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Everything posted by Gerudan

  1. The missing floor plates can be avoided, if you reset the op after a wipe (of course that means, that it takes longer to get to Soa, since you don't get the last landing point for the speeders.
  2. Well, I agree somewhat, but not completely. Hardmode FPs are in my opinion clearly more difficult than normal mode Ops, so having Columi dropping there isn't really wrong. The other problem with the Tionese-sets is, that they are just to bad to give a damn. No one would do hard mode FPS for these. There should be a Tier 4 of some kind, that only drops in Nightmare (like one token per boss in 8 man and 2 in 16 man ops), while the nightmare modes should become more challenging. Overall should the droprates be more consistent. If I kill a boss in hard mode, there should drop one Rakata Token (8 man) and like two Columi tokens and when I kill the same boss in Nightmare, he should drop 2 rakata tokens, and the whole exotech crap can go to hell or need to get different stats, so that it may make sense to wear the exotech items.
  3. We gave up on him yesterday after 6 or 7 bug wipes with different bugs. He isn't worth it, hopefully they will patch the most bugs tomorrow.
  4. Also im Vergleich zu meinem Healer Sage ist mein toller Guardian beim Leveln einfach ne Wurst. Nen grauen Mob zuviel geaddet und man stirbt, während ich mit meinem Sage die 2er Quests ohne große Probleme solo gemacht habe. Der Guardian bräuchte für's leveln mind. einen brauchbaren CC.
  5. The main problem is, that they don't have a decent testserver, to let good raid guild test out the new raids.
  6. Wir haben Soa (HM/Nightmare) erstmal aufgegeben, der ist den Ärger nicht wert. Wir sind bei 10 Versuchen gestern vielleicht 2 mal wegen eigenen Fehlern gewiped, alle anderen Versuche waren irgendwelche Bugs (und immer unterschiedliche). Ohne die Bugs wäre der im 3. Versuch down gewesen, aber wenn dann 2/3 der Platten fehlen, die man für den Überhang von P2 zu P3 braucht, fehlen, wird das was schwierig.
  7. Pylons Hard Mode worked well today, but Soa is just a mess, 5 times out of 6 wipes was because of some bug.
  8. yeah. Karagga should grow legs and start to walk...oh wait... Just accept, that SWTOR is no game for hardcore raiders. By now only a mere fraction of the millions of WoW players have ever seen Ragnaros in heroic mode, let alone beaten him and that is clearly not the approach that Bioware has taken so far with their raid content. They want to make it accessible for the larger part of the player, I guess.
  9. Let's just hope, 1.1.1 will be a decent patch that fixes EV to a playable status. Karaggas Palace seems to be mostly bug free, so there is still hope that EV will one day be playable.
  10. You can just exit the area. And yes, Soa (and the rest of EV) is horribly bugged.
  11. Ja gut, als Sage kann man Champions ja auch killen, wenn man auf Heal geskillt ist.
  12. Well at least this is some kind of answer. Bioware really needs to get there crap together. It's not like Bioware doesn't want SWTOR to become a success, so they HAVE to fix the bugs and really work at their costumer support. The raids/ops are not that difficult, so there will be a lot of people able to kill Karagga on hard or nightmare difficulty. It is not like in WOW where the heroic mode takes "normal" guilds weeks and months to kill the last boss even once.
  13. Also es gibt z.B. auf Taris beim Jedi-Ritter nen Champion in einer Klassenquestphase, den man allerdings nicht legen MUSS. Keine Ahnung, was der da soll.
  14. Holt euch halt auf Illum nen anderen Skin für Nadia.
  15. We just killed the 1st Boss of EV in Hard Mode, because we had heard that the bosses don't drop rakata tokens on Nightmare, but we just got some exotech crap and no tokens at all. At least Karagga dropped normal in nightmare mode.
  16. Yeah, I got my Rakata Token from him on Monday and then I got the Columi Token after the Op-reset on Thursday.
  17. We killed Bonethrasher yesterday on Nightmare and we found an interesting bug: The animation of his front cleave is actually delayed. Sometimes he would turn away from Player A to Player B and THEN made his Swipe animation, but Player A behind him would get the damage, while Player B in front of him wouldn't, very strange.
  18. That will happen once and then the raid will dissolve.
  19. That is only standard answer 66 from some program. I would be surprised if any human working for Bioware/EA ever read your ticket.
  20. The autoloot-system in normal mode is garbage. I simply don't get it why they don't even give people the chance to decide, if the even want the item. There could pop-up a little like: "You were chosen to be gifted the following item: Do you want it? Yes or No?" If you click on no, the Item is given to someone else. That way the basic system would still be in place, but people wouldn't get the same item four times while another member of the Op is still waiting to get it once.
  21. I think the fact that there seems to be a lot of different workarounds for this problem indicates pretty well, that something isn't right. For us it seems to work as long as the southern Pylon is solved first, for others this doesn't seem to work at all. Even if there is a "secret solution" to this, without any real indicators there is no telling what is right and what not.
  22. No, this is not the same. The relics are simply one entry in a database, that you can easily change. But the weapons are entries that also refer to three other entries (mod, crystal and enhancement) and in this case the mods and enhancements are simply standard items that are also build-in in countless other Items, so you can't just change them with the weapons. Instead you have to change out the mods in the weapon and substitute them with level 58 Mods. And I don't think that it is that easy to find out, who already has bought this weapon and send them a new token. I would strongly recommend NOT to buy the weapon yet and wait for them to (hopefully) fix it next week.
  23. My best guess would be, that they can't just fix the mods in the weapon for the people who already have bought the weapons (these are just normal mods, that are not bound to this weapon), but only the mods in the weapon that you can buy. So everyone who already bought the weapon will likely be f*****.
  24. Yeah, you can say a lot about Blizzard, but at least you got some kind of answers on you tickets and official comments in the forums.
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