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Everything posted by cakeyeah

  1. 12/12 still not in. Code redeemed around 8am GMT
  2. Just a few points (coming from a pvp healing point of view). Sorry if they've already been raised.... Shields are your friends. They give you breathing space to assess what's going on with the damaged target and whether you can get away with hoting them and moving on or spending some time focus healing them. Get used to your heals. This seems obvious but better gear will improve your heals. This can lead to inefficiency due to overhealing until you get used to the new numbers. It's always worth just spamming heals on yourself for a bit just to feel them out when you get new stuff. Time will teach you which heal to use when and that takes time. Get another set of eyes. You're watching bars, immediate space around you AND immediate space around the people you're in charge of. Unfortunately you're expected to cover a lot of other people's idiocy...people love to stand in fire or right next to the 6 guys hitting them. Get a thick skin. People love crying about healing. PVP will make you a better healer. You learn to become more reactive. You'll also develop that thick skin quickly. And never forget... the "lets see if you can get to 1hp before I heal you" game is cruel.....but very very fun.
  3. It's because they are preparing the server for the arrival of TENPLUS WARBANDS
  4. Dear Bioware, Thank you for two days of lack of transparency and customer support in your "wave" system. Thank you for the 3 40 minute long calls it took to even get someone to answer the phone (Though an actual thank you for sorting out my issue eventually). Thank you for reminding me that I was already burnt once by an EA backed MMO and that I should have known better. Thank you for the ability to skip through conversations. Seriously, thank you for that.
  5. Let's band together and make out own MMO.... Spaceballs: The Old Megamaid. Chances are we can't engage in such a huge public relations screw up when we launch it as Bioware have in the past 3 days.
  6. What a dickmove not to carry on past 3pm and get everyone in.
  7. Anyone with an Ace Rimmer sig gets my vote. Well said, sir.
  8. RC farmed people in GW? I hear RA was hard, couldn't really see from way up the ladder.
  9. We could do with some decent Empire guilds. I'm seeing 99% scrubs. Wiping 40+ with 15 gets boring after the tenth time.
  10. Can you see effective healing rather than just straight healing? If so, whoever tops that, otherwise someone in my guild for teh extra stuff they'll get.
  11. A sound point. From what I can see, the difference between TOFN and LOL is that TOFN will have a high proportion of guilds that have made OPVP their focus for a long time now (and,given that a lot of the English speaking guilds going Republic have at least a cordial relationship with each other via WAR and/or Rift, it doesn't really matter about the percentage of non-english speaking guilds as far as co-ordination goes), whereas LOL is more people coming from less OPVP-centric titles. Plus LOL has an awesome name for us TOFN'ers to flame.
  12. Don't worry, ruscorp may have 300 players, but 301 of them are crap.
  13. I'm not going to knock wow pvp: I was r14 before xrealm bgs, got s1 and 2 glad....but having come from GW pvp, playing at at reasonably high level on a regular basis, you have to admit that wow pvp was never difficult to begin with and got easier...to the point of being so easy you could shave a chimp, chop off one of it's hands and tape it's eyes shut and it could still pvp as well as 99% of the players.... as time went on. I'm sorry but even top ranked pvp players in wow were only average pvp players compared to some found in more pvp-centric games. Oh and zergs are always beaten by co-ordinated groups. The thing you're forgetting is that there is a large population of guilds (on eu servers at least) who are used to running that set up against superior numbers and have honed the skillsets needed in DOAC and WAR for example.
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