1 minute. Because of all the CCs you're lucky if you get 1 medal before your (or the enemy) team finishes the game. You get most of your medals from that new "Under 8 minutes victory" medals.



    As for people deliberately playing towards the quests and ignoring the objectives. . .How is that any different than now? :p I see people constantly ignoring objectives to secure their 8 medals. I think that's unavoidable no matter what. At least this way they have a reason to be doing it.


    I guess your mileage may vary, for me generally speaking win or lose playing objectively people usually net their 8 medals in anything but a blowout (in which the outcome would not have been changed, only perhaps delayed a little by attempting to play objectives).


    Thanks to this (at least in the 50's bracket) people pretty consistently (not all but I'd say 90%+) at least attempt to play objectively rather then deathmatch. They may not always succeed in their attempts, but they are at least trying.

  6. At the end of the day the perceived imbalance generally comes heavily by virtue of people solo queuing, making their odds of having a solid 4 man team reduced (given that there are only 4 slots open for the solo queuers as opposed to 8 slots for an all solo queue team, this means for example if there is one premade and two groups of the same faction you are twice as likely to end up on the solo queue team, which most likely will not be as effective, and thus have a tough go of it if the opposite team does have a group running.


    That said, because there's not a massive number of active warzones at a time, generally speaking the ebb and flow of which faction has a significant leg up is dictated by a few specific guilds on each server and the times they are active.


    I know on Ebon Hawk if you logged on 4:00 or 5:00 server time you will probably find the Republic dominating, bump that forward two hours and often the edge shifts around to the imperial side, another few hours and republic once again. There's some cross hatching but by and large each side tends to have a significant edge in 2-3 hoursish pockets of time.


    Depending on when you play the same server could seem to have a radically different faction advantage.

  7. There's only 1 daily and 1 weekly, while PvE has about 4 weeklies and 4 dailies. Why aren't there more challenges for those that choose to play PvP over PvE?


    There should be more challenges like:


    Weekly: Get 100k accumulative Objective Points.

    Daily: Kill 100 enemies

    Daily: Attack/Heal/Take 1 million points of damage (accumulative)



    I could see part of it coming from a desire to prevent a dominant team from stretching a match out to farm the above items. Remember pre 1.2 how there'd be times when teams would in huttball for example rack up a 4-0 or 5-0 score then start tossing the ball to the other team deliberately to obliterate them, or just turtle with the ball mid farming kills.


    I could also see playstyles being altered as well "I'm not gonna guard the stupid node when all eight of us can pile into the mid-zerg for dee-pee-ess medals, who cares if we lose I still get a quest done and its more fun this way"

  8. See, I actually *like* being chased around. It can be fun once one learns to use "healer tunnel vision" to one's advantage. Yes! Pay attention to me! Ignore that stealther that snuck in and is capping behind you.... :D


    Depends on the kind of opponent. Sometimes it's great fun knowing how irritated they must be getting knowing you just aren't frickin' dying, which is a good feeling.


    Sometimes the focus is coordinated and its zap-stun-whack-whack--smush, those times are absolutely brutal.

  9. Need advise on expertise i nearly have a full set of war hero gear and my expertise is sitting at 1346 when should i stop stacking expertise and start stacking like power/endurance or strength/endurance and tips or advuce on this would be great


    It falls to role, what other gear you have, and comfort level. My sentinel sits at around 1250 right now and I'm looking to swap out my WH wrist for an orange with a BH armoring and a pvp mod at some point.


    My Scoundrel has about 1160 right now, will be just shy of 1200 once he finished gearing the way I want him and as a healer it feels like I could comfortably swap out a pvp for a pve piece if I wanted to (funny enough my current personal best for healing came when I accidentally left some of my pve gear on, got about 750k healing running around with a little over 500 expertise).

  10. The only issue here is that to obtain extremely high objective scores (the >20k bracket) your side has to basically be doing a respectable number of things wrong followed by making up for them at the last second.


    A voidstar disarm for example means you let the other team get a plant. One disarm good on you, more then that your side is allowing too many plants and the other side really munging things up to allow multiples.


    Huttball is another where you'll have modest objective scores for doing really well (say 10-15k for ballcarriers) , but once you get into the 22k+ range it means you are spending a lot of time killingballcarriers, i.e. a lot of time on defense. You can also factor in those occasional funky near-scores where you see your screen jump from the 2.5K up to a 10k defense medal off of one ballcarrier.


    Alderaan and Novarre shouldn't be over the low teens unless nodes were being flipped quite often.



    So while it is impressive, I've had some matches where I felt the game would not have been won were it not for a few things I was able to do yet finished with 6500 objective points, as well as games where I felt like a pretty disposable piece of the puzzle but had 22kish objective points.

  11. I think it makes for a well-rounded player to have experience in this even if they don't intend it as a primary role.


    While my dps and healer pretty much share equal time, I can assuredly say that my dps main is a much better healer-killer for having experience playing a healer (knowing what to interrupt, what's an attempt to bait an interrupt of a junk spell, how to impair kiting, etc.).


    That said it tends to run very much on the extremes of rewarding or worthy of pulling out one's hair because you are so much at the mercy of how competent the rest of your team is. This isn't solely support by way of guard/peel/taunt as I usually treat those as icing on the cake if my healer receives them but just the actual functionality of your team.


    In huttball if your team is perennially playing defense because no one can push the other team off mid, then your skills are mostly wasted as you're likely trying to time stuns/knockbacks/what burst you have to contribute to bringing down the ballcarrier.


    In Novarre and Alderaan you can keep your team alive for a huge length of time but if they don't have the oomph to surge the other side off to cap that node, becomes pointless.


    Likewise in Voidstar you can help your team mount a great defense, but if they can't produce the offensive burst coupled with properly timed CC then you aren't going anywhere.



    On my sentinel if the rest of the team is bad I can still go about my business perhaps losing, but still operating effectively soloing around (harassing the non-zerg node, finding a specific healer on the other side to make life a pain for, etc.). Whereas if my healer is with a poor team I am basically forestalling deaths more then keeping anyone alive.

  12. Been here since game went live. I spent all my time until recently on the empire side (since I enjoy being evil) leveling 3 level 50's and several others in their mid 30's.


    Recently, I began leveling a few alts on the republic side cause I was bored. It seems to me the republic side has it much easier then the empire. Leveling is a snap compared to the other side. Most missions are right next to each other instead of having to run a continuous path of back and forth across the map, over and over.


    In Taris for instance. On the empire side, you can't go anywhere without road blocks of bad guys. On the republic side, its nothing like that. You barely come across any type of block.


    FP's are so simple and quick on the republic. I was with a group of 3 others and we did a fp, we killed a few npc's and that was it. It was everyones first time running this fp and we couldn't believe how quick and simple it was. Everyone was like, "Is that it?" Again, unlike the empire side.


    I'm not complaining. I'll never complain about an advantage I'm getting, unlike some people. Just making a point. Granted, I know it's in the low levels of 1-25 and no one dies at those levels.:eek:


    Just seems different on each side.


    As someone who has leveled multiple time son both factions (2 Empire 50's and an Empire 42 along with 4 Republic 50's) I'd say leveling feels smoother/faster Empire side.


    I can't speak to the specific content as I think part of it might be the more engrossing atmosphere on several planets.



    Also a few things--


    Taris: An unfair comparison. Republic Taris is a lowbie planet coming right after Coruscant, Empire Taris is a mid-level planet right after Alderaan. This means Republic Taris is built for before players even had speeders or any decent progress within their given spec at that level while Empire side you are in the upper tiers of your given skill tree while presumably on at least a rank I speeder.


    More fair would be to compare empire Taris with Republic Balmorra and visa versa.


    Done that way I'd say lowbie empire Balmorra flows better than republic Taris while Republic Balmorra and Empire Taris are both somewhat obnoxious for making you take the long way around certain parts.



    Flashpoints I don't find that drastically different complication-wise though perhaps as hardmodes something changes as my Empire side characters pretty much only pvp at 50.


    Also I would venture to say Drommund Kaas also tends to flow much better overall then Coruscant, the one exception being the Revanite questline that's a little bit of running around, but is engaging enough that I find myself not minding.

  13. im lookin for a pair of orange curve-handled lightsabers for my level 16 dual wielder. Anyone know the names of some of the low level ones if they exist?


    Which faction is he? I know somewhere lowish (though probably the 20's that someone else replied) my Sorc. had a curved lightsaber but I don't recall ever stumbling across one on my Sentinel.

  14. That is absolutely at the top of my list of UI features I want (borderline need, as I like switching gear/stance midwarzone sometimes, and all that clicking is way too timetaking and cumbersome to even do it at all in most cases).


    I'm guessing all the devs in the UI dept have been busy with Cartel Shop stuff, but I'm hoping that once all that's out, they can put a few of 'em onto this.



    While I would love a gear toggle for this purpose (just as I would love cosmetic-only armor slots) I would be against the idea of changing on the fly mid-warzone as this to me somewhat runs counter to the spirit of it, and also impacts rated by virtue of increasing the importance even further of certain class/spec combos over others (Guard/Jugg for example swapping between pure dps gear on defense and pure tank gear when ballcarrying)


    So a toggle with the idea that there's a lockout once a warzone has begun would be a great aspect to the game.

  15. No, the definition of pay to win would be to pay for the gear itself. Even if they pay to equip it they still need to have it dropped and win the roll which they would have every right to as a member of the raiding team.


    This. Pay to win means directly going to the Cartel Shop, picking a piece of gear (or mod) they want, paying for it with cartel coins, then directly equipping it without having touched any content to acquire that piece of gear.


    Beyond that people's definition may vary based on scale


    1.Endgame gear-- Pretty much everyone agrees anything higher statted then a Recruit Mk. II set would be P2W territory


    2.Any gear at all-- Where it starts to get hazy, no engame gear but there is either leveling gear or fresh 50 gear (i.e. level 50 blue mods)


    3.Consumables-- Be it separate cooldown from crafted (most against) or shared (grey area)

  16. There is no class that has 35 abilities that you would need to use in combat. 24 slots should be plenty the rest of the items. Can be accessed outside combat from a menu.


    I dunno was my smuggler today and if I took out all the non-needed items I'd come up about three quickslots short with that, that's with a more pve-eye, for pvp I'd need at least 4-5 more past that, although right now I have three quickbars full and one with 11 on it so ideally I'd want at least three full bars.

  17. Hello. So first of all I need some help deciding what to play as a next char. Atm im lvling a Sentinel.


    Before you all start I know I know its all a matter of preference etc etc


    But I just want to ask anyway, atm im deciding between: Commando (DPS) Shadow (Tank) or Gunslinger (perhaps Scoundrel ? )


    I basicly want to know what the majority of ppl think is better of those classes when it comes to:


    A.) Fun gameplay wise

    All have advantages though I'd say the Shadow tank I enjoy least of the above options with Gunslinger (or in my case Sniper, his mirror) coming out on top

    B.) Complex class

    Somewhat spec/role/situation reliant but by and large I would Gunslingers have a bit more tools to work with to add depth over commandos. Tanking itself can be on the complex side though I must admit of the three types Shadow'd be my least favorite.


    C.) Fun class story

    Smuggler and Trooper have very solid act I and act III's I'd say the payoffs are better on the smuggler but the is a touch better overall on the trooper. The consular storyline is usually held in a lower regard.


    D.) Most fun in PVP (note that most fun doesnt mean most OP for me :p)

    Commando dps is in something of a rough place right now as perhaps one of the weakest pvp class/spec combos in the game right now. Shadow can be fun especially considering the revamp to the Infiltration tree has opened up the class a bit in pvp to afford more variety. That said I love my sniper. Has the output of a commando but with a far bigger toolbox to keep alive and actually firing.


    So any hints or tips would be nice and apprecaited thanks in advance.


    Here I'd say a few things to think about-- With a gunslinger you are a DPS end of story. Because of that there's a lot of depth to how they do so. With a commando it performs fine in PVE dps, and gives you the option of toying with healing if you ever want to, but they are probably the least desired in pvp, serviceable in non-ranked but really at the mercy of how much attention the other team gives them.


    Shadows I come down kind of hard on because so far though not 50 I have to say it is the class that least grabbed me overall. As a tank I think I enjoy Vanguards the most, perhaps it is the resource style of the Shadow that I'm not a fan of but either way just have a much harder time getting into then any other class.


    PS: Please dont start spamming crap like go play it and find out youreself k thx


    I posted this in the class forums aswell btw !


    So there it is outlined above. I have taken a Scoundrel, Sentinel, Sniper, Sage, Sorc, and Commando to 50, I also have a 42 Jugg and a 43 Vanguard, with my Shadow limping along as a mid-level.


    And have played with at least 2 of three possible specs, sometimes all three on each of them I'd say in terms of roles, personal preference:


    1.DPS-- Sentinel, Sniper a close second. Both are a blast however.


    2.Tank Vanguard-- Manner of tanking just feels better stylistically for me, no real specific reason I can single in on.


    3.Healer-- Scoundrel-- I enjoy all three of them in PVE, with commando coming in second to the scoundrel. That said in PVP scoundrel takes the edge by leaps and bounds.

  18. Actually the ftp mode folks should read about is the preferred status mode. Apparently any purchase (even cartel coins) trigger it. That is what most ftp will be under.


    See dev tracker


    This I like, the idea of a three tiered system makes a lot more sense as someone accustomed to Lotro's model (which was well implemented until sadly the Isengarde expansion really pushed the microtransactions even subbers would be compelled to make aspect a bit too hard).


    The more drastic limitation of F2P make a lot of sense when paired with the fact that there's a "you are paying money just not actively subbed" echelon as well.

  19. At the end of the day the only metric I think one needs to use for deciding if they should need on an item is:


    Player will be actively upgrading their current gear by use of the piece.


    This does not mean "actively equipping the piece" that is in question because the same argument could be made for a sentinel that perhaps you will be putting those mods into a more desirable cosmetic shell yourself.


    The only place where one would give an exception to this rule would be if the only upgrade comes via the enhancement i.e. an aim piece but that power/surge enhancement is an upgrade for a guardian-- in that case defer to an aim-user.


    That said, if the enhancement would be an upgrade and there isn't someone in your group that uses that piece's mainstat then I would ask the group first but not think it wrong to need on it.

  20. Looking for suggestions/opinions.


    I have a Jedi Guardian I play most of the time. He is in BH/Campaign and still a couple Columi and Rakata pieces. I like the Columi set bonus that you don't get with BH gear. I see the new top-tier gear has set bonuses as well.


    I finally finished putting together the Jedi Battlelord set. It looks great to me and I want to use it full-time. Do raiders or end-game players use armor like this all the time? Even during raids? Do you avoid this type of armor and just use the highest tier?


    I am going to use it. Just not sure if I should have two sets.


    Thanks in advance for your views on the subject.


    A few things to think about--


    1.All set bonuses are 4 piece, therefore you can move your mods over to have helm (hide-able), gloves, legs, boots all put into tionese/columi/rakata shells to maintain your set bonus, then have your chestpiece be the actual cosmetic you wish to use without missing out on the set bonus you so desire.


    2.Alternately you can look at pvp gear as well-- I know for my sawbones healer moving my BH mods into 2Xcolumi shells and 2XBattlemaster shells was superior to either of the 4 piece bonus options


    3.If you can earn a campaign piece or two those shells will have the bonus tier to the armoring, giving you even more flexibility.


    4.Other than top-end progression content none of the 4 piece bonuses critical for completing content, so at the end of the day gear how it makes you happy, and if you are 95% optimal instead of 100%, so be it.

  21. If bolster made everyone a straight say X mainstat, Y endurance, Z power with 10-49's statistically identical then fine go for it. There'd still be an ability/talent point edge but at least it'd otherwise run closer.



    But... because of what someone can do loading up in level 49 purple mods/augments/etc. the differential for making a twink would be such that any non-twink would serve no purpose but cannon fodder in a warzone.


    If the complaint were the gear gap at 50 being too much thus you want the "more equal' (I say with air quotes firmly in mind) playing field of 10-49 then you should have no qualms making it even closer to being truly equalized by removing all gear value in 10-49 WZs.


    If however, you want to have access to the current in-game bolster effects but merely leave your level 49 in their with maxed out gear then it pretty much comes across as a post stating that really your only desire is to run around blowing non-competitive opponents up, which may be fun for you but would quickly bump 10-49 queue times extremely high as non twinks would feel no desire to enter into the forray to watch themselves be instagibbed by someone unwilling to take to the level 50's bracket.

  22. The true value is going top be relative. Products that subbers won't be interested in (i.e. unlocks, weekly passes, etc.) will be monetized in a different fashion then "fluff" items who would likely be the equivalent of a higher then expected cash total.


    So for a F2Per $10 worth of cartel coins would likely be of more personal value then $10 worth of coins for a subber .


    Because of this the literal equivalent of X dollars to Y coins means less than an actual item cost list for figuring out how much it'll be worth to you.

  23. Must admit I must drive the truly lore-centric folks nuts because I tend to pronounce it such that it sounds good/right to my ear rather than perhaps how it is intended.


    So to me column-eye just sounds better to say, thus I use the (sort of like tw-eye-lek instead of twee-lek).

  24. If you like your currently leveling character and think you would get enjoyment/use out of him at 50 then there is no question to go that route and save your coinage.


    That said, assuming you have at least one pre-existing 50 in terms of pure time factor if you push hard on dailies, crew missions, glad out elite mob/box grinding you can reach that 1.5 million in under a week. I know back early in the legacy process I pushed to unlock a few species (which became Chiss Vanguard, Pureblood Shadow, Rattataki Sage).


    Just pure money grinding while putting time into side things like pvp as well I made around 300,000-400,000 credits a day. If I really pushed could easily have made half a million a day.

  25. Right now the combination of free Mk-2 and easily-acquired Black Hole really shortcuts the overall process. Mix with it how you can have a War-Hero mainhand/bm offhand the moment you hit 50 and the entire thing can really be trivialized.


    I don't mind the 'use legacy gear to shuffle from established 50's' because doing the time on one character somewhat earns you the right to have it be a bit simpler on alts, but even on one's first character you've basically rendered a huge swath of tier-gear irrelevant.


    After being primarily a pvp-er for a long time I decided to breathe some life into the game by virtue of swapping to a more active guild and starting in on the PVE endgame process. Decided to start in on a freshly-dinged alt rather then an established character (healing scoundrel) and was rather surprised how quickly I went from just hitting 50 to now being perhaps not BiS everywhere, but having over 2000 cunning buffed with 40% crit, 78% surge and 625ish bonus healing.


    It is nice in a way to be able to use group finder Hardmodes alone to gear myself up enough to contribute to ops without going through that "carry the new guy" phase, but really felt somewhat trivialized going through this.




    So what's the solution? Well I think it is too late in the process to not cause a big mess but if one could roll back time to the development of 1.3 I think I would have reworked it such that


    1.Tionese crystals can be exchanged for tionese or columi commendations, perhaps a 2:1 rate for switching to tionese comms and something like an 8:1 for switching to columi. This way you don't have several hundred sitting around doing nothing. Also shortens without trivializing the columi process, thus making it a viable stage of a the gearing process, not a brief BH stand-in.


    2.Black Hole gear yields Level 58 (i.e. Rakata-esque) gear. This way rakata still serves a purpose (instead of Recruit-->Columi-->BH), still is solid high-level gear able to put you in a position handle all hardmodes and content up through doing EC Hardmode, where your campaign gear then is increased in value since it becomes about more then looking for mods that may have better itemization over BH.

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