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Everything posted by ChristienB

  1. Hey there! While we are not specifically EU centric, we have many players who play at all hours. Check out our recruitment thread here to see if we might be a good fit for you! We are an established guild in other MMOs, but are relatively new to SWTOR and looking for people who want to grow with us in a fun and pressure-free environment.
  2. Lots of stuff going on! We are working on filling a second progession raid team as well as expanding RP arcs, etc. Daily runs of flashpoints and Ops and conquest objectives. Very helpful and fun group! If you are looking for a place to call home, you are more than welcome to check us out! We are allied with Space Cowboys so there is a home for your Pub side toons as well! http://scelestusimperium.com/
  3. Lots of new things coming on the horizon here. If you are looking for a fun group, a little mayhem and shenanigans, or just looking for a place to call home you are welcome. While the guild has an RP element it is by no means a requirement. Don't trust the cookies though.... cookies are a lie (cheesecake *nods*).
  4. Bumpidty bump. Great group of people and lots of fun!
  5. Rhyme of the Ancient Khem: Bodies, bodies everywhere and not a drop to drink. Bodies, bodies everywhere and all the mobs did shrink...
  6. This just made my day. I more than lol'd. 11/10.
  7. Unfortunately, as it looks so far, they won't even notice this until a server actually DOES crash.
  8. Every time someone on the forum insults another player an NPC dies.
  9. I'm a newb compared to many here. LOL Creation date: 10/26/2011 #2123246
  10. I'm actually surprised this issue hasn't been addressed. There have been posts about this specific thing off and on all day. THIS is game breaking.
  11. If you think it's bad now, just imagine what it's going to look like in a few more days! However, that picture, your companion is Treek... Maybe those are the bodies of all those people she took money from to kill you.
  12. There is one thing that just dawned on me with all of this. Imagine a scenario that no one has mentioned, at least not that I've seen: You level from 1-60 with the pre-expansion companions and invest time to get all their influence up to 50, and then you finish the story at level 60. You click start on chapter 1 for the expansion, and poof, all your level 50 influence companions are gone, you wake up to start over with level 1 influence companions to start it all over again from 61-65. If they actually use the influence system to try to find a compromise, by making companion strength/effectiveness tied much more heavily to influence so as to make them stronger, people would end up with a massive shock when they are not able to use ANY of their "strong" companions in the story from then on (at least until recruited later via the story). In thinking of this, it makes me question not so much if companions should have been nerfed, or if they should be buffed, but if they should have ever had he ability to gear them properly taken away to begin with. Companions were not broken pre 4.0, now they are. I'm not sure there is a fix that can address both sides of this debate, let alone fix having toons at full influence at level 60 and then suddenly not having use of those toons after starting a new story arc, short of making their effectiveness tied to gearing them in some way again. Maybe I am wrong, I don't know. But, if you are used to companions functioning at certain levels, and then you go from that to a whole new group of influence 1 companions, I think this might become a problem down the road. Not trying to flame or say either side is right or wrong here, just realized that companions may be more broken in a way than anyone realized. Yes, we can recruit a few of the ones we had before, and they will return at level 50, but not immediately (until you can access the terminal). I'm not sure that I explained what I'm trying to say here well. I apologize if it doesn't make sense.
  13. This is working as intended. Their regular QA team was on vacation, so they had the cleaning bots test 4.0.2 before it was launched. They just haven't caught back up with their regular duties.
  14. Honestly, I wasn't sure beforehand if I would like, or for that matter dislike, level sync. I figured I'd wait and see. I did, and honestly, I don't mind it. I started a new toon specifically to check it out, and managed to stay above level without difficulty. I also haven't minded being downgraded much going to older planets with my max levels. Level sync is not game-breaking, in my opinion. Am I unhappy at the moment, yes. But, it's not level sync, it's not just the companion nerf, it's a combination of many things. Before anyone jumps on me for not liking the companion nerf, let me first say I do NOT want them back to 4.0 levels, I just think the nerf went a little too far. I am also unhappy with many bugs lingering for years and Bioware meddling with stupid things before stomping those out. But, I digress... I actually started this post to say that we need to stop attacking each other and belittling those who do not share the same opinion as we do. Think the game needs to be more challenging and like the hardcore stuff? Right on! You are entitled to that opinion and style of game play. On the other side and want to burn through stuff because you don't have tons of time to play, or whatever else? Also right on! You are also entitled to your opinion and style of game play. Throwing insults back and forth, each blaming the other side for a Bioware decision gets us nowhere but way off topic. Every play style is required to keep the game healthy and player base robust. We should not be making other players the enemy here (well, except in PvP maps ). Can we all let people express how they feel about the game without attacking each other and their opinions?
  15. And this is the corner they have painted themselves into now. By failing to utilize the PTS and seek feedback before a massive change you have polarized the community. While there are plenty of folks on both sides of the issue, there is one thing everyone on each side agrees on: this was a massive change. Now, if they roll it back, on side will be thrilled and another will be livid. If they do nothing, same thing for the other side. If they find a middle ground that they think will work, they risk alienating BOTH sides of the issue.
  16. Honestly, this is the only feedback that truly holds any validity. If people are happy, they stay subbed, if they are unhappy they leave. Simple metrics. The rest can all be twisted to bolster either side of the issue, depending on which side is the more popular that day. Hard, easy, ultra hard, expert, casual or everything in between doesn't matter if players aren't happy and spending money. I know it's impossible to make the entire player base happy all of the time, but again, the only real metric that matters in the long run is how many subs they keep versus lose. None of us can really predict those numbers. In the end, the only thing they will respond to is are they making money or not.
  17. While I often browse the forums and get some good snickers over the various controversies o' the week, I actually feel I need to weigh in on this one. You ask for feedback and then provide us with a list of "we want to know this and that and the next thing," like we are your QA team or beta testers. This honestly should have been placed on the PTS and opened up for thorough player testing, and I'm sure with a change such as this, you would have had plenty of people going to test it and you'd have been able to gather all the information you needed. Rather than doing that, in this era of Bioware's promised more open communication, you tried to stealth this change on the community and were forced to acknowledge it because it was being discussed and people weren't happy. Rather than look at some of that feedback, you forced this on the general population and expected what result really? I don't fault anyone on either side of this issue for being passionate about their opinions, nor do I think either side is wrong (some people are just being jerks on both sides though). The fault for the venom flying back and forth on these forums now lies squarely on Bioware's shoulders with the way this was handled and handing the community that is in turmoil a "to do list" in the midst of all this is only going to add fuel to the fire. Again, you have a PTS, use it.
  18. Hmmm. Sorry everyone, meant for this to go in the guild recruitment section. My bad!
  19. Greetings fellow Ebon Hawkers! Up to this point, I have mainly played with a few friends here and there, and never really was fussed about finding a guild. However, now none of my friends play, and I've begun to realize that the universe is a vast and lonely place at times. I have been playing SWTOR off and on since launch, and am one of those (*gasp*) crazy people who actually likes the game, and has few complaints to regale the forums with. I am not seeking a guild that has strict guidelines, requirements, etc. I drift away from individual games for months at a time, as my attention span finds another "oh shiny" and heads off to scratch that itch. Also, real life is where the true focus should be, so I don't want anything that requires you play X many hours a week/month, etc. This is a game. For those of you hardcore players out there, more power to you, and I do not begrudge you that at all, it's just not for me. So, if there are guilds of friendly people, who are just a bit quirky and odd, who understand and respect the vast diversity of the denizens of the universe and revel in them, and just plain enjoy having a good laugh, that is what I seek. I would love to try some aspects of the game I have never delved into: PvP, Flashpoints, Operations, etc. I hadn't realized how much of the game I have been missing! My personal goal is to max out one of each class for both Empire and Republic. At current I am working on a Sith Inquisitor. I have a high level consular, but it's been so long I'm going to delete and start over. I've never really played end game content since I've only maxed one! Anyway, thanks for reading, and I look forward to new and interesting experiences out there in the pixels of SWTOR!
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