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Everything posted by wbtusmc

  1. Abeloth was more like the step mother. She began as a servant until becoming enhanced and corrupted by the Pools.
  2. laughed - would read again!
  3. is this like line of thought? Kerouac / Ginsberg modeled poetry?
  4. ftfy:D SO happy to be with you guys.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5657863#post5657863
  6. I find it hilarious how much time the OP put into his post with plausible ideas/improvements just to get a cut and paste reply from BW telling him how he's going to be nerfed. I suppose it's a good thing he got a reply at all...
  7. Was this the rationale when you nerfed sages ZOMG 2.5k AOE in 1.2? Because if so, I can send you my damage log with 500+ 6k hits. Save yourself the man hours and go ahead and nerf it.
  8. OMG. How can smash specs even attempt to play victim?
  9. This. The only change that should be made is keeping stun bubble in line with all other resolve metrics. Other than that, stun bubble is the only thing that slows the 5/8 maras on the opposing team. Funny how that coincides with the ratio of class-> complainer in this thread.
  10. I leveled a Marauder mostly for the lore and buff, but also since my main is a healer, I wanted to understand the class better in order to negate it in PvP. I let it sit for a while after reaching 50, and 2 days ago I logged onto it and, having never played Rage before (was always annhilation or carnage) respecced. In full recruit gear, speccing into rage 30 seconds before the start of the WZ, having never even practiced the rotation against npc's, I got a 5k dmg medal and a 300k medal in an average Civil War game. Easiest, but most lethal, spec I've ever played / seen. I'm sorry, but if this isnt the definition of OP, I dont know what is. I could list several more examples but I think this suffices. *edit - I had a Battlemaster mainhand augmented that I purchased immediately upon hitting 50.
  11. I've seen this too. It was the equivalent of a Sentinel...name escapes me....went into stealth halfway to the point, proceeded to cap. I had clicked him prior to his stealthing and watched the turret capping status go about half way before aoe'ing the turret.
  12. In accordance with canon, Luke - greatest all time. Sidious - greatest Dark Sider /thread
  13. Darth Maul was trained by Sidious to be a killing machine. His whole goal in life was to defeat a Jedi Master. However, he was warned repeatedly by Sidious not to be too prideful or gloat until the job was said and done. Hence, his defeat at the hands of a lesser dualist (Obi-Wan) while killing his Master (Qui-Gon).
  14. I just wanted to chime in here with a possible solution I've seen in Aion. The way they did it, PvP armor diminished damage taken whereas your accessories and weapons, see relic, implant, earpiece, etc - enhanced your attack ability against other players. This would keep the percentages down yet still give perks. The way it is now with the expertise working both ways, well really 3 ways - attack, defend, and heal, is a bit excessive. Just a thought.
  15. Show me how to mass interrupt the 5 BH's spamming the same thing?
  16. This.^ I knew with all the crybaby Inquisitor kids ************ and moaning on the forums the EA backed BW would cave and nerf Ops/Scoundrels. What makes me depressed, aside from the fact I will really no longer be effective in pvp OR pve is that if I reroll to say Trooper, well theyre next on the nerf block because again, they hurt inquisitors too much. So whats the point?
  17. pre-patch maybe. or maybe you need to l2p?
  18. hurr no more republic 10s ! Whered my medals go???? I'd say 75% of 50's saw a decrease in their average medal gain. As previous poster said, welcome to the real world. Get used to it.
  19. If youre getting killed in stun by Smuggler/Op, youre either undergeared or have already taken damage.
  20. Inquisitor Force Lightning Force Lightning etc etc
  21. I just posted a similar comment to OP's on another thread. I, a Republic Smuggler on Giradda the Hutt, am having a blast on ilum. We are outnumbered but not to the point where its /ragequit. I really am enjoying it.
  22. I don't know what server youre on, but I'm on a PvE server (Giradda the Hutt) and ilum is super active. Maybe its because all the world pvp is funneled into 1 area? But anyway, I just wanted to say that I've been having a blast there after the epic first day fail. Im republic (Godrick) and usually outnumbered, but its still much better than it was. Though I do miss my conversations with the imperials...
  23. ITT: I got Champion Armor for next to nothing due to the fact I'm Empire and I hit tracer-missile tracer-missile tracer-missile tracer-missile. Now I'm bored.
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