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Everything posted by Banegio

  1. The word "intended".... How do we know what is "intended"? Let's use the modern world's "reasonable person" standard. A reasonable person would think that exhaustion zone is to indicate the "intended" boundary of the playable environment. Yet how many players have run through the exhaustion zone to obtain the datacron in Ilum? And without the player first took the risk to explore, we wouldn't discover that datacron.
  2. Unfortunately good, hard questions are rarely getting answers.
  3. Anyone remember Grim Tooth on Makeb ? Still want to know what's the legit way to kill it.
  4. The fact is bw has openly stated that they were moving away from open world pvp since the January 2012 (yes not even 2 months since game release) and would concentrate on wzs. They wouldn't discourage organic open world pvp by the players but they are no longer designing/implementing any objective based mechanics to augment world pvp. And almost every time they were asked about pvp (live stream / cantina), the responses have been consistently "no plan". So don't be delusional.
  5. It way passes the point of "it is not even funny anymore". Start to get the feeling like you are getting trolled by god and he is laughing at us all along.
  6. Is it confirmed that 12 hour is the respawn time? It was bugged at one stage that it would never respawn unless a new instance get created. Not sure the bug got fixed or not.
  7. I would say I experience this at least once per week on average, say I raid 3 nights a week. I main a healer and sometime my target could randomly jump to another ally, and I wasted a heal on someone with full hp instead of the tank about to die. I put it in the basket of I must be crazy and don't make excuse cause I am bad (i.e. I must have accidentally mis-clicked). So never bothered to test it out. Don't know how and when it happens and who the target jumps to. I would be happy to see at least it is acknowledged as bug.
  8. sm/hm tfb was released in between (it was the tier the dev lost their way of the direction of raid progression) (Just saying) I think swtor was never intended to have 4 (new) raids a year. And after going f2p and that 6-8 weeks small content cycle etc., the devs knew they weren't planning for 4 raids a year. But they aren't publicly admitting it because there are so many players holding on to hopes that "there will be more content coming in the near future". Not just raids, same goes with pvp and casual contents. The devs know how much content they can pump out given the resources they have. And they know the player's demand exceed the supply. So it turns into a balancing act of perception management... how to make as many players still to play the game with the limited content they can produce..... producing a little bit of everything and give the impression that there are more bigger stuff to come..... I will be very happy if the dev release two new raids in 2015 and prove me wrong. My personal view has been nim shouldn't be a separate tier and lets go back to release sm/hm/nim all at once. You will need to grind hm gear to complete nim but nim only drops vanity items. And a new tier (i.e. two new ops) every 6 months.
  9. With the magic punctuations around it, It is immune to grammar police.
  10. The sad reality....when you apply for a job, they ask for experience. That's why white lies are popular on job interviews. "I had 5 years experience as the Chief Operating Officer in my last job" (My dad paid me $2 each month to mow the lawn) One of my favourites "I haven't done it on the imp side" (implying that hes done it on republic side)...... "How to I get to the entrance of DP?"
  11. Not join a guild (i.e. no guild bonus, no guild chat) until mid level Play all fps No group finder (use chat only) Play all heroics quests (can be solo or grouped) Make new friends!
  12. How about rather than speed challenge, make it most credits in 30min in a specific op. No resetting; but you can choose which trash to pull.
  13. What this amplifying.... * We didn't bother to look at bugs/feedbacks seriously until when we think it matters. i.e. in terms of bugs, players experience wasn't important but ESL is. * So we rather sacrifice the competition than fixing the bugs It may not be what it perceived but perception is everything. You have a long way to earn the trust.
  14. Times changed. Not sure how many people had arcade gaming experience when they were young. A dollar a pop. You came back every day after school to have a go. I always wonder how many percentage of people actually got to the final boss. I doubt that % was any higher than the % guild getting nim down in swtor. Yet people were still happy to keep sinking money just to experience the first few levels in arcade game repeatedly. The cause? One of them is Tying the enjoyment to loot. And bw have made elite & ulti gear way too easy to obtain.
  15. No. They are actually very brave to communicate that. Yes, that's all the "new" content for the next half of year. We should stop being delusional that there are more than that. It is not a communication problem now.
  16. what title says or <insert your favorite enemy>
  17. Same problem I repeated in another thread. The reward is crap because they made the same level of reward easy to get elsewhere everywhere. Speeding up the ulti level gearing will just make you have even more of nothing meaningful to do more quickly. They need to slow down the elite level (even basic level) gearing not speed up the ulti level.
  18. Why are you giving them idea pvp coaching is popular in some other online games. people even play real$. The problem with pve coaching is that raiding requires a team. Success with progression is more to do with the team's attitude and approach than just personal skill. You won't get the full benefit/result unless the majority of your team is getting trained as well.
  19. I like to think along the line of my movie analogy.... Maybe room to improve in the pacing department, but Droid/Macrobinocular missions are fine in general. The main issue is the last quest steps that require group; they should be repeatable with rewards; so easier to find a group to finish the quest.
  20. A better message all around. Well done bw.
  21. I assume "EA" refers to the management of the company. The fact is the "Earnings Call" is not there to reflect the management's attitude towards anything. "Earnings Call" is there to keep the stakeholders off the management's back.
  22. same reason why you care other people's complaining about other's complains
  23. Sigh... the devs have done exactly what people asked for without much visions of their own. People asked for barbie dream house; you got it; and barbie makeup kit is coming soon. And there have been some people asking to turn the game into first person shooter. So god bless swtor.
  24. Reading this post again. Another problem seems to be more about the lack of content and the structure of progression. Adjusting the incentives (comms) may fix the symptoms not the cause..... I heard: "elite gear do nothing for me", "as my gear level is above that" So making ulti gear easier/faster to get and you are fully ulti-geared in two weeks time; then what? Ulti-gear will do nothing for you. Founders would remember pre-1.6 there was no comms gear (past daily); pre-1.4 there was hm fp lockout. Actually, the reason that "elite gear do nothing for me" was because elite-gear were made easier/faster to get. It seems streamlining the progression only push the problem further up chain. More content is the ultimate solution.
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