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Posts posted by Dweessies

  1. Hi everyone,


    Thank you for your patience as we investigated this issue. It has been resolved, however, please note that players who have downloaded or started to download the patch will have to re-download the game in its entirety. Those who have not patched should be able to log in and play the game as normal. We apologize for the inconvenience to the impacted players.


    Thanks for finally giving me that final push to un-installing.

  2. How could this have been tested before deployment?


    Bioware uses it's paying customers for all testing. You must not have been around for long. :D


    But I would like to thank Bioware for giving me yet another good reason to finally give up and un-install this mess. Their code has been bug-infested since launch and I think I've given them way way too long to get their act together.

  3. There will never be an update to the engine. It’s never going to happen. At this point I think we need to accept that fact and realise if this was any other IP, the game would have been shuttered long ago. EA don’t want to reinvest in the game and are trying to squeeze the last bit of profit from it by running it on an oily rag.


    They won’t even give the team enough resources to fix the bugs or release content that’s bug free. Then they don’t give them resources to fix the new content either.


    Does anyone really expect EA are going to give Bioware enough funds and resources to port to another engine or improve this one. The amount of man power to do that is phenomenal and so is the cost. EA are not going to do it unless Disney gives them a bunch of money and says remake the game. And we know that’s not going to happen because Disney’s already brought other companies onboard to make future open world SW games that don’t involve EA because they’ve seen how badly EA has dropped the ball with the SW IP.


    Swtor has a limited time frame remaining. When these new games are released, it will be shuttered if it hasn’t already been. The same thing happened to SWG. We should all prepare ourselves that this is what’s going to happen with swtor.

    I really wish I could disagree with this. I really do.


    But Trixie is 100% correct. The engine will NEVER be updated or upgraded. The game simply is what it is, for as long as EA can milk a buck from it. Thankfully EA's days are numbered, so those potential games now under development outside EA's control will be the real future for SW in games.


    I loved SWtoR, but it's time is coming to an end.


    May the force serve us all well in the future.

  4. No idea if this is true or not...

    It was said it was because of the recordings of the voice-overs (don´t forget this game have 3 languages to do).

    That is simply stupid... they should just kill the 2 other languages and put everything in english (maybe add in the future subtitles in other languages)...


    That would streamline the process a lot faster and the stuff would be faster implemented...


    Best Regards,



    Dude, SWTOR is owned by EA, and they give absolutely zero F's about anything other than collecting the maximum amount of $$$ for the minimum amount of effort. If getting the voice recording would have cost them $.05 more to do it right during the time of the dreaded beer-virus, then it would NOT be getting done. Maybe it will get done before Winter, but I wouldn't bet on it.


    Yes, it sucks, but they own the exclusive license to Star Wars at the moment, so it just is what it is.

  5. dont want to be rude, but i think that almost no one is interested in "Disney Wars" 9th episode. They ruined it completely.

    The critics seem to dislike it, and remember they just LOVED TLJ. So I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. I suspect it's pretty crowded and disjointed from a film narrative perspective, as JJ attempts to clean up the debris from TLJ.


    Seriously, the whole thing is a textbook example of how not to do a trilogy. There was obviously no central plan for all 3 movies, other than the names of some of the characters.

  6. I'm a pvper. I should be able to pvp and gear as fast as those doing pve. I shouldn't be forced to spam a FP over and over to get gear for pvp.

    The cake is a lie, and so is "Play however you like". MM FP spamming is the only viable way to gear up in 6.0. If you try to stick with PvP, you'll be way behind and frustrated. Same for crafting, which is just garbage at the moment (as predicted by PTR inputs that were all ignored).

  7. I've seen fully end game geared people already on fleet. Apparently, in addition to having no life, all you need to do is get a group and spam 1 of 2 master FPs. Hammer Station for non-stealth and Red Reaper for stealth classes. The stealth road is faster, but those are the current best methods, with stealth being roughly twice as fast to gear via this method. PvP only will also work, but it's slightly slower than Hammer Station spamming.


    "Play your own way" doesn't seem to have lasted very long. Sorry for those who love BW no matter what, but this is simply a dumpster fire of an expansion. Not worth the wait at all.

  8. I double que regs and fps and pick which ever pops first. I'm almost max iLevel. You're being a defeatist. Get to gaming, theres gear everywhere.

    As long as by everywhere you mean Red Reaper for stealth classes and Hammer Station for non-Stealth classes.


    Doing anything else will just make the grind slower and even more boring than spamming a single FP. :(

  9. So it didnt take long and the fleet is full of people LFG for stealth run Red Reaper or Hammer Station. I mean, I am fine with that, but this is a lesson that Bioware has not learned. People will always find a way to grind their way to what they need. So the "play what you want" still doesnt work :)


    LOL exploit early, exploit often. I guess they're betting the Bioware can't afford to ban them all and reduce their playerbase any more than they already have.

  10. Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


    Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.


    Same here mate, already cancelled my sub after less than a week. Mandatory groups + way too little story = no fun and no more money for Bioware until they give us something worth paying for.

  11. Im happy if they disincentivitise solo play, this is an MMO, you solo players got 2 full expansions of solo stuff, Its the MMO portions chance now and thus the gearing system should reward those who play group content more than those who play solo.


    Maybe they should change their slogan to GROUPING NOW MANDATORY, or something else a bit more accurate, lest they drive even more paying customers away. The game really can't afford to bleed many more people.

  12. I was getting periodic lag on the Esseles (SS server) that continued to Coruscant. Abilities sometimes fire and sometimes they batch up and wait a second or 5. The mobs don't have the same issue it seems, so is this an attempt to try and inject some difficulty into the game? If so, it fails hard as it just makes things annoying, not really any more difficult.


    Oh well, another 2x week gone by with almost no play time as the game just always seems broken during these weeks. Another resub opportunity wasted for BW. GG dev team

  13. The comp AI issues is still present & I do not see any notes for it in the 5.10.1a patch. What gives, guys? This is getting ridiculous.

    According to Eric, it won't be fixed until sometime after 5.10.2. So basically, there is no actual timeline for when it might be fixed. Until then, use melee companions or trick the companion AI with the old 'passive on', leap to target, 'passive off' workaround. Lots of buttons to press, but at least it usually works.

  14. Happy Monday everyone! Getting fully caught up on the thread I think there is some great feedback in here and they are things I will take into account in trying to improve our communication more.


    The one I want to highlight especially is what Sarova put so succinctly above. Acknowledgement in some cases is something I have always been hesitant about, if I don't have a real update to provide I have always shied away from just simple acknowledgement. Mainly because I don't want the forums to turn into a bunch of "we are aware" or "good feedback" when there may be a number of situations where I wont have a follow-up.


    However, let's cross that bridge when we get to it. I think I need to abandon my own caution around acknowledging issues where I don't have larger updates. It is clear that a strong starting point is better awareness by all of you that we are in fact reading your feedback, aware of your bugs, etc. and that situation is where we are lacking.


    Expect to see more yellow posts around the forums from myself and others (as I highlighted in my other post). And I don't doubt that you wouldn't do it, but call out when we are lacking.





    Please stop talking about improving communications. We've heard promises to improve communications since the beta, and it's only gotten worse as EA completes its assimilation of Bioware. So stop promising things will get better and to quote Sheev Palpatine, "DO IT". Or as Yoda would say, "Do or Do not, there is no try". When both the dark and the light side agree on something, its a pretty sure thing.

  15. I've been around since the beta as well. Did all 3 class stories on 3 different servers, ended up with 40+ characters on Star Forge that I'm trying to trim down. Haven't really played much since 5.0 as the CXP grind pretty much demotivated me (there's just something about a game emphasizing RNG that can't write a decent RNG generator). With the last patch though, I'm done. Sub is up in 2 days and will not be renewed. Since the patch, EVERY SINGLE toon I try to play runs into a new game-breaking bug. Which I'd expect if I was trying to test games written by high school beginning programming students, but not by a so-called AAA game publisher.


    So long all, may the Force serve you well (or be with you for those who're Jedi inclined).

  16. Im boycotting this new one.


    I have never played gsf in 5 years of playing and Im not starting now. no.


    I tried playing it once. That was more than enough. It's becoming more and more apparent that the dev. team has no idea what the heck they're doing. The time needed to get 3 GSF pops is ridiculous, let alone 3 wins against people who've figured out how GSF works. Not to mention the insanity of trying to get 4 MM flashpoint pops for the last one.


    Are they randomly generating both the activities and the number of them required? I thought Ben and his love for RNG had moved on.

  17. You see, this is a good reason why there is usually a delayed response. I feel for the people working on the issue.


    I was sitting here eating dinner...then the phone rings..."Hey Bill! We need you to come down to the office and resolve a login/server issue". Extremely inconvenient for everyone involved.


    I appreciate anyone who works on an "on call" basis.


    Nobody drives back to the office. They're at home with snacks and a cold beer, connecting remotely. Unless EA is even cheaper than any of us have ever accused them of being. I haven't had to go back to the office to fix anything in well over 20 years now.

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