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Everything posted by ErikModi

  1. Not necessarily. It takes a tremendously powerful Force-User a long time to build up that kind of residue on an object.
  2. A lot of EU authors have actually done a lot more to frell up Star Wars than Lucas could ever do. Many of them took Vader's line that "the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force" a little too literally, and had the solution to every problem being Luke pulling some incredible new Force power out of his posterior to obliterate whatever increasingly-ludicrious plot device had been though up to top the LAST author's ludicrous plot device. Which lead to insanity such as planet-eating Force Storms, aliens from alternate universes, neglectful progenitors who built the Corellian system, and Flow Walking. After the horror that is pretty much any EU not written by Tim Zhan, Kathy Tyers, and Michael Stackpole (thoughts on the NJO are mixed, I personally love it, but there are those who loathe it, and I get why), Lucas' 'meddling' is actually a breath of fresh air.
  3. So. . . many. . . misquotes. . . When I left you, I was the but the learner. Now I am the master." I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee. That's great! Don't get cocky! Don't make me destroy you. Myself, the boy, two droids. . . and no questions asked. I think you'll fill in nicely. (Which actually makes this one more appropriate to the thread's theme, if you think about it. . .) Get clear Wedge, you can't do any more good back there! Also, Luke never said "You're my sister, Leia." What he said was: The Force is strong in my family. I have it, may father has it. . . my sister has it. Yes, it's you, Leia. Yes, I'm THAT guy.
  4. Unfortunately, from a game mechanics perspective, it makes perfect sense having color crystals work for both, and changing that now would probably be more trouble that its worth. And still, all the Lore arguments involving lightsabers are from a timeframe two thousand years in the future. At this point in time, Ilum is NOT the primary source of color crystals, Jedi have access to many different sources for lightsaber crystals, and use ligthsabers of many different colors. And even if the current Lore DID support color restrictions, it would only support FACTIONAL ones, not ALIGNMENT ones. There is nothing preventing the activation of any color lightsaber by any kind of Force user, regardless of Dark Side affiliation. And EVEN THEN, the possibility of obtaining and using any color exists, if perhaps a bit more difficult. In this time of war, there is no reason to assume that Jedi have not captured hundreds of Sith red crystals, and vice versa. On every front, the Lore argument for restrictions fails. And that's without even bringing the non-Lore arguments for player appreciation.
  5. Yoda said so. That, and post RotJ EU makes a big deal of that fact that Luke didn't know anywhere close to everything that a Jedi of the Old Republic should. There were a lot of things Obi-Wan and Yoda simply didn't teach him, because they didn't have time. He figured out a lot as he went a long, from the few sources Palpatine hadn't eradicated, but by the metric of the old Jedi, he probably wouldn't have even qualified for his Trials. Which was entirely the point. Vader and the Emperor represented a new kind of Sith, and the Jedi had all been retraining to fight the OLD Sith. The new Sith needed a new Jedi. That was Luke. But again, all this is academic. Star Wars is not DragonBall Z, there are no power levels, no chain of awesome that determines easily who can beat who. Trying to think of it in those terms is to rob yourself of a great deal of the depth of the Star Wars experience.
  6. Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell! - Han Solo, ANH You were right about one thing master. . . the negotiations were short. - Obi-Wan Kenobi, TPM At that speed, will you be able to pull out in time? - Biggs Darklighter, ANH Will someone get this big walking carpet out of my way? - Princess Leia, ANH Get your toe out of my ear! - Han Solo, ANH radio drama from National Public Radio I guess you don't know everything about women. - Princess Leia, ESB I thought they smelled bad on the outside! - Han Solo, ESB This deal is getting worse all the time! - Lando Calrissian, ESB Short help's better than no help at all. - Han Solo, RotJ And finally, my number one (and should be the most obvious) Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper? - Princess Leia, ANH
  7. And Juyo wasn't a Sith form. It was a highly aggressive form that the Jedi frowned on practicing often, since it had no other purpose than "kill, move on," but it wasn't a Sith form.
  8. Anyone CAN use a lightsaber. The point he was making is that the more physical force, muscular strength, kinetic energy you put behind a lightsaber, the more effectively it will cut a given material. Take two equally hard substances and two equal lightsabers, with the only variable being the physical force behind the blade. The one with more physical force will cut faster than the one with less.
  9. Not to mention that is only Ilum, which was NOT the Jedi's main source of crystals at this point in history. The Jedi did not start getting their crystals primarily from Ilum until after the Ruusan Campaign, which, from the time TOR is set, WILL NOT HAPPEN FOR ANOTHER TWO THOUSAND YEARS.
  10. First, Han is not exactly a physical slouch. Second, tauntaun skin is not a hard material. Even with significant force behind it, a lightsaber does not cut through everything automatically. Witness: Qui-Gon vs. Blast Door, TPM Several non-chopped Geonosians, AotC Anakin and Obi-Wan not cutting through several pieces of scenery during their final duel, most obviously Obi-Wan pinning Anakin's lightsaber against an ordinary computer console, RotS. Several uncut railings and Vader's shoulder, ESB. Several non-chopped Jabba underlings, RotJ. Several more uncut railings, and even I believe a similar weapon bind, RotJ.
  11. Despite midichlorians, Force-Sensitivity is not a strictly genetic phenomena. If it was, the Jedi would (un)breed themselves to extinction over a few hundred years. If the Force has a will, then it must also "choose" who to gift with Force-Sensitivity. It can, but doesn't not necessarily always, run in family lines.
  12. Balance in the Force does not equal balance in number of Force users, that is a logical fallacy. The Force is far greater than those who wield it. And in any event, in Lucas' vision, balancing the Force means destroying the Dark Side. That's not what I say, that's what he says. Ergo, the Dark cannot be more powerful, since it is essentially outweighed by the whole of the Force itself. Never once in the Star Wars movies is there a mention of a "Light side." The closest is when Luke asks Yoda "How am I to know the good side from the bad?" The whole point of Star Wars, in Lucas' vision was to destroy not just the Sith, but the corruption of the Dark Side itself. And by the end of the movies, the Dark Side is obliterated.
  13. There are a lot of different kinds of immortality. "Clinical immortality" is pretty much just not dying of old age. "Neoteny" is perpetual youth, always living in the prime of your life. Then there are varying degrees of "wound resistant" immortality, where it is difficult to kill you. Things like vampires, Immortals from Highlander, etc. have this kind of immortality, where they CAN be killed, but only under a specific set of circumstances. "Transcendent immortality" is the ability to live on as a being of energy or pure thought. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Yoda all achieved this. Awesome, but your ability to affect the physical world is limited. Finally, "total immortality" is being completely unable to be killed, by any means whatsoever. The Sith Emperor of TOR as the first kind of immortality. Though he's powerful enough in his own right that killing him is exceptionally difficult.
  14. She's a Padawan in the Return movie, and holds her own quite well. She's probably a Knight in Hope, where she blocks a lightsaber WITH HER BARE HAND, before proceeding to bury Malgus under a mountain. Yeah, she's got it.
  15. Luke: So I am a Jedi Yoda: (laughing) No. One thing remains. Vader. You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi will you be.
  16. Except that, before the Ruusan Campaign (which isn't for another two thousand years by this game's time) there were many more sources of crystal available, and Jedi would use lightsabers of pretty much any color. Nothing was "rare" or "unique" until Ruusan. Thus, lore directly contradicts the idea of lightsaber color restrictions.
  17. Yes, and yet a 24 year old, half-trained "padawan" brought down Vader and the Emperor. Power isn't what it's all about. Power is the LEAST of what it's all about.
  18. "Most powerful" is all a matter of perspective, and in many respects does not exist. Mace Windu is widely regarded as the most lethal lightsaber duelist the Order ever produced. Is he the "most powerful?" Yoda is widely regarded as the wisest and most educated of the Order. Does that make him the "most powerful?" Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force. Does that make him the "most powerful?" Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of the Council's leading Masters and the only one deemed able to defeat General Grievous. Does that make him the "most powerful?" Qui-Gon Jinn transcended upon death and became one with the Force, yet still retained identity and consciousness, and passed this technique on to Yoda and Obi-Wan. Does that make him the "most powerful?" The Sith fail because they buy into the concept of "most powerful," always seeking more and more power for themselves and the cost of pretty much everything else. But ultimately, that power is false, empty useless, and will probably only get them killed. Power is not the end goal of the Force. Knowledge is.
  19. You're right, Lucas isn't wrong. You're dramatically misinterpreting what he's saying, though, and this has been proven time and time again. You claim Lucas says the Dark Side is stronger. First of all, the bit you're quoting is CLEARLY referring to Anakin's perception, NOT objective truth. The objective truth comes from Lucas himself stating that "Bringing balance to the Force" means DESTROYING THE DARK SIDE. If the Dark Side is destroyed to bring balance to the Force, it CANNOT be more powerful. That is all. Anything else you have to say on the matter is purely your own "fanon universe."
  20. First, you have continually and consistently been proven wrong, and when people disagree with you, you attack them. Second, you claim "everyone" agrees with you, when in reality, there are THREE posters in this ENTIRE 50 page thread who support your point of view. Everyone else is thinks they are equal, or that the Light is unequivocally stronger. Third, you keep raising the same point, despite it having been disproven backwards, forwards, inside out, upside down, and in every other conceivable manner, yet continue to claim it means something it does not, despite all evidence to the contrary. And then you have the nerve to call people who have systematically taken your argument apart "deluded." I can only conclude that you are being satircal, and deliberately posting such inept attempts at reinforcing a lost argument for the amusement of others. The only other conclusion would construe a personal attack against you, and that is a level to which I will not stoop.
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