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Everything posted by sphyg

  1. you tell him to stop posting then try harder? well which is it chief? "HERP DERP"
  2. Here is Olak 16M Hard And the Warlords and styrak
  3. Could techinally do the same thing here. Do the bosses you can't beat on 8 man and so forth. But I misses ss on titan 6, pretty sure I streamed dashed and got the last two screenies.. So I think we're covered.
  4. The Chatos Paladins 16 HM S&V Got up to the OC tonight OC Link Time is Central Time
  5. I saw someone from forsaken take 1.08mil damage in a reg warzone against the stanky clan!
  6. There is no focusing on pub side. So that's what we are doing wrong.
  7. He didnt even have 140k He had 35k damage and was there the entire match.
  8. My attacks ignore all bubbles! =)
  9. I like it when he says, "3 people wailing on him and he is taking 0 damage" Do more than 30k damage then scrub! AUTO ATTACK IS NOT WAILING!
  10. And sorry for the bad quality. The Highest upload speeds i can get out in the boonies where i am is 2MB/s So until that gets higher, the Pixelating will continue! =(
  11. http://www.twitch.tv/sphyg04/b/401298273 Check out about 12:05, read chat. Oh and fast forward to the end of the game to see that dudes stats! =)
  12. I'm hitting anywhere from 5.5 - 7.4k crits in hib
  13. I am from this server as well. I PvP quite a bit. I find that it is usually one or two people who screw things for the others most of the time. In nc we have 2 guarding and they don't notice the stealth that snuck in behind them and capped the node with them standing right there. I have seen this happen a lot. Also pubs only seem to call for help after they have died. There are exceptions but that send about standard practice for pubs. I think this goes for both sides, if you can't break 300k damage in a full length void star, please go read up on your class. I'm not the best pvper who can carry a team, but I know my role and I do it better than most. I've done some ranked. I've done plenty of regs. Things sway both ways. Just keep your chin up. Play to have fun. Even if we don't win, I don't get upset like I used to. Just go with it and maybe you will get a better team next time. Also, that guy who had the ball that you and 6 others were wailing on was probably tank specd with 2 healers behind him. Got to have people n those healers too! I was in some awesome matches the other day. Before the match started I asked the group to attack whoever has ascertain symbol over them. I was marking my target that symbol and we burned through the people so fast. It was nice to see that cooperation. Keep your chins up pubs. Keep trying to improve on an individual basis. Analyze what you could have done different. And adjust. Don't get prissy if someone offers a suggestion.
  14. The Chatos Paladins Thrasher @ 11:51 PM CST O.C. @ 12:33 AM CST
  15. The Chatos Paladins Got T6 down Screenie Central Standard Time for Clock
  16. http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/381414/module_gallery/original/1184898.jpg The Chatos Paladins Dash'Roode at 12AM Central Time 4/22/12
  17. This is a quote that I appreciate!
  18. The Chatos Paladins Cleared HM TFB http://www.twitch.tv/sphyg04/b/391537319 Operator @ 1:09:00 Kephess @ 1:21:21 TFB @ 1:45:40 Lockout @ 1:48:27 Central Time Zone
  19. twitch.tv/sphyg04 will be streaming both PVE and PVP
  20. pretty sure the server is overloading and crashing
  21. Tbh. This tactic didn't just start. People have done this since Feb 2013
  22. It's over, it's done. Please quit the bickering and name calling. This forum has seen enough of that the last few days. I for one am tired of it. I'm sure I'm not alone and I don't want to see this drawn out until the next time thepts opens PS. does anyone else see the irony in this thread?
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