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Everything posted by Kraegore

  1. 8 man unrated Warzones are a great idea. If they are only matched up with other 8 man premades.
  2. Im probably imagining it, but does your heat degenerate slower if you are spamming rapid shots?
  3. Mine was pre 50 warzones, i guess i win.
  4. Kraegore

    Temper temper!

    I don't know about you, but id much rather be a complete and utter fool than the sole reason we lost the warzone. A rainbow world full of nice people sounds like a great idea in theory, but its really not what anyone wants. Without someone to tell you you suck then you would never try to improve in anything. Why improve if everyone ignores your mistakes or tells you "Great job!" for wiping your own ***.
  5. Kraegore

    Temper temper!

    If you are playing like trash and single handedly causing your team to lose then you should be told so. It takes 20 minutes to research a proper talent spec and ability rotation for your class if you are unable to figure it out on your own. It should be common sense after your first Warzone when you are obliterated in every stat and have twice as many deaths as everyone else that you are doing something wrong. When someone does this and still makes no effort to improve in any way then they are a bad player and are a waste of a warzone slot. We were all bad at a game at one point. Its up to you to get better. Its a really dumb idea to expect any player to accept a bad player how they are. Improve or don't queue.
  6. Thanks for the replies guys, i decided to do a PT. It will be a nice change from my marauder.
  7. I would level as annihilation until about 35 then switch to rage. The rage refund on vicious slash is pretty useful at low levels. Deadly saber and rupture just melt through elites especially when you use Berserk.
  8. Its pretty easy to be top 3 in damage and still do everything you said.
  9. Compared to other MMOs there is way too much. Its not uncommon for a single class to have at least 3 types of CC. The system works (mostly) fine in random warzones, but against a coordinated team they can effortlessly lock down key members of your team like healers and kill them without them being able to respond in any way. Ive thought about frapsing a huttball match and adding up the amount of time i spend CC'd or being knocked back. I would be willing to bet the number is at least 2 minutes total for some matches.
  10. Between fast queues and level brackets i choose the fast queues. You might not be able to beat a level 49 1v1 due to more talents and class abilities, but you are still useful to the team if you know how to play. Warzones aren't 1v1 anyway
  11. Thanks but i was referring to pre 50 warzones.
  12. I already know the playstyles of classes, i just don't want to be stuck pveing for 40 levels until i can be of full use to my team. I might give a PT a try though, thanks to both of you.
  13. Expertise has nothing to do with that. They have 30+ more talent points and most of your critical class abilities come after 35+ Theres a reason people complain about low levels in their war zones. Most classes are next to worthless until a certain point. Very few are effective right at level 10.
  14. Its possible to do objectives and still maintain high damage. People that are not able to do both are just bad at the game. Lonely defenders in a place that no one goes are excluded.
  15. I see 6 powertechs in every warzone, yet these forums are dead. Interesting.
  16. Because people were forgetting to uncheck the box and wasting warzone slots by not accepting it. Plus if you were in a group it would solo queue you instead of group queue. Even now with groups staying together after warzones you can't queue if people are still loading or they won't be added.
  17. http://i.imgur.com/4vgmX.jpg Edit for other posts: This was in a pre 50 warzone.
  18. I'm going to start another alt to level through warzones, and i can't choose between Powertech and Assassin/Sniper. From looking at their skills and trees it looks like they are most effective at about 43, but im just wondering how people have performed at much lower levels. In terms of damage and group utility. Don't say theres no difference between 10 and 49 because there is a huge difference.
  19. Thats pretty normal for pre 50 warzones. Ill have a night where my entire team could be afk and it wouldn't be any worse than them actually playing. Then the next i get a team with a brain and i win 80% of my games.
  20. Yeah that 3% total expertise is a gamebreaker. Learn to play stop making excuses.
  21. Kraegore

    Easy mode class

    I see the same with every single DPS class. When you look at the scoreboard and see people with less than 100 overall dps that were in the match from the start then there is just no excuse. Either they were afk or not trying. Its not possible to do that little damage even if you just use your classes main auto attack.
  22. Kraegore

    Easy mode class

    Its pretty easy to be an effective sniper by clicking a few skills and hardly ever moving. It has a pretty high skill cap but its very easy for the worst noob in the game to kill a few people that are busy fighting everyone else. Ive seen plenty of backpedaling keyboard turning snipers and gunslingers do well.
  23. Your problem is the same as many players, you are too low level to be useful. Marauders are much better after about 36 or whenever you get force camo plus most of your talent points. Do the rest of your team a favor and dont queue until you can do more than mediocre damage.
  24. Those are pretty mediocre screenshots for the low level bracket. Nothing worth bragging about, ive done way better and so have many other people/
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