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Everything posted by Winteria

  1. Yeah sry.. my bad look like you know what your talking about. see ya in GW2 for the huge WvWvW then
  2. You should read about it, GW2 and Tera have nothing in comon. Neither the grind (btw the us version of Tera have over 1700 quests, there is no grind like the Korea verion). or the combat system or the pvp system.. Im just tryin Tera cause im curious but I can tell you, I had a bad feeling and thought this game was crap until I played one round of beta. Next weeken will be 24-25-26. I prolly pass on this one for GW2 but who know ?
  3. Tera is all about skills in combat, you have to dodge incoming attack. There is no auto target with insta hit spell or hit. its like a 3rd per combat game mmo Pretty cool im in the beta right now.
  4. I have 60 more days to troll this forum since I made the mistake to sub for 3 months!!! I dont have the "force" to log in. I like to check the forum and see how it slowly die
  5. You may try hehe... See ya in GW2 huge world pvp then
  6. Half the ppl will leave for Diablo 3, other half will at least try GW2 if not stick with it. I challenge anyone here to tell me " I wont play any of these games..caugh ..caugh" we'll see what happen when they release im so disapointed by this game... How to waste 250+ millions.
  7. O kay... that is a clone, if not tell me its a whole new kind with such inovative features... A clone that failled to deliver the PvP content, especialy end game.
  8. Yeah right I hope they fix these major issues but I wont resub anyway I had enough already..
  9. nope lol like Dragon age 1, mass effect 1-2 and the bioshock I guess.. and yes dragon ages 2 sucked bad... its just disapointing.. a clone mmo that fail to copy the systems that actualy works.. pathetic.
  10. Nah its what I think.. I had great hope for a game that deliver nothing we should expect from a top 2012 mmo.. seriously do you feel like they did the best effort and this game is top notch like some other Bioware titles ??? This is a real letdown. Faillure.
  11. Lets face it... this game failled and its going down. nice try Biofail.
  12. Forget it man. it remind me StarFox but StarFox was good.. the flying thing that you call ship combat or whatever is used as "filling" in the game. nothing more than filling cause they know they had crapy end game and not enough content to keep players so they add this shi tty space combat...
  13. Just dont go on Ilum dude.. dont.. find something else.. Idk, reroll or craft some ****.. forget Ilum.
  14. Im still on the forum cause I had 3 months prepaid.. awww what a mistake. Now I can laugh at your kind of post and appreciate the slow death of this mmo piece of shi.t ...
  15. Its funny how YOU are the troll... I like you already, Star War kid
  16. Well... you just win. I have nothing more to say...
  17. Close the servers and make this game a RPG with pve only, what it was designed for...
  18. Yep ! and while we wait for GW2 im on the Tera beta and the pvp is alot of fun
  19. Yeah I meant if these games DONT release I might resub but nevermind I wont resub anyway.. I have 2 months left and I stick to the forum to see how its gonna die
  20. What is out of control is the number of ppl who quit the game itself. Biofail.
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