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Everything posted by Xerain

  1. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    I stand on one all day in game!
  2. Can we get a companion disable or something in OWPVP. Like any time a player attacks another player and they have companions out it does like you were fighting a world boss? It would make OWPVP bigger and better for those who actually like to do this and BW you won't have to take away or give us more OWPVP content. Anyone else up for this?
  3. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    Hey i'm not saying that everyone is using them. But if a team or players on a team were to would the one streaming seriously show that they are? Would you let everyone know you were botting pvp if you were to do it? Conspiracy theory, go look up the programs needed noob.
  4. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    Set macro scripts for the game that will do plenty for you and make your action time that much faster.
  5. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    Would you seriously stream that?
  6. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    Top guilds on shadowlands? I think you said your rateds scene was dead there so you only really play against your own guild? Not sure how that goes as far as that. I'm sure this isn't only a pot5 problem though. This threads more to bring awareness that people are using them and that BW needs to do something! Popping target of target button and letting the bot do all the work doesn't make it harder either.
  7. at the high lighted text... Is that some sort of joke? When is it sometimes based on skill? when you get up against another twink?! NEWS FLASH! It's the same in end game pvp.
  8. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    Did any of you play RIFT at all? 1 button rotations were extremely possible with their macro system in that game. Now imagine that macro system on top of a program that won't overlap dots, will only use an ability when a proc is up to get the most benefit out of it, will use abilities to manage resources as needed, hits every button on the gcd exactly 1.5 seconds after the others been pressed so there's 0 delay, will make sure to pop any ability that isn't on the gcd to maximize dps if told, will use a health pack at a certain % of hp, and all you have to do is move a character. So if this is how you're playing the game and you're beating up everyone else and know of top tier pvp'ers that are doing the same and beating others up too... What would that say about this game or most of your playing abilities?
  9. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    6 pages in and most of the people still haven't read the original post. Why?
  10. Xerain

    Scripts in PVP

    My original post on this topic since it was deleted. So Bioware you going to do anything about this?
  11. This could be easier if you had specific questions and I could give you more info.
  12. If a class has a knock back don't open with leap. Run up Battering Assault>Use your snare(crush, rupture, crippling slash)>build rage while waiting for KB> get KB'ed> leap > drop damage into them? For carnage you want to gore>ravage>scream (try to be full resolved for this) or gore>massacre x3>scream. Basically build rage> dump rage to blow people up. Use your rage to root as needed, massacre spam, and screams. Smash, build four stacks of shock wave, leap to a group, smash. <easy.
  13. Xerain

    Pt rapid shots?!

    Aww look at this guy cry. And PT second most faceroll? No it's First with smash being second.
  14. This. In a perfect MMO everyone would be viable at what their roles are meant for but sadly it's not this way .
  15. I dunno, I felt I was a lot more mobile playing the assault over gunnery by far. Keeping up DPS while moving just felt better. Both are pretty dangerous when left to sit back and cast but it always seems for me when I'd play gunnery people just got on me so much more because of it. That noise seems to give you away >.<.
  16. This. Currently I can get like 79% surge and hold 100% crit on my mara if I chose to. All those extra surge points could easily go into alacrity come 2.0 and help the dps out massively.
  17. Really? Why do MMO's insist on taking something that is right and just screwing it to make it wrong.
  18. Are you hitting surge cap with that? It might be better to go 75% surge > 100% acc > rest in alacrity. I know there is a crit acc enhancement, Is there crit alacrity?
  19. Well merc needs to be a better class IMO. They're taking some steps in the right direction but not doing that well with CD's and what appears to be damage on the new stuff. Yes the Missile Salvo thing needs to do more damage.
  20. What really puts PT over the top for pyro has to be flame burst proccing CGC 100% of the time and that dot auto ticking. If they did something about DOT's not ticking on application it would probably hurt PT's quite a bit and I could see them being complained about less. Commando/Merc is just so much cooler than VG/PT. Oh and VG/PT is kinda boring to play. It would be nice if BW could make mando/merc into something great.
  21. IDK i found myself not using power shot that often, once or twice, before better things came off CD and i used those instead.
  22. IDK I feel assault was far better for the pvp's. Everyone complained that it wasn't mobile, the only thing i felt hindering mobility was powershot. Unloads first hit being the one that determines the reset just made you stop hit it and move from there. Electro nets cd being 90 seconds is balls
  23. People need to abandon gunnery as a pvp spec like they need to abandon madness sin as a pvp spec. Yeah... did that need to be base line or the ability to stop node caps while CC'ed?!
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