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Everything posted by mighty_joe

  1. since i have now fought 15 battles, the only upgrades so far are quad lasers and barrel roll with 2 upgrades each in the standard fighter
  2. I do. and I actually had my first dogfight won last night. we fought for a minute (like forever in GSF). I always knew where he was and I finished him off with a missile (which I didnt even know how to fire until yesterday). so, to everyone who is overwhelmed by GSF: ask questions, try again, ask more questions, get better. battle record: 11 matches - 3 wins 8 losses 3 kills (i dont know how the other 2 happened) - 33 assists - 40something deaths 3 sats capped, 5 turrets destroyed most of which happened after I started asking, so thank you all for helping
  3. so, the hints helped me a lot. got 1 upgrade, now only one useless ability left. still suck, but less so tripled my average dmg and hit rate per game, even fired a missile...got a medal, too. more questions: is there a way i can look at the maps and practice maneuvers without abandoning my team/objectives? like in the tutorial map. i need to get a feel for the maps, enemies seem to come out of nowhere. i want to find out where i can fly through and such. i thought i was queing wrong somehow, but from what i read here, it's common to have matches against enemies with 5 ships each even if your side consists only of beginners qith 2 or 3. am i doing it wrong or is it just the way this works? sorry if I sound stupid again. but i am fairly new to GSF, though i am a subscriber, just did not have any time to play before. edited,,,post sounded to whiny
  4. the "hold" part escaped me before ...
  5. another thing. stupid me again...i never seem to fire any rockets. should be secondary fire button i suppose, but whatever i do, never seen a single rocket fly away from my ship. i also don't understand what this "rocket lock" is supposed to be everyone is talking about. is it the beeping sound i sometimes hear before blowing up? how do i do that myself? i really wouldnt ask this many stupid questions if there was a good handbook for this gametype. there is only the ingame tutorial and when i have time to play i dont have any inclination to click myself through walls of text...so is there an "offline handbook" sort of thing? PS: at work now, slow afternoon so time to type ...
  6. that. i now have a suitable copilot ability and one standard that makes sense to me (the shield restore thing). i configured my binds almost convenient (not that easy being left handed). still 50% useless abilities in my fighter...
  7. i see. i will take another look. i really missed that. "a little unintuitive" is about right but i have to use abilties that dont make much sense until i grinded enough for better gear? that seems a little unintuitive as well...
  8. Hello all, maybe (most likely ...) it's just me overlooking something, but i cant seem to setup any sets of abilities for my ships. No matter which crew member i click i always have the same 4 abilities when in combat. abilities which i do not intend to use nonetheless. the tutorial is no help ... same result, just different abilities. is there something i am missing, like a confirmation button?
  9. Hey All, tried out GSF last night for a couple of matches. now i have a serious problem with my key bindings for GSF. being left handed my keybinds usually group around the cursor keys and numpad. works good enough for ground pve / pvp. but in GSF i have not yet found a setup that allows to play without risking either being too slow or injuring my right hand stretching fingers. anyone have a good left handed setup yet and willing to share some tips?
  10. nah, the disappointment was Bw-made ... logging into the site after maintenance and seeing the short, short list after days/weeks/months of expectation and not a small amount of hype from dev side was quite a downer.
  11. to anyone thinking the communication of this was messed up: it wasn't. all the post regarding this day stated pretty much exactly what was going to happen. so get over that issue. the size of the roll out is a legitimate issue to complain about...10 servers out of 200something has got to be a some kind of joke that i don't get. i understand the necessity to get it done gradually, but to start with the smallest possible number after hyping a delayed response to overwhelming criticism that much is just stupid. i'm not really raging because i didn't expect to transfer today but this dumb move triggers bad memories from cryptics STO "overpromise/underdeliver" policy ... which made me quit that game without any chance of ever buying anything fromthem again.
  12. just saying, i experienced worse than this ... i am as disappointed as many others my server isn't among the first to transfer, since Saber of Exar Kun is dead as disco, but so far they did exactly what they said hey would do.
  13. i am not sure if i can name other games or comapnies here, but this is far from "abysmal" ... not saying it's good, but if you had experienced another "star" themed online game and had suffered the customer support, feedback response and general incompetence over there, this here looks like a day at the beach.
  14. thanks everyone for the replies. i have taken a good look at the video links posted. i gotta say it looks a bit like what's happening to me. just not quite. since the guy who posted the video said this can happen maybe 6-7 times a warzone and preferably to sages and under-geared players. happens to battlemasters as well and far more often and i'd say even faster than the 6 second rotation described in this thread (though i will check this next time i play pvp). what i'll do is make screenshots of the result board and as i said before, make a video somehow for comparison.
  15. edited out, due to weird double posting .
  16. i will try to make a video about these fights. or ahve one from my guild make one as my pc isn't really up to it. short version: there seems to be a skill (or as mentioned above: an exploit to some BH skill) that allows bounty hunters of a certain spec to just instakill everyone in seconds. since i am new to pvp'ing i am unsure if i'm justn ot getting something or if there's a really, really bad exploit. iread in the last patch notes that there was a fix for something that if used in a specific way could ignore global cooldown when not intended IF and i say IF there is an exploit i could imagine it to be something like that. but still i wouldn't rule out that it's just me.
  17. first of all, i am fairly new to pvp'ing. so if you feel the need to l2p-flame me, just go ahead... i learned a lot in the last weeks and would say i got pretty ok at it. there is just one thing that bothers me, that i cant seem to overcome. it has to do with certain bounty hunters. not every BH, just a few. i identified 3 that use to play when i'm online regularly. for informtion, i am a fully champion-geared vanguard tank. i might die a couple of times in every match, but not even 3 battlemaster can kill me in less than 10 seconds. with those specific bounty hunters it's less than that in 1on1. now the problem with those BH's i mentioned. they come round the corner, approach me, they do something with their flame thingies and i'm instadead. EVERY time. and it's only those 3 guys. i fought plenty of bounty hunters, i win or die, depending on gear and skill of the toher player. as with every other class. but with those guys i mentioned, i just die. and not only me everyone else as well. looks funny in the ops frame when you know exactly who this guy is attacking because even the best geared tanks go down in seconds. i joined a seasoned pvp guild. and those guys have the same problem. they specifically named the same players i did. they are puzzled as well. first thing i learned in pvp now was that whenever someone can't win they cry nerf or cheat. i really don't want to do that. i am still not convinced that it's not me. so i thought i might ask publicly for help. if you know what i'm talking about and know that it's just my own fault for not understanding something, feel free to say so.
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