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Everything posted by Deija

  1. I have a new issue. As of accessing the Season content and paying to unlock, my nameplate resets to the same stock standard Class indicator Title and tags every time I load into Iokath. on the character I made the Season level 1 purchase. No others appear affected at this time. I made the purchase while loaded into the Iokath map and after swapping zones, my proper nameplate options show up everywhere else except each time I load into Iokath. Turning Nameplate on and off again Applying the setting seems to "refresh" the interface, but this should be unnecessary. Be aware and fix this Devs. I have wasted an hour testing multiple characters and permutations on this bug to understand it. I have not made further Season purchases along the track to replicate if it affects other characters or the same one in alignment with the current map they are loaded into, but that was a thought... perhaps.
  2. I agree with this wholeheartedly. I have enjoyed the animations from an RP perspective and the filler perspective as a tank for years, I always juggled ranged [10-30m] and melee [0-10m] range swaps sparingly and did not pepper bosses from range, nor did I sit up the arse of the primary target(s) either. Removing this ability neither teaches a lesson, nor improves the game and therefore should not have happened. Frankly after the sniper/Gunslinger class was restructured, abilities removed and given to only one tree I was annoyed, but got over it.... now with this... WHY BOTHER with all the cartel crap, the crystals, the dye packs, why bother IF the abilities and aesthetics are REMOVED from our gameplay... good rotation or bad rotation. Give the player the choice to play their way, seeing as they pay (one way or another) for the privilege. I agree with another post in the forum. Lets remove the melee or close range items from the Mercenary toolkit, seeing as they are "ranged".... No you say? then WHY remove ranged from OUR toolbox? It is a valid tool and it was ours. Devs, I hope you are reviewing these forums... please do not reduce the rotations/options/skills any further, or you will make the same mistake Blizzard did by reducing immersion and making the game a 4 main-hotkey child fest arcade game. As much of a Star Wars fan as I am... You will lose me. Tread Carefully here!
  3. I used to love my Dirty Fighting Gunslinger and the Virulence Sniper because I was not forced to use the cover mechanic. I loved the free-running aspect of the dots and the channels and the shielding every 15 secs from the defense drone.... ALL GONE. I now feel my gunslinger and Sniper classes are unplayable as the very things I built them for are now gone, I MUST cover for every damn thing, including Fly By and Orbital Strikes.. What the HELL?? My Ambush and Aimed Strike is now gone... it never used to be tied to a tree before, WHY NOW??? Bad Bad move on the part of developers. I have yet to see what has been done to my other classes, but I am not liking the mechanics overhaul so far.
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