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Everything posted by Yssta

  1. Yssta

    Welcome Back!

    I've sent out some emails to find out what's up, hopefully we can get our picture posting privileges back soon.
  2. Let's start this off by saying I only take requests if I think you've got swag. This also means that I WILL NOT do a request if you copy & paste your generic character information list. Besides, almost none of that information matters at all to me painting it. Tell me a little about your character. Let me get to know them. Let me get to know you. Besides, I like to feel valued. Take me out first before you have your way. I would like to preface this thread by saying that before the forum wipe, I did receive multiple Fan Friday features for various projects. Ego is now off. My deviantArt can be found here. ART Agent http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/114/d/4/agent_by_sturman-d3erp1a.png Darth Maleficient http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/245/e/6/darth_maleficient_color_by_sturman-d2xv1vr.png Cheeky http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/062/a/7/cheeky_by_sturman-d3aug7m.png Occupation http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/322/1/e/Occupation_by_Sturman.png Badr Charna http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/097/4/b/badr_charna_by_sturman-d3dfyyt.jpg I dabble, from time to time.
  3. We've set up a Star Wars: The Old Republic deviantArt group! It can be found here. About Us Interested in artwork for The Old Republic, are ye? Look no further! This here dA group was built to serve one major purpose: showcase the artwork of our community's very fine artists. Interested in having your own TOR art shown here for others to see? Say no more! Well actually, say a couple things. Start by hitting the "join group" button. Once we approve your request to join, you'll be able to submit art. Just make sure it goes in the right folder! Also, all members (whether they're artists or not) can submit favorites or even blogs. We have a section in favorites for good reference pictures, so if you see a pose, or clothing design, or whatever that you think would make a good TOR picture, +fav it into our reference section so others can use it!
  4. Yssta

    Welcome Back!

    Let's get this party started off right!
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