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Everything posted by DizzD

  1. To all those who screamed bloody murder when myself and many others called for a gear check: Enjoy your failgroups. Maybe you'll listen to us vets next time.
  2. Prophecy of the Five server...is this universal? It's gotten progressively worse over the weekend and it's being experienced by ALL players regardless of ping etc.
  3. You could relatively say the same for any reason someone bought it(statue, booklet, etc). One person's value scheme is not another's so your argument is moot in it's differentiation. I bought the CE because I have the disposable income, and I enjoy the prospect of regular upates(as stated by BW) to an exclusive vendor which would give me a steady flow of rare fluff items for my own lulz. The only way in which i'm a "sucker" is that the value proposition promised to me which prompted my purchase(regularly updated CE vendor) has not been adequately delivered(one re-skinned pet in 6mo. is NOT adequate).
  4. This...false advertising in the literal sense.
  5. Sound has been jacked since beta. I'm beginning to think it is catastrophically flawed and will never function properly.
  6. Your CPU is simply outdated. You could pass with your current video card, but your cpu is the bottleneck. Shadows are very process intensive(not sure if CPU or GPU rendered in SWTOR but i'm leaning towards the former) AND SWTOR is horribly optimized, plus it uses a very sub-par game engine to begin with. Fleet issues may have more to do with server overhead from drawing extra players(this induced much lag within the game engine) than your rendering performance per se. Unless you upgrade your hardware, you are going to have to live with performance tradeoffs in SWTOR. (and some game engine related performance issues are probably just here to stay)
  7. "As long as Bioware insists that they have to maintain complete control, they also have to accept full responsibility." This - stop trying to blame the players for everything.
  8. /Clasps hands excitedly, makes popcorn, waits for the almighty wrath of the offended purists.
  9. Thanks OP, BW should pay you and they should feel bad because their list is bad.
  10. If my characters are still on a dead server once transfers are finished I will unsub and never look back. There is no point to playing an "MMO" on a dead server, and I refuse to pay or re-roll to fix someone else's mistakes.
  11. You DO realize this is 2012 right? Every MMO that launches is compared to 2012 WoW, and rightly so. By that comparison SWTOR has been severely lacking in several categories and the game has all but died within the last 3 months with most servers literally ghost towns. Welcome back though, maybe BW can turn it around with these transfers. Here's hoping they do!
  12. Forcing players to roll opposing faction *against their will* just so they can progress their preferred toons is an easy way to make people consider unsubbing.
  13. TBH no matter what logic you use, the casuals won't listen because they have no idea *** they're talking about in the first place. Prediction: 1. BW ignores our advice and launches Group Finder without a gear check 2. Casuals rejoice and praise BW for being so delightfully egalitarian 3. Group Finder is a partial fail due to casuals and baddies constantly being kicked rather than carried 4. People abandon Group Finder except for pre-made daily bonus and lowbie crap
  14. Finally a casual/baddie who actually admits the TRUE nature of their complaint against item level reqs: They want to be carried!
  15. Yet another example of why mergers would have been a superior solution.
  16. Worried about "realism" in a game about magic space people. Priceless.
  17. Apparently we do since there is STILL no info on X-fers other than the same old "Coming Soon" BS we've been fed for months.
  18. I am TOTALLY not an RP guy, but the OP raises some valid points. BW created a wonderful single player game, then tacked on some pretty damn good PVP, some lackluster end game content and tried to get away with less than minimal MMO functionality. Most of BW's money and effort went into crap that I'm forced to spacebar through every day. Crap that is meaningless after the 1st time you see it, and downright infuriating the 100th time you have to spacebar through it. We've had to beg for months just to get the most rudimentary customization, personalization and useability systems implemented. This doesn't FEEL like an MMO. Hell, most single player games these days allow for more customization. Single player...actually SWTOR is becoming a literal single player game on many servers now. All I can say is, BW needs to seriously reconsider their own personal definition of "Massively Multiplayer".
  19. If you believe this I have a Nigerian lottery ticket to sell you.
  20. Scaling the instance to the group is a neat idea, but is a far more complicated solution than a gear check, and would require 5 gajillion metric crap-tons of back end programming work(ie. won't happen).
  21. No offense, but your entire post is so completely off base it's frankly difficult for me to believe that you are in fact an MMO vet as claimed. I was a guild/raid leader in EQ2(and other games) for years and any guild remotely involved in progression sure as **** has gear requirements. For all the casual players who don't understand anything about MMOs let me explain WHY you have gear requirements with a real world analogy that anyone should be able to understand: If you show up to your team's softball game wearing a suit, tie and dress shoes, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY! You will NOT be helping your team by showing up without the proper gear. IN FACT YOU WILL HURT YOUR TEAM'S CHANCE OF WINNING BY INSISTING TO PLAY WITH IMPROPER GEAR. South Park Ski Instructor style: "Show up to play with improper gear...and your gonna have a bad time." Without gear check there will be 2 outcomes for most HM and some Storymode stuff: 1. Stick with the group you're dealt and fail for hrs. 2. Replace half the group/raid if you want to win, which defeats the purpose of having the tool to begin with. p.s. NONE of this will even matter unless server population issues are solved first...so yeah.
  22. Yeah because obviously bugs aren't an issue anymore and who needs CS staff going into a massive server transfer campaign? /sarcasm OFF EA is wielding the Axe of Firing because SWTOR is performing below expectations, pure and simple. Note to self: avoid this drone's podcast.
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