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Everything posted by csward

  1. The question is, how soon? I can't tell you how long league of legends said "season one is coming" and kept pushing it back. The fixes you list should be implemented within the near future, otherwise expect more QQ.
  2. How many players want to play with people acting rude? If you treat them poorly, of course they're not going to take in your message as well as they could of if you were positive. People who are level 39 already aren't new to MMO's, so I think the real issue is people being used to all the "tank and spank" bosses from WoW. They are not used to having to think. I may take a while yet for people to realize this game requires effort. The challenge is what makes it fun. My advice for you would be to join a guild of friends or pros because that's the only way to avoid these people; well, other than not doing the dungeon at all.
  3. Yeah, I am tring to find information as to get my Digital Deluxe Edition rewards. I remember reading they would be available at launch, so how do we get them?
  4. /signed for awsome and well supported suggestions. Thank you OP. I felt by using Project on a starship, I would rip the hull out of the ship and get sucked into the vacuum of space .
  5. While I don't disagree with you about Gigle, your review is an opinion even if you back some things up with facts. Your review comes across as condescending, as does your attitude in your posts. The bottom line is all MMOs have issues and it will take TOR a couple years to catch up. I'll tell you this, I like this games better than EQ2, Vanguard, Warhammer, FF14, LotR Online, AoC, Tabula Rasa, ect. at launch. It feels really good and while you views are valid, the aren't game-breaking, yet. It all depends how quickly Bioware can improve the game (which seems rather slowly from beta).
  6. So far on my server most people are still in the teens and 20's. I haven't seen any high level ROTFLstomping yet, but that would be awful. We could give players all their abilities and talents while in PvP only. That isn't the only problem though. Higher levels have expertise gear, which may be the biggest issue.
  7. Despite a bit of hyperbole on the OP's part, I have seen others and myself win for healing/dmg/obj combos. I take the time and consider all factors, and I enjoy voting for a mvp. However, we need an expanded scoreboard, because the current one doesn't tell the whole story. How about damage absorbed and trap damage absorbed? suicides? Maybe even most effective rotation (like a 3 move combo that netted their main % of damage). I would like more info please Bioware.
  8. csward

    Hutt ball?

    Strange, I get a very even mix of all 3 warzones. I would prefer more hutball, as I think it is the most fun pvp warzone.
  9. Well, since all classes have ranged abilities, fall back for a bit, heal, and return to the fight. I never thought "woah stunlocked" like DotA, or something. However, it is very easy for me a consular to get separation from melee classes, IF I have all my tools ready. It's surprising how well a force push, stun, DoTs combo works to give an HP advantage. Still, I like my survivability better than in Vanilla WoW, where as a mage, I could be stunlocked by a rouge and killed before I became unstunned. My advice for you would be to stay with your team. If you run into a group of reds, expect to get stunned a lot. In PUGs, if they all burn their CC on you, well, you did your job. You have the most damage mitigating abilities. This should allow your team an edge, because CC timing is critical and if theirs overlap, it's wasted. The critical factor to your success, I think, would be to have backup and try to stay near corners/LoS blockers if practical. I don't think diminishing returns are necessary in TOR's small warzones. I'm not sure which classes would have "unlimited spam" CC, but as a Sage, all of mine are on cooldowns of 30 seconds or more and I assume others are too. As a side note, for the pvp scoreboard, they need a damage absorbed/CC absorbed tracker, as well as a trap damage absorber/trap damage instigator just for fun. I like where PvP is at.
  10. I get some of that and I play on an east coast server playing in central Iowa. I think it's client side.
  11. I think PvP is pretty nicly balanced imo. I have been able to contribute in PvP with healing, but I haven't played on any hardcore PvP servers or against pros yet.
  12. This was mentioned in beta, but Bioware doesn't care. That's pretty much it.
  13. Yeah who would have guessed a direct correlation from beta access to preoreders. Some of us didn't get in beta until Thanksgiving weekend, so excuse us for being skeptical before that.
  14. I think Stephen Reid went home for the day. I mean if the guy ever read the forums we'd be in by now.
  15. What about the Sand People of Tatooine? Imagine your character talking like the Sand People from a new hope the whole game? lol Being a droid like HK-47 might be fun too.
  16. Gungan would work for this game, body type wise lol. There's also a lot of NPCs in the game that look like playable characters of the future. Personally, I want hutts as playable characters. On hutta, in Beta, I learned that huts are not born that fat , they are of humanoid shape, then are allowed to become obese once they achieve prosperity. There is even a humanoid Hutt guarding the first Hutt on Hutta. The more you know...
  17. And you probably don't have many friends, since all humans have flaws. Even you.
  18. You have to have internet to play this game. Also, everyone can preorder the game on Origin that meets the "has internet" requirement. Therefore, everyone that wants to be in the game, can be. Retail release is irrelevant.
  19. Fatties FTW. Especially when it looks out of place. Like with my squishy, red, twi'lek Jedi Consular in Beta.
  20. Well they should be . The casual crowd is a different animal. Someday, we will look at EQ or Ultima as Doom and perhaps TOR or another MMO as Battlefield 3 (or whatever milestone you choose). MMOs are a (slightly?) younger genre than FPS and have yet to have enough time to stray from the norm. Plus, you have to look at the rate at which MMOs come out vs. FPSs. Higher dev costs plus longer cycles equals slower evolution. Maybe we can say the WoW was the "GoldenEye 007" of the MMO Genre, but have we hit the "Halo" phase or "Call of Duty" phase? I'm not sure.
  21. I have a feeling it might play more like DotA in 3rd person. Who knows? You probably won't be able to die as fast as DotA and it probably won't snowball as hard. I didn't care for the first guild wars, but I am interested to see how the 2nd turns out.
  22. We've been waiting for years, I think this game is the best yet thought perhaps a New York Strip? lol
  23. I had my corpse fall off a cliff once. I'm not sure if I ever got my stuff back. It was my first MMO. I mean I drowned myself in the dwarf town fountain because it got me out of town faster lol.
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