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Everything posted by Banegio

  1. http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire The above only refers FP not operations but there is some indication the same applies to ops.
  2. Since legacy gear became common, the general loot rules for pug has been one Need piece max. I did say general. So just ask and confirm at the start. ================== Personally I hate unwritten etiquette. Why am I being frowned upon when I don't take the tray to the bin after a maccas meal? It is a billion dollars restaurants with million of staff. If I have my way, I say everyone roll need if no one bothered to specify the rule at the start. Random everything is more fairer than half the people confusing what to click.
  3. Husband: I want divorce. Wife: See. I was right to abort the pregnancy.
  4. I view it as there will be no more "gear progression" even when there are new content released in the future. Because old ops will always be scaled and drop latest tier gears, so whenever new tier is released, you will just re-farm old ops and be bis in a week. Not sure it is good or bad. On the other hand, currently players can do the harder old ops at over-level/gear (where some players would struggle with the same tier level/gear). It won't be possible with the new scaling. In order to allow everyone to experience all content, they won't tune anything to be remotely challenging.
  5. Because metrics. "Our internal metrics show that less than 1% are good players; therefore ignore!"
  6. I used to have a theory that extra bombs go out to penalise you detonated some of the bombs from previous round early (e.g. hydraulic override cheese). Too lazy to test it out.
  7. It can also be interpreted as being prioritised so low from three years ago that finally it reaches the front of the queue. My guess is it is probably being part of the grand scheme of http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8180622
  8. It is certainly a juggling act to manage the perceived balance vs actual balance. But imo this pre-f2p style of response (we have the intell; we know what we doing) gives me more confidence than the post-f2p usual style of scrambling to meet the loudest player feedbacks of "perceived" problem (which have gone wrong way too many times)
  9. My guess of what taking up most of the down time is the restoration of Nightlife Achievements
  10. Thanks for compiling the patch notes to the preliminary patch notes to patch notes. Seriously I was actually looking for this info to save me time rereading the whole thing.
  11. HM is not meant to be face roll. There are mechanics and require some sort of strategy. For a group that have all done it before, it is fairly easy and doesn't take any longer than doing sm. For players doing them first time, you need to learn the mechanics and strat. Learning requires wipings. The problem with PUG is that the majority aren't prepared to spend 2 hrs on a flashpoint regardless of whether they have done the fp before. (Over)gearing just provides a minor convenient. My suggestion for your first run is grab some guildies and have a go. Jump on voice chat and laugh at how bad each other is. Wiping can be fun too.
  12. One draw back with "Level" is inherently there is a level cap, and hence unsustainable. e.g. once an entity reaches the level cap, the incentive is lost for (re)doing the content created for the levelling progress (think starting planet). That's why swtor has: Conquest - address 1 & 3 Frameworks and guild ship unlockables - address 2
  13. PVE or PVP, similar to like if you zone into hutt ball and try to do the objective (grab the ball and try to carry to goal line); yes you are going to get attacked. Another way to see it is there are just more trash (all players not in your group/guild are red tagged in the zone). Not much different to PVE, your enemies just have different aggro table than your typical npc.
  14. Del and re-lv ? Maybe try max out the achievements ? But with 12x, leveling is less fun imo.
  15. You are free to buy them off, resell at the "right price" and make a profit.
  16. Majority of people (deemed exploit) didn't climb a wall. They were summoned after joining a pug op. Whether it is "live to everyone" or "unfair advantage" etc is depended on the dev's judgement. If climbing a wall wasn't deemed to be exploit, then it was live to everyone and there wasn't unfair advantage. Everyone just need to climb the damn wall.
  17. I see people are making subjective judgements and then rationalize. It is not wrong; we all do that. But that tackles the Shoulds and Should-nots. There have already been hundred of pages of discussion of shoulds vs should-nots. It is getting to the point of irrelevance. What relevant is how the devs judge them. Try look at the official statement objectively. I see it completely fits the description of what considered exploit. Of course there is nothing to stop the dev making inconsistent selective enforcement. Another angle I like to point out, one of the other prerequisites to access Ziost is the purchase of SOR. If guild ship summon can let people bypass $$$, little doubt bw will take action.
  18. Because, using simple logic, it fits one of the official's prior description of what is considered exploit. Of course, rules are subject to interpretation and selective enforcement.
  19. Is it intended that you need to finish the story quests before accessing the area? So getting guild ship summoned to the area without first completing the story quests would be considered exploit and will be getting banned ?
  20. I thought that answer involved saying 3.2 and a past tense "made". Might have lost in translation
  21. So how high people setting their expectations for the May 4th content ?
  22. It is like a faulty atm. If it dispenses $500 and recorded $1000, it is very hard as a customer to proof to the bank that you never received $1k.
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