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Posts posted by Otowi

  1. The entire fight with Ri'kan is messy. There seems to be next to no mechanics in this fight, and apart from his long cast in the first part, which I always interrupt now, it seems the best option is just running around until he's inside the shield. 

    The next part is basically to stay away from the edges so he doesn't knock you over the edge and basically going ham on him doing as much damage as you can before the fight just ends. I feel like this fight could need a lot of TLC, as I can't make head or tails of the mechanics here. If there's any indicators on the ground apart from the ones you can see, then they must be bugged or not very visible. 

    This is one the worst designed fights I have seen in many years, so you're not alone in struggling with this.

    • Like 2
  2. True. And also what happened to Vaylin? I'd really like some story on that. Would not mind seeing Senya again, as I like her character a lot.

    For me until now, the story pacing has been pretty bad, and way to little focus on us as characters. That needs to change, so that we feel important again, instead of a sidekick.

    I know that Charles left and it shows, as his writing was a bit more consistent atleast. Now it seems a bit all over the place. Nothing against the new writer, but as I said above, better pacing is important, or the story stagnates.

    Maybe getting the great Timothy Zahn to write something would be good, but I doubt they could afford him.

    • Like 1
  3. I did get through it in the end, but before that I just died for no apparent reason. Still have no idea about how the mechanics work before he's in the shield, I just ran around like a headless chicken, did interrupt his long cast, and bam, onto the second part, which was easier thankfully.

    Same goes for the fight with the hutt, tried to kill the adds, attack him again, and dead in 4 seconds flat. That fight is just so busy, and even avoiding standing in stupid, he just kills you no matter what. Seems both fights need a rebalance, and certainly both bosses do very high damage, maybe a tad to high. I think that is one the main problems we face.

    I get that they don't want to spoil the story, but when fights like these end up with the PC face planting several times without knowing or understanding the fight mechanics, something is clearly wrong. Maybe inviting some players to test this with an NDA added would help them find problem spots, and fix them, instead of treating the live servers as testing grounds.

  4. Yeah, the launcher does a bad job at explaining what it does, which is why we see these posts every now and then. 

    Would have been much better if it said downloading the correct size patch and then say unpacking, installing and repacking the files. That would give a much clearer indication of what it's actually doing.

  5. I've been trying to beat this guy on my BH arsenal spec, and he wipes to floor with me every time. Is there some trick to defeat him? Tried standing near the power generators to see if that did anything, but nothing.

    Tried running around and not standing in stupid, same end result.

    It's just frustating at this point, so some help is appreciated.

  6. 5 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

    The idea that a diplomat somehow supposed to succeed in stopping all conflict is also immersion breaking though. I think the biggest fail in the Consular story is some of the Dialogue options. It's a fallacy that a Jedi Diplomat will never fight. 

    This is true. If we look at Yoda, he is old and wise, and aslo diplomatic if not an actual Jedi diplomat. That said he could also fight if needed.

    We also know from Legends that some of Luke's fellow Jedi was anything from scholars to healers and so on, but they did get combat training of some form. Some, like Corran Horn also kept his pilot's skills up to date so he could remain with Rogue Squadron.

    So yeah, I agree that it would add some flavor that the PC could fail at negotiations, but maybe find another way to get the desired results. 

  7. The problem with the JC story is that it's very bland, and takes some time to get going, and even then it's a bit boring. It lacks a bit in urgency, and the story is moving at glacial speeds at times, like the heal the masters part. It keeps going on and on about it, before the final boss. Chapter 2 is a bit better, and you get Nadia, who is a much needed diversion, as she is much more lively than the others. Chapter 3 is ok, but not much more than that.

    Overall, I think it's the pacing that feels off compared to the other classes. Feels like much ado about nothing in the end.


  8. Yup. Contacting support will help in most cases, unless it's something they can't help with, like a bug or something that's outside their control, like ISP problems and the like.

  9. To me it sounds sounds like something is loading incorrectly with these comps that makes this happen. Like perhaps it calls for the wrong shadows for those comps, and that causes every shadow to spazz out, since dismissing and re-summoning fixes it. 

    A weird bug, but hopefully something they can fix.


  10. So let me get this straight. They have an anti-farming protection in place to prevent farming. 

    But to get this NPC to spawn you have to kill the assistant many times, and thus the anti-farming protection kicks in preventing the item from dropping from the boss. Seems they didn't think that one through at all. 

    Not surprised that the anti-farming protection needs a bit more work... As waiting for a server restart is not exactly an optimal solution...

  11. There is a bug currently with the Westar 19-B/Payday blasters in cutscenes.

    What happens is that in cutscenes, the top part of the blaster is gone, so you can see straight through the weapon and see the environment behind it. It also looks really weird when the character brandishes the gun with parts missing. Looks like they only half way assembled the blasters. The same bug is also present with the Payday blaster.

    Very sad that I got the blasters mentioned above. Good money down the drain.

    It's very distracting, and should get a fix as it's immersion breaking.

    I still wonder how bugs like this is seemingly never caught by the BS testers. Don't you guys test how it looks in cutscenes?

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, JohnnyGatt said:

    I truly can't believe they think that not communicating is acceptable behaviour for any company relying on a community This is not like a single-player game that just requires a good story and at once off purchase a happy community is essential for continuing subscriptions. I don't think I've seen this level of disrespect for a community since the early 2000s when it was acceptable to have a support email simply to delete all communication once a week. Even limiting actual players from communicating on their official forms is ludicrous.. What type of community relations manager thinks one post a week if that is at all acceptable... It's like they're purposely trying to sabotage this game so it will fail and they can move on to more favourable projects.   

    This has sadly been the case for many years now. Why they think going radio silent is beyond me. There has been some improvement, but even that is not very helpfull.

    The radio silence thing started under BioWare some years back and only the Force knows why they did that in the first place.

    Transparency and good communication is vital for game to thrive, but such is not the case around here for the most part.

    • Like 5
  13. They gave us a small sneak peak at 7.5. They said more info is coming in another live stream closer to release.

    I would say to be patient until we know more,

    A crafting update would be nice, and is sorely needed, but I would think something like that would come in 8.0. They usually do not make big updates in 7.x, but rather the big ones.

  14. If we could get Filoni and/or Favreau involved, I think things could improve a lot. 

    They are very good directors and that can be seen in anything they are involved with, from TCW to The Mandalorian. And they care about the IP.

    An entire expansion made by Filoni/Favreau would be really good I think.

    Well, we can dream.

  15. Had a gander at the new dye and... wow, it's pretty bad. Tested it on the Supression armor in preview, and the pink barely showed. It was a very light pink, and against the red, it just looked washed out.

    Might look different onother armors, but I doubt it. A stronger shade of pink may work, but the combo of a deep pearlecent and a light pink was poorly thought out, as the pink barely shows.

  16. It's true enough that the Mando story is really starting to drag now, and even more so when it comes to Malgus and his big plan. The best thing the devs could do now is an expansion pack that can finish both stories in a good way, and then onto new things. 

    The entire 2 story updates a year is getting very long in the tooth by now.

    Was the pruning needed? Well, some abilities were and still is if you read the class guides, very situational. Before the pruning there were more of those abilities, and some I would wager were almost never used, as they had very little use, if any at all. Some I never had any use for as a PvE player, and did wonder why they were even there in the first place.

    Combining some abilities and passives made sense to me, but I'm still stumped as to why they made leveling so boring with long time between new abilities for some most classes.

    A roadmap would be very appreciated, but I don't expect to get any, and if we by a miracle get some sort of roadmap, it will be very vague, and leave things open to speculation.

    We all know the dev team is small, and we also know that the budget is not that high, which makes us sad, as SWTOR has so much potential...

    • Like 1
  17. Just had a strange one happen. Was playing agent, and had every intention to flirt with Raina. I never flirted with Kaliyo, and still got the convo from Raina that I had to choose between her and Kaliyo.

    I never chose a flirt option with Kaliyo. The only thing I can possibly think of is that I went out to party with her once, but that was not a flirt option. 

    It seems to me that some options in the game was meant to be a flirt option at some time before release, but was later removed, but the game still treats it as a flirt.

    When the above happened I was wondering if the game was trolling me. Something is not right with certain choices in the game being treated as Flirt options, even when they are not stated as such...

  18. This is most likely a setting in game. I have the RX 5500 XT, and have none of these problems. I would try like @TrixxieTriss suggest and turn bloom off, as that causes things to look weird. Could also be something simple, like  turning shadows off.

    Other than that, the best thing is try to turn off one thing first and see what happens. Then try the next one and so on. Might take some time, but sometimes it's the only way to get things to look right.

    Oh, it might be the resolution, as the game does look odd at certain levels of resolution.

    Hope this helps.

  19. That part of the story never made much sense to me. You do your best, but are given a choice to save the coolant or the prisoners. Saving the prisoners is clearly the right choice here, as it can't be that hard to get more coolant made.

    Heck, afaik, the reactor coolant we use in atom rectors today is not that hard to make, so it can't possibly be that hard in the SW universe, unless offcourse, it's some kind of special coolant that takes time to make for story reasons, but that is never mentioned.

    And you did the emergency release thing, and things seems stable enough, so getting more coolant made and transported to Kessan's Landing is not that critical.

    Sure, HC getting the coolant may be bad, but we don't know what they intend to use it for yet.

  20. I hope not. That would be really cringe. I have hopes for something a bit more tangible, and a superweapon would fit well. Or they may do both, but so far my bet is on a superweapon, as what you suggest does no seem to be something that fits Heta's MO as we know it from the current story. Mandalorians don't seem to be into that kinda stuff, but a superweapon seems to fit the bill nicely, as mandalorians loves their weapons...

  21. Try contacting support either in-game or try to email support@swtor.com 

    When contacting support, please provide them your player name and server, and most important thing is to be polite, and explain your problem in a clear way.

    Hope that will help.

  22. Not sure to be honset, but just to be sure, you were not in any sort of instance when you reset the mission? Meanig a place like fleet, or just in the open world.

    If you did that, and it still won't work, you may want to contact support, either in game or via mail to support@swtor.com, and explain the problem. They may be able to mark it as completed, or manage to reset it for you.

    Hope this helps.

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