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Everything posted by AnHero

  1. I agree it was a terrible game. It did have an excellent crafting system I will admit, but most of the rest is awful. You're also right in the fact that the community made the game. It made the ridiculously large scale pvp base matches fun, it made rp remarkable, yadayada other good things. But i do not believe you are in a position to call facts on it. that's what's offensive. I believe it's in your right to say everything dismissive about the game as much as you'd like, but It's incorrect to assume the facts say it was ****. tl;dr, im made not because of what you feel about swg. Im frustrated because you state this information as fact when it is clearly opinion, and that is offensive towards others and expecting to generate a hateful response.
  2. I played on Sunrunner, my friends list of 800 had nobody on, and any given planet or city such as restuss was completely empty for months. During the last few months of the game I saw more users online at a given time with events getting up to 200 people. While not more than ever like you corrected, it certainly was higher population wise than it was for my server in the past three years of playing.
  3. I believe this only applys on PvP servers. Or in the case of PvP zones (which are designated for pvp) In PvE servers it is not possible to engage an enemy without toggling your pvp flag, while the enemies flag is also ticked. Also OP is requesting a bounty be assigned to a pvp enemy that has guild a player during world pvp. The only forced pvp would be on those who are killing enemies on pvp. Im neither in support nor against, just correcting some facts.
  4. I really did have more fun than any game I have ever played in the last month of SWG operating. More players than ever, more abilities, flying starships in the atmoshere, the constant parties. Even the devs/gm's could be messaged in game and make lowbies to 90 with geared out armor for everybody to have fun. (I had my ent alt turned into a BH with full primus mando. Fantastic guy) It truly went out with a fantastic bang.
  5. Once again, there is no need to be so rude about it. Your opinion is fine to have, but it's an opinion. People are allowed to enjoy an online experience that you could not comprehend enjoying. Defending your opinion when its not necessary and flaming others for liking what they like is very childish. Although tbh you're more obsessed with swg than the people that enjoy it apparently. The fact that you jump the gun so quickly about it shows how much of an impact it has made on you. In my opinion, a work of art, media, or game that is able to create such profound emotions in people must in some ways be great. For the goal of any product is not to get consumers to like it, but to get consumers to recognize it. (and make money as a direct consequence) I can already predict every possible response to my statement, enjoy the bait.
  6. there really is no need to be such a jerk about it. People enjoyed playing that game. There's no need to insult it unless your only objective is to make players frustrated. In that case, that states a lot about your emotional maturity. Regardless, id like a bounty system in this game. I feel as though it would be as a penalty against world pvpers who choose to gank others. I can see that being quite fair. Regardless, I don't feel too strongly one way or the other. And if having my opinion entitles me to be harassed for it then so be it.
  7. Why cant I ever see goodbye posts with constructive and positive replies... Well at least you said good luck to the fella...
  8. I was on Sunrunner which had heavy RP and PvP communities. I supported banning for RP cities for some obvious reasons, but for pvp guild cities I shunned joining guilds that ever banned enemies.
  9. Feel free to come on back any time you like, a game is a game and if it's not a fun experience, then you should not force yourself to play it. Glad to see a constructive goodbye post without much ranting/etc. Would be glad to welcome you back in the future, the game needs more people like you. Bon voyage!
  10. Could be like me and notice a bh coming to my guild city for no good reason and respond by immediately running inside my house and making the permissions private just in time to save my ***. Then proceed to decorate for a good two hours as the bh flames me for not being a man while I discover abilities in interior design that I never expected to fruit. good ol days
  11. I mean... Players have been begging and pleading for real space combat for just about two years now. Bioware has been working on incorporating this for a very long time. I can understand the frustration at only having two maps right now but I for one am glad to finally be able to play competitive space combat against other players whenever I want to. id rather play it now and get bored of the same maps than wait 6 months for 6 maps that I would get bored with in a slightly longer period of time.
  12. It really would be nice... I have a mountain of the stuff too. If it went to a separate buy-back tab with a 2-week buy-back timer attached to each item I really don't see how it could go wrong at all. This of course should not apply to items granted by collections. Only on the first item to create the collection. But maybe that could be exploitable...
  13. I was attempting to be sarcastic, but after looking into it. I think you might be right. what a scary world we live in.
  14. I am a little against this, as appealing as they are for old players it would make an incredibly aversive experience towards new players. Global gifts for all players would be fine for holidays, but in regards of Veteran rewards I'd only like to see titles such as "two year player"/etc to be given, nothing beyond that because it might cause a large amount of discontent.
  15. Granted, but upon completetion you learn that it was actually just a reskin of Gears of War. Due to this the game became a laughingstock and you essentially became this person (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWb3cxA4g_U) hundreds of lawsuits caused the game to be repossessed by the government from your own home because it is now illegally owned property. I wish for the ability to have the strength and resilience of a hundred people while maintaining a healthy body and sexy physique.
  16. I for one really like the items. They are not items that will cause players to be envious of other players, and they're fun to do. It's a gift and I am quite happy to recieve it.
  17. Hypocrisy is probably not the correct word to utilize. The collectors edition is still purchasable through online retailers, even at discounted values from the original price, so these exclusive items are still obtainable by people willing to spend the money for it. I was purely stating that to display empathy towards those that think differently than myself. I can definitely understand the appeal of having exclusive items for a short period of time. But you have to acknowledge that a lot of these items should be able to be re-obtained after their removal from the game. The example with my father. I am a collector, a huge one at that. I own every single armor set valued at one mil and beyond in the game. However because of his accident I needed to prioritize making sure he was alive for the period the gree event went on. Is it fair to me or others that I was not able to complete it? Thankfully the event is coming back and I can complete my blue scalene set, but until then I was left high and dry (not like it mattered to me much at the time). Also another poster had a very good point that many of these discontinued items are required to gain certain achievements in the game. I can really understand the will for gamers to have something special, hell EA makes a fortune off of that feeling by offering exclusives or pre-order bonuses for every single product they make. But there is a limit, and when that limit has been crossed too far you can expect to see a number of people additionally losing interest in continuing the game simply because they can never achieve the cool armor sets or exclusive weapons that older players will only have access to. Call them fickle if you may, but if you or I were in their situation we would probably feel the same.
  18. So the lotto tickets that I purchase for $5 that state (at minimum $1 in prizes guaranteed) are actually not examples of gambling right? I mean according to the logic in this board, I am guaranteed to not walk out empty handed after all, I do get something every time. So I think of it as gambling and purchase these without hesitation!
  19. Well, one thing lead to another... Darth Malak certainly caused more long-term damage than even he could have expected.
  20. For OP, I personally use my alts to play GSF to exclusively get them through early-levels. I think that the stock loadouts for each ship are actually quite competitive. I get around top 3 in the leaderboards per match using either the scout or my gunship. Both do fine. My recommendation is to do three or so GSF battles and upgrading your main weapon to version that suits your playstyle more. I think it's balanced pretty well, and even if all the other players have mastered ships, you should still be able to have a competitive chance against them. For upclose dogfights in scouts, try pressing X to lower your speed below the S buttons slow-speed cap. You'll get a lot stronger maneuverability to out-turn most other ships and fire at them as they attempt to circle around you and lock in.
  21. Though I would not have said it in those particular words, I completely agree with you. I am a collectors edition holder and subbed since day one. I have tons and tons of discontinued items in my inventory, Rakata armor in particular looks great and is no longer unavailable. I'm not going to be a part of the immature group of people that wants to hold on to discontinued items for the sake of making other players envious. Swtor needs to have everything always accessible, even discontinued item shells via reputation grinding or some other means. The only people who really go against this are the real minority in the game, the minority that wants to hold on to something that others can never get no matter the amount of time they spend playing the game. That's simply just wrong. Anyways I support the idea of reintroducing the same items and possibly new items into every single monthly/yearly event. It's something that will guarantee higher longevity and customer satisfaction with the game. I feel that the only people who would get frustrated at this aspect are quite selfish and not sympathetic towards players who casually play the game at their own pace. My father was hospitalized from an accident and I had missed my chance to fully collect the blue scalene set last time, I will be glad to finish my set this time. A lot of players for various reasons have no access to discontinued items and a lot of those reasons are quite justified. They should be given the chance to regain them again in the future instead of being permanently locked out because of circumstances not in their control. I can definitely understand the point of view from a veteran players standpoint, example being is that I constantly wear my collectors edition dye and armor around the fleet just for the sake of a few PST messages saying "where did you get that from?" I also was an avid player of star wars galaxies, getting my veteran rewards ingame for playing the game for seven years. I can certainly understand the level of joy that comes with owning exclusive discontinued items that grant you a unique appearance, but it's still quite unfair to other players. A big part of the reason SWG during my time went down at such a steady pace was due to the fact that the game was so unfair to new players. Unless you had years of experience/items/credits on your character, you were completely helpless and had absolutely no means of competing against other players. Of course swtor will never turn into something that bad, but exclusively locking out new players from gaining the 'full experience' will certainly diminish their will to enjoy the game. Which is something I really want them to not miss out on because I want to see this game succeed and grow. TL;DR, Let old items be recycled as many times as they need to be so people can continue to have fantastic choices for what they want to appear as in the game instead of being eternally envious of players who just happened to subscribe earlier than they did. I own a lot of discontinued items. Probably more so than most day one players, will this hurt my individuality a bit? Not in the least.
  22. actually, have an alt renamed to Jonathan after the server name allowance felt pretty good Also got Frederick and Harvey
  23. I've got a great fix to that http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=378 Shadowlands server forums, if I made a mistake and you're seeking other information just ask away.
  24. Respec is a term well known by swg players. Many know it from the implementation of the combat Upgrade and New Game Enhancements, people were given the ability to reassign skill points and classes to whatever they desired with the drastic differences in mechanics from those two updates as compensation for the difficulties adapting. It was also utilized for people to reset their skill trees for the NGE setup, a lot of people who played SWG meant a lot of things when they said respec and it really depended on the context tl;dr, SWG did use respec a lot, but it's not an exclusive term. Respec is a commonly used term in MMO's
  25. Shockingly enough, the sensuous dress is probably the best looking dress that this game has ever had. But I play on a pvp server, so RP is not in my best interests right now. This packs contents is really disappointing. If Darth Bandon's robes were in it, or if Mandalore The Ultimate's armor were in it, or even some bulky looking hunter armor that doesn't have an insect helmet were in it I'd totally buy this pack. Kreia's robes would be something id love to have on a female character. Especially if they made two white hairpieces coming down the right and left side. Maybe Bao-Dur's cybernetic arm or a T3-M4 pet would be quite cool. With the bounty update I think it'd be cool to have a carbonite vehicle. You would be the guy encased in carbonite and move around exactly like the short-term pet you get with contract completion. Hell i'd just love to pay cartel coins to have the ability to add a age facial feature that would place wrinkles on each facial model in varying degrees of elderly status. My two cents, not going to publish this in the cartel suggestion board, just thought I'd share my wishes for sets with you all.
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