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Everything posted by BadOrb

  1. I don't know about that mission , but in this missions case it isn't just a display bug. The objects don't glow to scan them and are unresponsive. Had to reset and leave party each and every time one of the five objects needed to be scanned. Then re-group until the next. Wasted quite a lot of time testing the bug out. Cheers, BadOrb.
  2. This mission simply cannot be done in a group. Once one member of the party ( I was in a two person party ) scans one object then the other person/s in the party cannot scan the same one , even their three quarter circles symbol on the map vanishes. It didn't help matters that my group member is partially sighted either. Having to re-ask if it was glowing for like 25 mins wasn't fun. The only work around I could muster up was to reset the mission and then leave party every time we had to scan one of the five objects. It isn't an isolated issue either quote from dulfy's site's comments section and link below. "I was running these with a Guildie and we ran into an issue with "Death of a World". Whenever one of us would scan one of the locations, the location indicator would disappear from the map but only the person who scanned it got credit. Furthermore it would never respawn. We tried switching instances to no avail. Our only workaround was to reset, have one of us finish, turn it in and then have the other reset. Next time we'll simply have to complete it individually prior to grouping. Has anyone else run into this issue? If so what was your solution?" quote from Damagecrab http://dulfy.net/2015/05/04/swtor-ziost-daily-missions-and-achievements-guide/ Anyway please fix this major issue , you could just make it a group mission within the data ( not on screen ) , if it's possible to do so in the open area of Ziost , so no bug testing would be required. So only one person needs to scan an object. Just to note I'm really glad I wasn't in my normal party of 3 , omg the fireworks would have been visible from the fleet. Cheers, BadOrb.
  3. Oh I never noticed the animation , I did however notice the sound effect on the skill only hearing it fire once. Can you look into that too please BioWare ? It's really off putting. Also the quick travel to the opposite faction bug has returned . I appeared on the Republic side even though I am an Imperial player ( on Ziost ). Does make me wonder that you must build your new additions to the game on a different build to the live build and more often than not have to re-fix these bugs over and over. Why not actually update the live build in the next maintenance ? Would be much easier , off course you would have to test it for a few hours before opening up the new live build from your test build. Cheers, BadOrb.
  4. Aye let the influx of newbiles begin ( oh **** i dropped a quaver ). Cheers, BadOrb. EDIT - **** = carp EDIT 2 - other crisps (chips ) brands are also available . but this one quaver was just poised on my teeth it went pang!
  5. The deadly hairball is upset that you nerfed him , mind you his mother is happy as he was a very naughty hairball:) I like the changes to some of the rewards for group content , nice move , I shall participate after doing some Ziost story. Cheers, BadOrb.
  6. Calm yourself apprentice , your hour of being every year , has one week of celebrations. We learn as we grow older and closer to the force. As did I. Cheers, BadOrb.
  7. O right , cool , I'll have to go check in a bit Cheers, BadOrb.
  8. I thank you ! Do the items come in my mail box ? After playing on about 10 characters over the last 7 days to get to 59-60 ( God iv'e done Rishi a bit too much ) then this is much appreciated. Cheers, BadOrb.
  9. So with the change to solo FP's , I wonder what the rewards will be for the three FA parts ? I think they used to give 60 elite comms by doing all three. I might be wrong on that ). Also I wonder if my non-played FA character can now join his group member , who finished the FA quest line prior to SOR ? i.e Can a player who has completed FA now play with a player who hasn't ( solo mode ) ? I guess I can still use a FP boost and the 2 x xp week will help my 6 or so low level alts. Bring on 3.2 though , looking forward to the Weekly rewards increases , very much so. I also liked my pleasant surprise at finding yavin 4 weeklies offer a huge improvement in their respected rewards. Very sneaky and not mentioned on the internet at all until now , by me. Not on any site here , Dulfy , weird. Now all go cram Yavin so I can't finish them off next week , ha ha , I broke my silence on it. Cheers, BadOrb.
  10. My brother once showed our cat a butterfly , she ate it in one gulp. Cheers, BadOrb.
  11. O wow cool , congratulations , very swish indeed. Will be fun to see your work in-game soon. Take care out there. Cheers, BadOrb.
  12. BioWare just give him a unique Jedi robe. He has been asking for years , let him have it! Cheers, BadOrb.
  13. Have BioWare acknowledged this or the tactical GF queue's ? I'm waiting patiently for them to be fixed before embarking on my end-game tactical sessions. Is a bit odd really , it's not Christmas anymore Toto. I do some yavin weeklies but really want something more. Can we get a heads up or a fix please ? Cheers, BadOrb.
  14. It's in the patch notes for 24th of Feb start. It could change though. Cheers, BadOrb.
  15. Oh a fan of GWAR are we ? Yeah I'm so sick of you , human filth ....... Sick! Well that's what came into my head anyway after reading your OP. Excellent. Odurus Urungus R.I.P. Cheers, BadOrb.
  16. Just a heads up that the husband and wife fight in the FP still reset mid fight. I'm not 100% sure what causes it but it has happened twice to me and once to my friend since you patched it. The only reason I mention this is I'm concerned about what backlash you will get if you use this version as a template for the HM version. Does the tactical version bug out does anyone know ? Cheers, BadOrb.
  17. You should of started your own goodbye thread Andryah. The Devs may have looked through it. So a good few people leaving over the slot machine , well that's a shame , I think the bugs would be a reason to leave , like the fact that it seems random who can come in your green instance throughout SOR and yes iv'e tested it about 6 times now. Even the new GF doesn't count most tacticals for the weekly. Anyway take care , have fun with whatever else you do in life. Cheers, BadOrb.
  18. I think your hobby of trying to make your nephew snort milk out his nose is a better hobby than farting , it takes commitment , but yeah he does deserve those darkside cookies though. Cheers, BadOrb.
  19. June Miller and Mefjus - saus It is very heavy and sounds like a huge toolbox being pushed downstairs On my fifth listen to now , yeah it's that bloody good! Cheers, BadOrb.
  20. There are bugs in the storyline for SoR for sure. So I run in a group of three lets call them A, B and ME for simplicity. Now it has been hard to test our three runs through the story as player A keeps running in the green door instances first always ( I think she does it on purpose to annoy me ). Now on our first republic run through , saw player B + ME be able to view each others story dialogue , but not player A's story. Now player B + ME hadn't finished the prelude to the shadow of revan ( I think their ship terminal wasn't showing it and thus we both went to Rishi first ). Then on our second character run through ( Imperial ) and after finishing Forged Alliances , B + ME could view each others convos again. On the third character run through ( again on Imperial ) B + ME hadn't started Forged Alliances ( prelude to SOR ) but we wanted to start Rishi as player A had finished FA ( prelude to SOR ). This time B + ME could never ever view each others story at all. We did notice that player A could join us ( either join ME or Player B ) but we couldn't join player A at all. Now what I think has and is happening here is BioWare ( as they said they would pass on the information we gave back in the day about Makeb ) has made the decisions matter ( I'm looking mainly at the flirt options throughout FA and even in SOR itself ). It only affects convos between the player and the various NPC's we can romance ( not 100% but mostly ). Even the short class story affects the dialogue , as sometimes we have beaten SOR without doing that one class mission. So Bioware have made a great story and implemented it pretty well considering. Really though those personal phases should have been just that and we should of had a long running planetary story too. Obviously that might have been a bit difficult in FA and SOR so for the future expansion of story I would like to see more of the same but with a group planetary storyline and bring this MMO back to an MMO. Cheers, BadOrb.
  21. Yeah I realise that but my friend got no weapons at all for his Vette reward , it is bugged as I mention in my above post. For the HK reward box I got weapons for other npc's and my friend got two sniper rifles but no knife. Cheers , BadOrb.
  22. Yeah enemy within drops the mainhands and she who greedily devours drops the offhands. Ah I see yeah that was our problem with that part too , after the initial [solo] enemy within final battle , we couldn't do it for the weekly version. As to the not getting the right weapons / offhands from the reward for Spirit of Cooperation , my freind informed me that she got treeks mainhand and offhand from the reward on PTS a couple of days ago , So it is indeed bugged as I first thought. Still no word on this BioWare ? Cheers, BadOrb.
  23. I never knew the second part of my name was censored :[]. I am BadOrb and I demand a gift for not using the exploit. In all seriousness though , I couldn't believe people are asking for a thank you gift for not using an exploit. Well here's your gift , you will not be banned in any shape or form. Such a stupid request requires a stupid answer. Cheers, BadOrb.
  24. I was thinking that but two of us got random weapons , two sniper rifles and I got a techstaff and techblade. The third person got as you did no weapons at all. As to the second part , well the initial enemy within ( first time completion ) let us all finish the quest at the same time . So I take it the weekly ( after the initial one ) has always been like that ? Cheers, BadOrb.
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