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Everything posted by Nylyan

  1. Nylyan

    Warzones and kicks

    I get more annoyed due to the fact that I don't have that fast load screens and the deserter buff starts ticking before I even finish loading, then the wall is up and I get kicked. GG just wasted some time there.
  2. Basically, Pushback is something that happends to you when you get hit while preforming a channeled spell/skill. Pushback makes it so that your skill doesn't last for as long, thus not going the entire duration and dealing all the damage it should've, reduced pushback means that you loose lest channeling time when attacked.
  3. Lol, if anything, the space missions are the most rewarding, XP wise, on a ratio of time versus xp gained.
  4. I doubt a fat person(Not counting Hutts) would survive for long in the SW universe.
  5. You want to be 15 after 8 days? Dear god I'd have left this game so quickly if that was so. Slow leveling is one of the worst experiences ever, even worse than fast leveling. Personally, I find this leveling to be right in the middle.
  6. I love you OP, finally, someone not flaming the game or just crying about lack of content. You're the best! /brofist.
  7. Development for 6 years, no hardcore players to test the content to see what level hardcores are at, k. Please just leave the game if you're gonna flame it for being too easy, the hardcores remained in WoW for a reason, you know.
  8. Do explain how you expect this game to mirror WoW in difficulty? WoW has had YEARS perfecting the difficulty players need to actually be challanged, and yet they still fail, like with T13 now for example. This game has been around for 10 days now, give it a break, will you?
  9. Don't worry man, I swear, it's probably one of the most overtuned encounters I've ever faced, there's way too many mobs spawning, and the turret fires too slowly.
  10. I come out with 9 medals every game, mostly. Does this mean I'm a good player? Durrr.
  11. I made friends with a good group of players. They share the same play times as me. Now we do every flashpoint together. SUCCESS.
  12. And dear god is it ugly. Luckily, I have nice helmets.
  13. Wait, so let me get this straight. Someone tells you exactly why the CE is so expensive(The Darth Malgus statue) and you say you SHOULDN'T have to pay that much for it? It's the original price, ofcourse you're gonna have to pay that much for it. Dear lord, the intelligence of some people these days...
  14. Had the same issue in the beta, I just found another person on the same quest, grouped with them, and we saw eachothers quest objectives.
  15. You found Cataclysm heroics at the release hard? Dear god, that's just sad, they were easy as long as you had people with average IQ. Anyway, so far, the Flashpoints have presented a decent challange at some points, such as the Boarding Party boss in Mandalorian Raiders when I was the recommended level, and now the Storm Squad or whatever, in the Boarding Party flashpoint. At first I didn't seem to be able to down the Storm Squad due to the damage being insane, apparently. Then ofcourse, after 3 runs, we finally got a decent group in the 4th run, and it was a breeze, it's all about communication and such. The Foundry isn't all that hard either, as long as you know what you're doing.
  16. That's not very smart, alot of people I know did that, now around 40, they're underleveled.
  17. They're not all in the same area. The Boarding Party and Foundry are on a different ship, but you use the same elevator to get there.
  18. I usually call it just TOR when I speak english. In my primary language, which is swedish, I pronounce it SV-TOR, which sometimes turns to english aswell.
  19. Every group I've encountered so far is the Aim mark > Fire Mark.
  20. The post was changed after I posted. It said some facts about a character involved with getting it.
  21. They're usually in specific areas, mostly secluded and somewhere people probably don't go. Atleast that's what I think, I only know where one boss is located, and I only know what planet The First is on.
  22. No, not at all. The bosses are different levels, varying, depending on which planet they're on. Like the world boss ''The First'' on Dromund Kaas, is made for a raid of people around level 12-15 or something like that. The one we killed on Narr Shaddaa was level 31 and dropped loot around level 29-32.
  23. It wasn't in the spoiler section at first. But yeah, I admit I got owned : (
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