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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dweessies

  1. You see, this is a good reason why there is usually a delayed response. I feel for the people working on the issue.


    I was sitting here eating dinner...then the phone rings..."Hey Bill! We need you to come down to the office and resolve a login/server issue". Extremely inconvenient for everyone involved.


    I appreciate anyone who works on an "on call" basis.


    Nobody drives back to the office. They're at home with snacks and a cold beer, connecting remotely. Unless EA is even cheaper than any of us have ever accused them of being. I haven't had to go back to the office to fix anything in well over 20 years now.

  2. Thanks Eric! The changes definitely add a new challenging element to the game, but the ability to optimize is still there.

    Some people, as usual, and unadaptable and overexaggerate.

    I do not think that word (challenging for those as slow as this poster) means what you think it means. The only challenge is staying stupid enough to keep feeding a dev team this dedicated to killing their own game.

  3. Awesome guide, thanks! I'm still super irritated that we're supposed to a.) Grind 70 levels... then b.) Grind THREE HUNDRED (made up / phony) more "Command Ranks" then c.) Grind 5 tiers of gear. FOR EVERY CHARACTER.


    This, in a game that separates itself from other games with their "Legacy" system. Yeah, OK. Thanks


    OH, BTW. After all your grinding you get level synced and/or "bolstered" in pretty much every scenario of play. How messed up and convoluted can you possibly make a game that's like 6 or 7 years old????


    Please don't give them an opening like that. I'm sure they'll figure out some new way to force a long tedious and ultimately completely pointless grind on us.

  4. In BW-speak, ending on 8/19 means that it will end very shortly after 12:01am on 8/19. For the rest of us, ending on 8/19 means something very different, so while they were technically correct it still feels like we're being ripped off. Combine that with servers that are still mostly unplayable with lag, and you get a very good reason to unsub and walk away. It just seems like they're not even trying anymore.
  5. To paraphrase what the Emperor is doing with non-force users:


    "I am the greatest single force-user in the history of all force-users, I wield more influence and hold more affinity with the force than anyone who has ever come before me, my power stretches far beyond the frivolous confines of life and death...while you keep company with a farmboy spacer wanna-be, expect to get everything done with a blaster, are completely force-blind...but I've been following your life because we're both really alike in how strong our influences are on the destiny of the galaxy..."


    Which shows exactly how badly the Emperor is written in the dumpster fire that is KotFE. The guy who consumed all life on Ziost would roflstomp any random non-force user, no matter how influential they might be with the normies.

  6. Who knows but I'm glad their working on content like crazy lately. :) Just wish they can optimize the game some more just make it run smoother less graphic glitches etc. thats all Im asking for. :)


    Well maybe all 3 of the people still working on the game are at least putting in 40 hr. weeks, but that's hardly working like crazy. I'll be too bored to play anymore after the next couple weeks, and will be back on another extended break until there's actually some reason to play again. My bet on 6.0 is 4th quarter 2019.

  7. Uhh, define "right around". There's been no date announced for its release, there's yet to be an indication as to which season of the year it'll be released in nor even which year.


    Given the size of the current dev staff, I'm thinking we might see this rumored next expansion by late 2019 if we're lucky.

  8. When I played WoW, I wasn't on twitch. Same for GW2, D3, WoT, WoWs, The Division, SWtOR, and every other game. I just don't get what the attraction is of either watching someone else play or having others watching me play.


    That said, the numbers are at least one measurement of interest in the games. But for those measurements to be a bit less random, you'd need several data points taken at differing times of day. All you have is a single data point, and that's not enough of a sample to be meaningful.

  9. Without the cash flow generated by the CM, EA would have shuttered this game years ago. It's annoying AF sometimes, but without it there would be no game. It's an unfortunate necessity until BW is given enough resources to make a game worthy enough that subscription revenue would support it.


    And I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for EA to make that kind of investment.

  10. Pretty much what Steve says. It's likely possible but not probable as it would cost enormous loads of money, which SWTOR clearly won't get for it unless a miracle happens.




    If EA was inclined to spend the kind of money it would cost, they'd be much better off to develop a completely new game. A port of the current code would retain all of the bugs we have today, and include some new ones related to the new engine and the port itself. I think our current bug count is sufficient and doesn't need any enhancement.

  11. Solo is better written than TLJ. I thought it was worth the price of admission.


    That's an extremely low standard you're using. To me, Solo was 2 movies, neither one really finished or polished but thrown together and then covered in superglue to keep the parts from flying off. They should have either stuck with the original director and script, or thrown it all out and started over.


    Also, we should stop referring to episode 8 as TLJ. A better name for it would be "The Movie that should NOT have been made".

  12. My original character had the Lana relationship bug where it disappeared because I had completed chapter 9 well before the end of things, and it reverted to nothing.


    I played an alt through yesterday, got engaged to Lana at the end of Nathema. Today I logged in and it's back to "you've begun a romantic relationship". What the crap?!?!


    Congrats, you now have the full set of Lana bugs. They really should give an achievement for this.

  13. Combat feels generic and in need of big overhaul. Make it more like black desert online you know?


    Given the resources they have left for SWTOR, I'd put the chances of this at so close to absolute zero as to make no difference at all. They can't even put out more than a trickle of content now as it is. If you like BDO, you'd be better off playing that instead.

  14. Well.. before Keith clarified that the Stronghold could be purchased by any player via the Fleet terminal.. there was still a lot of enthusiasm in discussion about the fact that players would finally have a Stronghold that is PvP enabled.


    So I do think there is broad interest and excitement for the coming Stronghold.. but not just because it is a new Stronghold with a Rishi theme. The PvP mechanics ARE a plus as it means individuals, as well as guilds, can setup their own PvP instance and also control who can and cannot participate. This will of course piss off the more toxic random grouping PvPers... but they still have WZs.. and cross faction being removed should help queue pops for the WZ PvPers.


    Let's be honest here... even people who generally avoid PvP because of player toxicity in WZs.... may very well find PvP under more socially controlled conditions in the Stronghold is fun and they will actually PvP because it was not PvP they did not like.. it's all the people wearing their backsides as hats and harassing players on their own team that turned them off from PvP.


    Or this will just be another content gap in a game that's become more content gap than content.

  15. Hmm, well, which do you think is more likely:

    a.) BW is trying to piss people off by not bringing back certain companions


    b.) There are technical issues, such as availability of the voice actors, etc, that you are not aware of.


    You forgot option C., that BW doesn't have enough resources to do more than 30 minutes of content 2 or 3 times a year, and your 'favorite' companion keeps losing the dice roll on being the 1 that returns with the latest dribble of content.

  16. They could at least respond with exactly that; it's out of their hands. Assure people they are aware of the issue. Now it's just being perceived by many as if they couldn't care less and don't pay attention to their game.


    Exactly. They're definitely giving the impression of not caring at all that their paying customers aren't getting anything in return for their sub fees. If they're not going to bother, they should be a bit more honest, and just shut the game down.

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