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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dweessies

  1. Oh i wish we were on the same server and i knew your alt names so i could blow my load all over your alts faces.


    On a side note you do know there is an "achievement" AND a "quests" that gives you (a) rep token (b) about 18.9k exp and © about 17k credits…all you have to do is give people a money shot…unsuspecting lowbies are just easier to get this quest done due to the fact that (a) most don't know what it is yet and (b) don't have the vaccine on hand to stop it. Though best part of my day is giving some lowbie a money shot and watch then cry about what just got in their eye in chat.:D :D :D


    But no seriously its not griefing, the Gree even where i used to heal the droid in the Grey Secant so republic toons namely <WOOK> hackers couldn't kill it….THAT is griefing. however that guild is known for hacking so i felt like F***ing with them. I said to them, " hack your way out of this A$Sholes and kept the droid at 100% then about 20 of them showed up all flagged for PvP and started taunting me like I'm dumb enough o flag so they can kill me lol next patch they fixed that…no more griefing there though you can still kill people trying to get the pylon quest but thats an achievement so thats not really griefing.


    Dude, you're just digging a bigger hole for yourself. The "infect 3 other players" quest is truly a classic griefing scenario the way you want to play it. There are plenty of ways around this, including not supporting a very bad quest. Oh and just because the dev. team failed utterly to think things through, does not suddenly make it okay to violate the ToS rules.


    EA and Bioware owe us all a big apology for this aspect of what is otherwise a fun diversion. This is what always seems to happen when special event mechanics don't get tested on the PTS or some other real-world test before being unleashed.

  2. Rofl, that was an unnecessarily hostile reply.


    Maybe, but if an admitted griefer can't take it, maybe they should reconsider their choices. I'm just treating him like he demands to treat others.


    Besides, for a gaming forum, it was a pretty mild hostile reply. I didn't even mention his mom or sister. ;)

  3. Your logic is flawed. The quest gives me experience, credits, reputation tokens, event currency, and counts towards achievements. Why would I not take it? Because it involves a sort of "gag" which can be dealt with easily by the targeted player? C'mon...


    I really start to think people these days are too stuck up. When I was a kid, during Carnival (I know this isn't popular in the US), it wasn't uncommon for someone to throw a raw egg at you, or a sack of flour, or water balloon on the street. It was annoying of course, but people laughed it off because it was a seasonal joke. I start to think you would find it a criminal offense... Lighten up!


    Assault is not a joke, sorry. Just accept that you're temporarily griefing, it's not like it's the end of the world. Although it might be the end of the world for a few subscriptions if this is the level of effort the dev team is now investing in the game.

  4. I have no objections to anyone expressing their opinion, but that is not all you are doing. You are calling me, and pretty much anyone actively engaged in this event, a griefer. And for what reason exactly? Because we're doing what we are supposed to do - infect people. How do I know this is what we're supposed to be doing? There are quests and achievements and rewards for it.


    Seriously, it is pretty clear that BioWare wants people to people to infect each other as much as possible. Hence the quest rewards, and the immunity penalty. If you disagree with their design, you can post a thread saying "I don't feel it is appropriate for other people to infect me because...", but what you absolutely can NOT do is say event participants are griefing/harrasing/interfering with your gameplay, etc...


    You don't see me posting a thread saying vaccine users are griefing me do you? You may feel it would be illogical to do so, but please, try to complete the "Infect 3 players." quest on 4 different characters every day. People who are vaccinated interfere with my ability to complete a simple quest. Something that could be done in 20 minutes usually takes 2 hours. Do you feel this is fair?


    I hate to use logic on a gaming forum, but when you accept a quest whose stated purpose is for you to grief 3 other players, you are in fact agreeing to become a griefer. The only way to avoid being a griefer in this case is to give a bad quest like the "infect 3 players" quest a decline.

  5. If only there was some sort of forum you could go onto... one that would probably be filled with all sorts of threads about this event, and what was going on...


    Or how about a search engine... something I could just type in rakghoul event, and have a guide appear at the very top of the result list...


    I know, I'm not a level 50 either, and this whole week I was wondering what was going on. It wasn't like there was big glowy holoterminals everywhere begging to be clicked in fleet... and after a whole week, I never bothered visiting fleet either...


    You're assuming that I'd know what to search for, before the event even started, or maybe while it was running. Most of us have better things to do than hang about on forums, or running constant searches for the latest info.


    I know about it now, way too late to be involved. Other than to know that I won't be signing in again until it's over, to avoid the time wasting parts, since the lack of advance knowledge denied me the fun parts to balance it out.

  6. One question I haven't seen answered:


    Was this just an event for level 50s? I never saw anything about it at all, until I had to go back to the fleet for something and saw the new kiosks. Even then, no quests available, no sign, other than annoying infection crapola, that anything special was going on.


    Events like this work a whole lot better if people know about them. For me, this one is a colossal FAIL on Bioware's part due to a complete and utter lack of notice. Not all of us sit on our characters 24/7 waiting for the next warzone to pop on the fleet.


    And if this was a level 50 thing only, why the heck is one of my level 20-something alts infected? If we can't play the fun parts, don't bother us with the rest of it.

  7. Gotta wonder if this is this guys first mmo? weekly down time is part of the package man. plan around it, learn the days and catch up and house stuff.


    He's probably just young and feeling very entitled to whatever he wants when he wants it. You see these kinds of gripes every Tuesday on the WoW forums after years of every single Tuesday morning being their maintenance window. I'm just hoping that most of the special snowflakes all stay away from here, as so far the vast majority of the community has been very nice to be around.

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