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Everything posted by sphyg

  1. sphyg


    You are the only one he let die. Id be calling out his "h@x" too!
  2. Its 14% if you have force valor buff!
  3. Go read the rules that the op posted. You CAN trim your log to the best stretch of your dps
  4. So your epeen was hurt in that other thread. Now you are looking for revenge. Give it up bro.
  5. Awww what the heck. I'm in. Week probably get murdered by an assassin or shadow though. (Or anybody for that matter)
  6. I did think. It irritated me so I said something. Anyways add was already said, WH gear ups your stats considerably. And it only takes about 3-4 days to get the whole set. When I got my MH, it took me 2 weeks. PS. These are things you can learn. If you go on a forum and post a block of text with no punctuation at all, expect to be flamed.
  7. Hopefully your daughter will go to school and teach you to use punctuation!
  8. Yes but this happens like 1 out of 20 matches......... Maybe. This thread is just ridiculous
  9. Damnit! Now i gotta waste an hour just striking a damn dummy!~
  10. And I raise you sir! I got 1803 - UNBUFFED...NONE! NO Inpiration, and no adrenal - Only used my activateable DG relic! 15min 26Sec http://www.torparse.com/a/126169/1/0/Overview EDIT--Did have a Exotech Stim on.... ... ... forgot about that And then one Fully Buffed! and adrenal'd and inpiration! Wahoo broke 2k dps! http://www.torparse.com/a/126176/time/1360374723/1360375035/0/Overview
  11. This. Reread his post. They list the first one. From then on he was watching to make sure someone was guarding. If there are 2 people there and I'm a healer I'm not guarding either. If node is empty, I will guard.
  12. We will care once they hit 50
  13. So here is my best parse Best Parse to date. Not BIS yet but pretty close: Any tips to my rotation would be appreciated! And here is my Gear: And here is my spec: 31/03/07
  14. Darn smartphone. Double post.
  15. I just watched this video and after I was done, I immediately unsubbed...
  16. I need done help. I can only get 1900 on the dummy. I'm ding something wrong. Just don't know what. I tend to believe I'm not hitting masterstrike in cool down. Would that cause me to be off that much. And I also only had 98% accuracy at the time. Have since got that to 100.4%
  17. I stand corrected. Was it ever three seconds? Where did I get 3 seconds from? Anyways, the guy saying that everyone should face roll a sage/sorcs....I would so live to duel you. I find myself most successful against snipers/slingers. Powertechs on the other hand, especially the ones with grapple. They make me Tempe as a sage
  18. The secret rotation must be kept secret! Yea I tried to watch some of his stuff. As soon as any action started quality went down hill.
  19. Ohhh.. Calling someone a baddie n a liar. Well for one, it is 3 seconds on sprint. But yea I agree with you in most of the other stuff. I've hit a sage for 7k with my aimed shot followed by a 4.5k trick shot
  20. Last time I checked, commandos could use an ability that allows a casted spell to be instant. Use it in conjunction with your big heal. Less squishy. And if you use a wz med pack on top of that . What you describe as tankyness is not that at all. A tank stands there and soaks up damage. If a sage just stood there, even with bubble, would go down quicker than a commando. Sages played correctly can be beasts. Another tip for survivability, experiment with your cleanse. You can cleanse ask tech stuff so do it. That means when vanguard's or gunslingers put a dit on you cleanse it.
  21. Although I get you were posting this in jest, I don't think that it is appropriate or funny. These were trusted people who betrayed that trust to scar many kids for the rest of their lives. Being a father , people like that are my worst nightmare.
  22. But it's alive. This thread is very much alive!!!
  23. I see 2 of them with pretty high healing, im guessing those were not Smash spec as you say, but rather watchman/annihilite. However they could be spec'd into where they get healed for 10% with their stun break? I dunno, i have never had that high heals when i run smash spec
  24. sphyg

    Warzone Quitters

    Yes. I suppose so. I used to be vehemently opposed to WZ quitters as you are. However, the more you play, the more you realize that playing in a match where everybody wants to do their own thing and not work as a team is NO FUN. Sorry but last time I checked, this game was meant to be fun. And if I am forced to sit through a 15 min WZ where everybody wants to blame one another for while we are losing, I'd rather leave.
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