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Everything posted by kingsab

  1. I'm really, really tired of the group quests in this game and I'm barely 20. They seem to be far too unbalanced to where they're a headache, as well as the hassle of putting together a group that can handle 4 elites at once, which can take upwards of an hour. Do I need to do the group quests to be able to quest to 50? At the moment I would really just like to solo to 50...so if I can, I'm all for it. Or are the group quests more o less required? I now the flashpoints are optional...
  2. I understand why they did it, I just wish there were more. Hearing the same reply in every sidequest gets annoying.
  3. I agree with the OP, damage meters ruin groups.
  4. I don't think this is a good idea for TOR. TOR relies heavily on story and character identity, being able to change that on a whim sort of ruins that.
  5. You mean so you can see the 3/150 people who put up the LFG flag?
  6. EQ1 would have wet itself if it ever got over 500,00 subs, but TOR has over 1 million subs without being out for 2 weeks.
  7. Way to not read or pay attention to any points brought forth within the thread and just read the title and reply to it.
  8. Even people who are complaining about the game are mainly doing so because they like the game. Criticism does not mean dislike.
  9. More action bars that aren't on the side of the screen. It inexcusable to only have two "real" action bars.
  10. Not when you've completed all the solo content for that world and are just looking to finish the group quests before moving on. Since everything only works on a planet-wide basis, leaving to do other things somewhere else is not an option.
  11. Being old-school does not mean lacking features that have become more or less essential, like macros and an efficient grouping system. MMOs today are far larger than they were back in the "old school" days you're thinking about. And FYI, it's you that's in the minority.
  12. Maybe if you didn't rush through the game ignoring all the story, you wouldn't have this problem?
  13. The Star Wars universe does not lend itself well to neutrality, especially when speaking in terms of Jedi and Sith, or Bounty Hunters and Smugglers.
  14. That's fine, but they need to realize their current LFG "tools" were in MMOs 10 years ago, something needs to be done to make it less of a hassle.
  15. I didn't think people got as stupid as the OP. You powerleveled to the level cap, but have obviously never played an MMO before?
  16. I guess maybe you shouldn't have joined a server that said FULL and instead joined one with medium/heavy load like they were wanting you to? Cause a server being FULL is a pretty big hint that it's FULL, and thus wait times might happen.
  17. I was amazed when this game had no LFG system at all, not even a rudimentary one that MMOs launched 6-7 years ago had.
  18. I'm really not frustrated at all. I can occupy my time with better things, except at 1AM at night. This whole thing is really just about how Bioware broadcasts that it doesn't value me as a customer.
  19. Why should something that is in no means a limited quantity be on a first come first serve basis? How is that justifiable at all to have something with an infinite quantity be rationed? To ensure server stability? Obviously not! The servers are unstable no matter what, BECAUSE IT'S THE LAUNCH OF A BRAND NEW MMO. THE AMOUNT OF PLAYERS WILL HAVE LITTLE OR NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FIRST FEW HICCUPS THE MMO EXPERIENCES. I've played every new big MMO since EQ1. None of them have done this type of ****, they've all had rough spots, but they've all turned out OK after a week without alienating 50% of their customers who pre-ordered!
  20. huh? I gain nothing if I egt into early access later than someone else? Explain how exactly I gain or lose nothing when someone else has a 5 day advantage in an MMO? I love all the kiddies calling me a troll for speaking my mind about a poorly presented advertisement. I would also REALLY love for all the people telling that that this information as readily available to point to WHERE it was readily available for people who didn't follow these forums, or Bioware's twitter, or whatever, religiously. I want it pointed out where it said that it would be like this on the product purchase page. You kids would do bad in retail, which is probably why you all still live in your mom's basement, you would get eaten alive dealing with customers. And I appreciate someone actually taking the time to link it instead of just being the stereotypical WoW garbage that is likely to kill this game's community, but it sadly still did not say anything like that on Origin, which is where I ordered it from.
  21. I work retail too, I understand this type of ****. However, this type of stuff usually stems from some type of misleading or poorly worded advertisement from the corporate entity. As is the case with this. As a retail employee that has been the victim of these poorly worded promotions, I assume you at least understand where the frustration on the part of the customer comes from when they feel they have been mislead.
  22. I'm complaining because what was said was not made clear on the places where it mattered the most, which would be the pre-order pages for the game. If the pre-order page would have said something like "* Early access invites will be tiered and doled out based solely on when you pre-ordered, so pre-ordering now is sorta pointless", I would have jack to complain about, but it wasn't. It was "PRE-ORDER FOR EARLY ACCESS".."OK, TAKE MY MONEY(says I)".."THANKS FOR THE MONEY, HEY FYI, YOUR ACCESS WILL BE AT OUR DISCRETION."
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